User Activity

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on DragonOS_Pi64

    Hello Cemaxecuter and Сommunity. It possible to install DragonOS_pi64 in headless mode? It would make life much easier). For example in the official image you can configure auto-connect to home network and allow ssh by creating two files in root folder of your SDcard: 1. Empty file "ssh"; 2. Conf file "wpa_supplicant.conf". "wpa_supplicant.conf": country=US ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ scan_ssid=1 ssid="name" psk="pass" }

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on DragonOS_Pi64

    Hello Cemaxecuter and Сommunity. It possible to install DragonOS_pi64 in headless mode? It would make life much easier). For example in the official image you can configure auto-connect to home network and allow ssh by creating two files in root folder of your SDcard: 1. Empty file named "ssh"; 2. Conf file named "wpa_supplicant.conf". "wpa_supplicant.conf": country=US ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ scan_ssid=1 ssid="name" psk="pass" }

  • Created ticket #14 on DragonOS_Focal

    Waveconverter - tool for reverse engineering.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #13 on DragonOS_Focal

    Enable UEFI, write ISO as DD. Boot in live, double tap on installation-icon and follow the installation guide. I installed DragonOS in dual-boot on two laptops without any problem. Probably you are doing something wrong. Best Regards

  • Created ticket #11 on DragonOS_Focal

    Extension module for GNU Radio

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2021-09-04 23:27:18


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This is a list of skills that Dmitry possesses:

  • Python
  • Linux
  • MySQL
  • Cryptography
  • C

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