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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    Thanks for your reply. The problem did turn out to be with the font, which was at a different version between the different systems. (The same font problem is described by someone else using a different terminal at )

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    I have this problem on one of my systems, but I can't find the misconfiguration. The mlterm configuration at least is identical. I have encoding=UTF8 and auto_detect_encodings=false, and my locale is LANG=en_CA.UTF-8. But mlterm is somehow treating the Unicode close-quotation marks U+2018 (’) and U+201D (”) as something like combining acute accents, instead of themselves. That is, I see something like $ echo $'These are \u2018single\u2019 and \u201Cdouble\u201D quotes.' These are ‘singlé and “double̋...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    I have this problem on one of my systems, but I can't find the misconfiguration. The mlterm configuration at least is identical. I have encoding=UTF8 and auto_detect_encodings=false, and my locale is LANG=en_CA.UTF-8. But mlterm is somehow treating the Unicode close-quotation marks U+2018 (’) and U+201D (”) as something like combining acute accents, instead of themselves. That is, I see something like $ echo $'These are \u2018single\u2019 and \u201Cdouble\u201D quotes.' These are ‘singlé and “double̋...

  • Created ticket #17 on mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator)

    Feature request: Configurable meta key prefix

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2001-03-09 14:38:29


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