Hi all, I was playing with Jamulus on windows 10 using asio4all. I noticed there is no obvious way to see xruns. Presume it should be in asio4all? Surely xruns exist in windows. Is there another small utility to see them ? I do not want to load a big complex app like Reaper or Ardour. Thanks.
DonC, is there anyway the smaller unmixed opus data files per channel could be saved to file for post editing ? Perhaps with a synchronization mark added at the start so we line them up together ?
I understand that that Jamulus uses the Opus audio codec. Opus is a compressed / ‘lossy’ audio coding format but some say it a better quality audio than MP3 and AAC. An opus file is an audio file created in the Opus format and can store audio at 982 kB per minute.. (128 kbps stereo 32000 Hz) A WAV file is a raw audio format that is uncompressed/ ‘lossless’ audio and is around 10 MB per min. So if OPUS is native to Jamulus and has a compression ratio of approx 10:1, why does the Jamulus server store...
I understand that that Jamulus uses the Opus audio codec. Opus is a compressed / ‘lossy’ audio coding format but some say it a better quality audio than MP3 and AAC. A .opus file is an audio file created in the Opus format and can store audio at 982 kB per minute.. (128 kbps stereo 32000 Hz) A WAV file is a raw audio format that is uncompressed/ ‘lossless’ audio and is around 10 MB per min. So if OPUS is native to Jamulus and has a compression ratio of approx 10:1, why does the Jamulus server store...
This looks like a really impressive spin on Jamulus. We played with this a little last night. We were amazed that a £15 gaming headset (headphones with a mic) was able to get 64 frame size. ! Well done. Also, we really like the way you use a tablet to connect 'wirelessly' to the pi4. May I ask, have you built in some type of logic/process to work out the lowest frame size ? Also, who do you see product aimed at ?
Where do we post extra info to add to the jamulus.io website ? Thought there might be a separate section for it on this discussion forum ?
We played with Jitsi but it requires far more cpu than Zoom. We really like the idea of it though as you can run your own video server and not have to wait for it to goto to the US and back. We were using the latest software release.
Hi All, When we record a session on the server of all the individual clients audio, it saves it a wav files. Is there any way to save it as mps or other compressed format ? As the these are far more efficient for storage.
The delay is not acceptable for something like a choir where you have to see the Conductoir very near to realtime.
Im getting an error on install. see pic.
Choirs really need some basic video (black + white/ low res ? ) of the MD cueing them in for their section.
Hi Team, Has anyone video screen recorded the Jamulus moving sliders with the changing audio on Linux ? I have tried various screen recorders like Simple ScreenRecorder (SSR) etc. I can record the video of the sliders moving up and down but I cannot get the audio on it. I think SSR is limited to 44100 sample rate but says it can record other rates...but no luck for me. SSR pops up on qjackctl connections but I cannot patch it to work. Any ideas I can try ?
...and that damn 40min time limit on zoom drives me nuts.
...and that damn 40min time limit on zoom gives me nuts.
i should really say here is i am really just trying to get some coders to pickup Jitsi to develop as a real challenge to zoom. The integration with Jam is a pipe dream. If jitsi was a low cpu app it could run independent of Jamulus but compliment it in being open source.
Chris, but you can start multiple instances of Jamulus on the same PC. So I had 2 Jam's running in stero mode. So I was able to patch (via jack) 4 channels to Jamulus- thats is mp3#1, L,R, mp3#2, L,R
DonC, the only video setups I have read about are the Worldjam ones. That is a massive and comples operation and not really for small bands.
Think we can agree that the majority of Jamulus users desire video as well but I think that breaks into 2 groups of users: 1) video for band members to see each other. That can be low res/ even black and white that is in sync with Jamulus. It could even only transmit when the person moves ! 2) video for an non musician Audience. Should be high(er) res and will need to be synced with the audio aggregate. I am NOT suggesting here that the video is made so fast that it syncs with Jamulus. But perhaps...
Think we can agree that the majority of Jamulus users desire video as well but I think that breaks into 2 groups of users: 1) video for band members to see each other. That can be low res/ even black and white that is in sync with Jamulus. It could even only transmit when the person moves ! 2) video for an non musician Audience. Should be high(er) res and will need to be synced. I am NOT suggesting that the video is made so fast that it syncs with Jamulus. But perhaps create an variable audio delay...
Think we can agree that the majority of Jamulus users desire video as well but I think that breaks into 2 groups of users: 1) video for band members to see each other. That can be low res/ even black and white that is in sync with Jamulus. 2) video for an non musician Audience. Should be high(er) res and will need to be synced. I am NOT suggesting that the video is made so fast that it syncs with Jamulus. But perhaps create an variable audio delay function on the jamulus aggregate audio feed that...
Jamulus is a great product but really needs a video package with it. I totally understand that you need to kep a clear cpu to keep the low delays and video really eats up cpu. Would be great to have Jamulus and Jitsi on the same or 2 seperate local servers. At the moment I think zoom has the smallest cpu usuage but it has poor lag/delay times as the image gets bounced off to the US for data scraping no doubt. I was looking at Jitsi as open source and you can build your own local Jitsi server. So...
Has anyone tried to pump a channel from Ardour to Jamulus ? Ideally i need to pump 4 tracks at the same time. Do i still need to go via jack ? Need it as automated as possible.
create 2 instances of mpg123 from terminal/command line
Forget that. i found you just need to add the mp3 file on the dn like: mpg123 -o jack test.mp3
Connection to Jack on Ubuntu 20.04
Well done Laurant, your code change works on most desktop environments on a Ubuntu core and as you can select a single card to probe it takes much less time to to run. Yipee ! It worked perfectly on Ubuntu core + desktops of Cinnamon, Xfce, LXQT, Mate Oddly it (along with Jamulus itself + Jamulus Update) it failed in the Ubuntu with its Gnome desktop ? Not sure why. Maybe something silly I have done. It displayed an 'Failed to add plug-in to the panel' ? In detail, I opened a terminal and typed:...
Any ideas anyone ?
Hi Gang, does anyone know to play an mp3 track within a jamulus jamming session on Linux ? We are a choir but wanted to have a recording of piano track to sing to. ideally in a simple mp3 player like rhythm box etc.
Hi Laurant, Today I created a new partition, installed the standard Ubuntu 20.04.1 (with its Gnome Desktop), I added Xfce + Cinnamon desktops - selectable at logon. Plus the Jamulus software but the hardware probe froze in all desktops environents when it reached the HDMI soundcard on the Radion Graphice card. All 3 of these deskop environments worked when I installed the Jamulus ISO to a partition and (...painfully) updgraded to Jam 3.5.10 + Ubuntu 20.04.1, added the desktops etc. Details of build:...
Hi Laurant, Today I created a new partition, installed the standard Ubuntu 20.04.1 (with its Gnome Desktop), I added Xfce + Cinnamon desktops - selectable at logon. Plus the Jamulus software but the hardware probe froze in all desktops environents when it reached the HDMI soundcard on the Radion Graphice card. All 3 of these deskop environments worked when I installed the Jamulus ISO to a partition and (...painfully) updgraded to Jam 3.5.10 + Ubuntu 20.04.1, added the desktops etc. Details of build:...
Hi Laurant, Today I created a new partition, installed the standard Ubuntu 20.04.1 (with its Gnome Desktop), I added Xfce + Cinnamon desktops - selectable at logon. Plus the Jamulus software but the hardware probe froze in all desktops environents when it reached the HDMI soundcard on the Radion Graphice card. All 3 of these deskop environments worked when I installed the Jamulus ISO to a partition and (...painfully) updgraded to Jam 3.5.10 + Ubuntu 20.04.1, added the desktops etc. Details of build:...
Hi Laurant, Today I created a new partition, installed the standard Ubuntu 20.04.1 (with its Gnome Desktop), I added Xfce + Cinnamon desktops - selectable at logon. Plus the Jamulus software but the hardware probe froze in all desktops environents when it reached the HDMI soundcard on the Radion Graphice card. All 3 of these deskop environments worked when I installed the Jamulus ISO to a partition and (...painfully) updgraded to Jam 3.5.10 + Ubuntu 20.0.1, added the desktops etc. Details of build:...
Hi Laurant, Today I created a new partition, installed the standard Ubuntu 20.04.1 (with its Gnome Desktop), I added Xfce + Cinnamon desktops - selectable at logon. Plus the Jamulus software but the hardware probe froze in all desktops environents when it reached the HDMI soundcard on the Radion Graphice card. Details of build: Desktop PC, Intel© Core™ i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz × 4, 16 gb ram Ubuntu 20.04.1 + latest updates Jamulus 3.5.10 Jamulus Utils 1.0.2 Harware probe 1.0.8 DID NOT INSTALL LOW LATENCY...
Hi Team, I am not sure where to post this suggestion so please advise me. What about having a traffic light colour to indicate other musicians delay on your Jam session? Just a red/amber/green on under their slider on the main jamming screen. This is as i sometimes listen in to a session and someone is badly off. I end up taking all sliders down until i find the culprit. A red or amber light would help identify them. Likewise an experienced Jammer could advise a newbie on things to check. Also, but...
Out of interest, what software did you use to create the Jamilus OS ISO ? It is very tidy.
On a slight side issue but still related, I think the xfce desktop is a surpising choice for the Jamulus OS desktop. I think it fairly unfriendly, a little intimidating and not that intuitive an environment - especially for Linux beginners who will probable be musicians. Personally I think Cinnamon is the 'nicest', then Ubuntu-Mate.
Re Ubuntu-Mate test, In the terminal screen I typed 'jamulus-audio-check -d -vvv' Your code runs until: *'stopping pulse audio ...'/usr/pulseaudio' ...The cursor flashes 10 times then stops. ...Then after 63" i get the 'stop_pulseaudio : a timeout occured, the program, will be halt ! (see pic attached) Is there any other files / data to give you ?
now attached to original post
Re Ubuntu-Mate test, In the terminal screen I typed 'jamulus-audio-check -d -vvv' Your code runs until: *'stopping pulse audio ...'/usr/pulseaudio' ...The cursor flashes 10 times then stops. ...Then after 63" i get the 'stop_pulseaudio : a timeout occured, the progrra, will be halt ! (see pic attached) Is there any other files / data to give you ?
whoops. I will start-up that partition again. In the meantime, I attach the pic from Ubun-Cinn-Remix. It successfully probes the internal and USB headset s/cards then freezes on the HDMI one. It froze for around 3 mins and I interupted it with ctl+c
Re Ubuntu-Mate test, In the terminal screen I typed 'jamulus-audio-check -d -vvv' Your code runs until: *'stopping pulse audio ...'/usr/pulseaudio' ...The cursor flashes 10 times then stops. ...Then after 63" i get the 'stop_pulseaudio : a timeout occured, the progrra, will be halt ! (see pic attached) Is there any other files / data to give you ?
Hi Guys, Just to confirm my test setup today, I used the original jamulus iso, installed to an ssd. Upgraded Jamulus to 3.5.10, Ubuntu to 20.04. Added several desktops that I could selected on logon. Now have XFCE, Cinnamon, Gnome, Mate. I ran Laurants new 1.0.8 hardware probe. This was on a slightly older desktop with an internal sound card, usb gaming headset and an old radion graphics card without HDMI. Mate failed. Sounds like the same as Phil. It froze after 'stopping pulse audio' thats even...
Hi Gang, Aplologies if this is a silly question but if i'm on a jam session, is there a way to play a mp3 also on the session (linux)? I don't want to use a mic in front of a speaker or an external mixing interface. i want it to be as clear as possible. Can i create a virtual connection via jack from mp3 linux desktop player ? Kieran.
Hi Laurant, The results looks positive so far for your new code 1.0.8 but I think we maybe found 2 problems here. Your new code has resolved the first one: 1) older pc taking longer and timing out to test a 'sound card'. You code 1.0.8 appears to work. 2) there appears also to be a problem when the 'hardware probe' finds a newer graphics card with a HDMI soundcard in it. In My case a Radion RX550 graphics card but I suspect same with any HDMI. The probe tries the HDMI but just freezes (see attached...
Laurant, When it crashed on Mint-Cinnamon, the OS reported that the usr/bin/speedtest failed. I attach the screen shots if that helps. I will try the new version above and let you know. By the way, we are are not critising you or the code. We understand this is really tough to write and test for so many variants. We really appreciate what all you coders do and we are all one big team.
Laurant, When it crashed on Mint-Cinnamon, the OS reported that the usr/bin/speedtest failed. I attach the screen shots if that helps. I will try the new version above and let you know. By the way, we are are not critising the you or the code. We understannd this is really tough to write and test for so many variants. We really appreciate all you coders do and we are all one big team.
Hi Laurent, I have had problems too. I used the Jamulus OS on usb stick to create a partition on an SSD. The hardware probe worked fine. I think it is (xfce on Ubuntu 19.10 ?). I updated to Jamulus 3.5.10 plus updated to 20:04. Again all worked fine. With a USB headset the hardware check took around 84" to complete. I added a 'native ubuntu desktop' so I could choose on logon and again all worked fine but was slower at 116". I noticed later that the nohup file had many errors in it. e On the same...
we have had good test results with using the full remote control fuctionality on zoom to troubleshoot users. you have remote mouse and keyboard control.
I'm running jamulus OS on pc but presume this should still work. I just start a terminal session and type: jack_capture -mp3 That records the session as an mp3 and drops it into your default home directory. End the record by typing ctrl + c . Please let me know if this works as i am giving Jamulus to a friend who has a mac.
That is a shame If you coders need anything please post it up and perhaps we can crowd fund it.
Out of interest, could someone please explain exactly what the hardware setup that comes with the customised software does ? I think it probes the network connnections (to where ?) and reports if you are likely to get a good service. Then it appears to probe the sound cards and once you have selected your choice i presume it updates Jack. Does it do anything else ?
Is there a way to donate money to the project ? I cannot see any obvious links.
zoom is an idea. although ideally i was wanted to control of their mouse and keyboard. So presume with zoom they would share their screen and we would say what to do. Not as quick but could work. [post edit - turns out zoom offers full control of other persons mouse and keyboard]
originally looking at Reinna app but issues with installing servers and creation of keys.
Yes that worked perfectly. So on a client machine, start Jamulus, hit 'connect' and type in server Open Jam settings and there are your local machine delay stats. I'm getting around 20ms - so presume 10ms to the port and 10 back again ? I think that is quite high really. What are others getting ? i think this is just the Jam client sending data to its local network port and it is bounced back as is a loop back address. . i dont think its usung a Jam server ....but i could be...
Yes that worked perfectly. So on a client machine, start Jamulus, hit 'connect' and type in server Open Jam settings and there are your local machine delay stats. I'm getting around 20ms - so presume 10ms to the port and 10 back again ? I think that is quite high really. What are others getting ? i think this is just the Jam client sending data to its local network port and it is bounced back as is a loop back address. . i dont think its usung a Jam server ....but i could be...
yes that worked. perfectly. So on a client machine, start jamulus, hit connect and type in srver Open Jam settings and there are your local machine delay stats. i think this is just the Jam client sendinh data to its local network port and it is bounced back. i dont think its usung a Jam server ....but i could be wrong. Do we need somet some type of efficiecy/ speed indicator on the server as well ?
oh, zoom also has full remote control (mouse +keyboard) that will do nicely. thanks. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362673-Requesting-or-giving-remote-control?mobile_site=true
orinally think Reinna app but issues with sercees and keys.
zoom is an idea. although ideally i was wanted to control of their mouse and keyboard. So wij zoom they would share their screen and we would say what to do. Not as quick but could work.
Hi Team, we are looking to get our muscian friends online with Jamulus on Linux but need a way of taking remote control of their screen. Has anyone done this and what software configuration did you use ? We have found that our muscuan mates are lovely but we dont trust them when it comes to IT. We want them to use the Jamulus OS on a liveCD as we dont want any other apps to interfer making delays. If they get probs with plugging in hardware/ set up jack etc, it is just easier for us to do it. Remote...
That is a great idea. zoom have brilliant mic quality.
i have played with swapping between 128 + 256 buffer size. Is there anything else i can play with ?
yes i run the hardware probe/test and it comes back fine but i really should read the output carefully. I'm using a usb head phone + mic head set that is seen as the sound card.
i presume electronic drum pads would work better ...but no real drummer would ever talk to you again ?
To record surely you just open a terminal session and type (...from memory): jack_capture -mp3 It the places them in your home directory.
Hi Team, Firstly a big thanks for a great bit of software. I am trying to remove as much delay from my pc as I can. I am in London, connecting to a London public server. I have a network ping of 6-8ms but an overall delay of 43-55ms. I on a quad processor pc. I am running the Jamulus OS on a USB and installed on to an SSD in a desktop pc. I have a wired ethernet connection to my router. I thought I should be getting an overall of 30-35ms. In Jamulus settings, we already have a network ping in ms...
Hi Team, Firstly a big thanks for a great bit of software. I am trying to remove as much delay from my pc as I can. I am in London, connecting to a London public server. I have a network ping of 6-8ms but an overall delay of 43-55ms. I on a quad processor pc. I am running the Jamulus OS on a USB and installed on to an SSD in a desktop pc. I have a wired ethernet connection to my router. I thought I should be getting an overall of 30-35ms. In Jamulus settings, we already have a network ping in ms...
Hii Team, I have been experimentimg with both the normal and low latency kernel with Jamulus. Personally i cannot see any difference in the millisecond delays. I wondered what others have found ? Thanks, Kieran
Found the jamulus customized software link. That 'Hardware settings for Jamulus' is part of. All is good in the hood. https://sourceforge.net/projects/jamulus-os/files/JamulusOS/v1/install-package/
Found the jamulus customized software link. All is good in the hood. https://sourceforge.net/projects/jamulus-os/files/JamulusOS/v1/install-package/
Worked perfectly for me. Thank you so much. ...and I now get the lovely Hardware settings (For Jamulus) I'm running Ubuntu mate 20.04, ubuntu studio installed from synaptic package manager, on an old laptop (intel core duo p7350 @2 Ghz, 4 gig RAM.
Thanks Lars, So how does the syncing between musicians happen then ? How does a guitar with say 20ms delay sync up with a drummer with say 80ms delay ? Where does that sync management occur ?
Hi Team, I'm a total newbie here and so sorry if this is a silly question. In the ISO install, there is a great little script called jamulus-hw-check that resides in usr/local/bin It is started when you click on the main screen cog 'Hardware settings for Jamulus' When clicked it probes the hardware, allows you to select your device and then sets up your Qjackctl settings. I would like to copy this setup probe to another machine (ubuntu mate studio 20.04). Everything I have tried has failed to copy...
Hi Team, I'm a total newbie here and so sorry if this is a silly question. In the ISO install, there is a great little script called jamulus-hw-check that resides in usr/local/bin It is started when you click on the main screen cog 'Hardware settings for Jamulus' When clicked it probes the hardware, allows you to select your device and then sets up your Qjackctl settings. I would like to copy this setup probe to another machine (ubuntu mate studio 20.04). Everything I have tried has failed to copy...
Hi Team, I'm a total newbie here and so sorry if this is a silly question. In the ISO install, there is a script called jamulus-hw-check that resides in usr/local/bin This appears to be called when you click on 'Hardware settings for Jamulus'. I would like to copy it to another machine (ubuntu mate studio 20.04) as it sets up the hardware virtually by iteself but it does not copy. If I open it in Pluma and save it there, it does not run. Do I need to compile or do something for it to work ? Kier...
but if i join a group with a long delay, does that mean the muscians hear the combined sound later ?
Hi Team, I like listening to groups jamming on public jamulus servers. Usually they are local (sub 30ms) but i was wondering what happens when i listen to a group with say 200ms delay/away ? If i have selected 'listener' on my profile, does that mean my delay is ignored by the server ? ...so many questions.
Hi Team, I'm a total newbie here and so sorry if this is a silly question. In the OSI install, there is a script called jamulus-hw-check that resides in usr/local/bin This appears to be called when you click on 'Hardware settings for Jamulus'. I would like to copy it to another machine (ubuntu mate studio 20.04) as it sets up the hardware virtually by iteself but it does not copy. If I open it in Pluma and save it there, it does not run. Do I need to compile or do something for it to work ? Kier...
Thanks for posting this. Jitsi looks great. I like some of the simple functionality and low latency. You can see Network stats on all users and they can turn their video res down if too pixelated. You can even install it on your own server. Here is a good little video I found showing some of its features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Iwiwq7eofE
Hi Team, Im using the jamulus ISO Linux build. My problem is that I cannot get my 3.5mm plug headphones to work. My friend can hear me when i use just a usb mic. However I can hear everything and they can hear me when I plug a usb 'headphone and mic set' in. So do 3.5mm not work direct in to the pc ? Would that be the same for a 3.5mm mic ? Thanks. K