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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CANopenNode

    Hi, Is anyone aware of CiA302 part 3 (configuration and program download) having been implemented with CANopenNode ? I have yet to obtain that standard, but I would presume that program download operates something on the lines of the following: 1 Application firmware CANopenNode stack receives download request 2 Application firmware starts bootloader firmware running CANopenNode stack, perhaps cutdown copy 3 Bootloader firmware receives via SDO domain transfer, new application firmware image, perhaps...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CANopenNode

    Hi all, The question I have, is perhaps a little 'tangential' to the CANopenNode stack. So apologies if thought so. Perhaps there's a better suited discussion forum, for the question I have, which is as follows: I wondered, has anyone on their travels, come across a PC-based CANopen tool, that in the first instance, accepts CANopen errors from object 1001h bitfield, or 1003h error history, or slave emitted EMCY messages, and records those errors in a scrollable table, with columns for PC date, PC...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CANopenNode

    Accidental duplicate, PC played up, sorry ! Couldn't spot a way to entirely remove this post, mods feel free ..

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CANopenNode

    Accidental duplicate, PC played up, sorry !

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CANopenNode

    Hi all, The question I have, is perhaps a little 'tangental' to the CANopenNode stack. So apologies if thought so. Perhaps there's a better suited discussion forum, for the question I have, which is as follows: I wondered, has anyone on their travels, come across a PC-based CANopen tool, that in the first instance, accepts CANopen errors from object 1001h bitfield, or 1003h error history, or slave emitted EMCY messages, and records those errors in a scrollable table, with columns for PC date, PC...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CANopenNode

    Hi all, The question I have, is perhaps a little 'tangental' to the CANopenNode stack. So apologies if thought so. Perhaps there's a better suited discussion forum, for the question I have, which is as follows: I wondered, has anyone on their travels, come across a PC-based CANopen tool, that in the first instance, accepts CANopen errors from object 1001h bitfield, or 1003h error history, or slave emitted EMCYmessages, and records those errors in a scrollable table, with columns for PC date, PC time,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CANopenNode

    Hi all, The question I have, is perhaps a little 'tangental' to the CANopenNode stack. So apologies if thought so. Perhaps there's a better suited discussion forum, for the question I have, which is as follows: I wondered, has anyone on their travels, come across a PC-based CANopen tool, that in the first instance, accepts CANopen errors from object 1001h bitfield, or 1003h error history, and records those errors in a scrollable table, with columns for PC date, PC time, and the error code number...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CANopenNode

    Hi all, The question I have, is perhaps a little 'tangental' to the CANopenNode stack. So apologies if thought so. Perhaps there's a better suited discussion forum, for the question I have, which is as follows: I wondered, has anyone on their travels, come across a PC-based CANopen tool, that in the first instance, accepts CANopen errors from object 1001h bitfield, or 1003h error history, and records those errors in a scrollable table, with columns for PC date, PC time, and the error code number...

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2015-01-29 15:53:51


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