Activity for Klaus

  • Klaus Klaus created ticket #1612

    Support for outline-editing in the outline pane

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Regarding Linux: There was a suggestion for this on superuser. Short summary: Add data of any kind to the end of the container file, e.g. with dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1G count=4 >> [1]. Use resize2fs on veracrypt entry in /dev/mapper to resize the filesystem inside the resized container. Beware: As far as I can tell this method will make Veracrypt unable to find the backup header, and I don't know if Veracrypt supports recreating it. [1] On superuser, using /dev/zero was suggested, which...

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #965

    I think I know what was intended here. Please reopen the issue. In the manual I couldn't find any indication, that this issue was reported based on a misunderstanding of available features. My preferred behavior Environments define a nesting-level, and are indented (as usual in programming languages). Start and end of each environment are instantly visible from the indentation structure. \begin{align} \begin{pmatrix}{cc} a_{11} & a_{12} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} b_{11} & b_{12}...

  • Klaus Klaus modified a comment on ticket #2230

    Reason for non-.tex filenames I am using file-names other than .tex, because a Journal I am trying to submit to allows only one .tex file per submission. Workaround In Options → Configure TexStudio → Internal PDF Viewer, set Synchronized Filetypes to *.* instead of the default value *.tex. However, I noticed that in the .inc file also in-editor features like \ref completion and Rightclick on Label → Go To Defintion are broken. These are not fixed by the workaround.

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #2230

    Reason for non-.tex filenames I am using file-names other than .tex, because a Journal I am trying to submit to allows only one .tex file per submission. Workaround In Options → Configure TexStudio → Internal PDF Viewer, set Synchronized Filetypes to *.* instead of the default value *.tex. However, I noticed that in the .inc file also in-editor features like \ref completion and Rightclick on Label → Go To Defintion are broken.

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #2230

    Backward search also works everywhere from within SumatraPDF, so it seems to be an issue with the command sent by the internal viewer.

  • Klaus Klaus created ticket #2230

    Synctex backward search fails for file extensions other than `.tex`.

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #710

    Paste images from Paint , Photoshop , Gimp This can't be done. Image information...

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #1369

    Sorry, I missed that here must be four instead of three double-quotes before the...

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #1369

    Workaround: External PDF Viewer "PATH\TO\SCRIPTFILE.CMD" -inverse-search "C:\Program...

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #1369

    Regarding "" vs \": I think the former syntax worked in earlier versions of Windows,...

  • Klaus Klaus created ticket #1369

    Cannot pass inverse search command to Sumatra PDF from commandline.

  • Klaus Klaus created ticket #1361

    Autocompletion for \newcommand treats optional arguments as required arguments

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on discussion TXS - Help

    For standard LaTeX commands, that include files such as \include, \input and some...

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #225

    I am running into the same problem. It actually seems to be a bug in the intel graphics...

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on discussion TXS - Open Discussion

    The package standalone allows creating child documents, that can be compiled on their...

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #1138

    Forgot to mention: - Linux Mint 14.04 32bit - Compiling the latest .tar.gz release...

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on discussion TXS - Help

    When reading the release notes on 2.8.4 improved syncing to PDF: don't scroll PDF...

  • Klaus Klaus posted a comment on ticket #761

    While the behaviour makes sense for changing the name of a previously existing environment,...