Activity for kp5322

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Christopher, Here is the log, can you see what triggers the ASYNC? I don't know what other config needs changing. We are receiving the file OK, but their side says MDN problem. Its a Mendelson AS2 as far as I know. Thanks so much Christopher 2024-03-19 12:32:23.837 FINER AS2ReceiverHandler: incoming connection 46594 2024-03-19 12:32:23.838 FINEST HTTPUtil: HTTP received request: POST / Headers: ;;Connection==close, TE;;User-Agent==Partnership Network v3.0;;Date==Tue, 03 Mar 2024 14:32:23...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I'm debugging a connection with my Openas2 connecting to a mendelson AS2. They are using Synchronous MDN. Its all working except that the MDN is not working right. something to do with the MDN/content disposition. Any idea why the mendleson end is saying|: INFO o.a.c.httpclient.HttpMethodBase - Response content length is not known · INFO: Routing document [ID: 1709937178433] for transmission. · Mar 11, 2024 8:24:58 AM org.aaia.partnet.pnlog20 exclusiveError · ERROR: AS2 message was sent, but...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I've got some clients who are setup with HTTP and now I have a client who wants HTTPS. I see in the docs that you can run HTTP & HTTPS simultaneously. Can you give me an idea how this can be done? I changed the port for these in the config.xml but that threw an error: <module enabled="$properties.module.AS2ReceiverModule.http.enabled$" classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2ReceiverModule" port="10091" errordir="%home%/../data/inbox/error" errorformat="sender.as2_id, receiver.as2_id, headers.message-id"></module>...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Also, the SSL logging doesn't seem to be in there either. I have the in the startup script too. Here is the process from ps -auxf /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- -Xms32m -Xmx384m -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.openas2.logging.Log -Dopenas2.config.file=/www/openas2/bin/../config/config.xml -cp .:/www/openas2/bin/../lib/*...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I can't seem to ever get more than "FINE" in the log file. How do I get TRACE or FINER? Here are my & [root@ck1 bin]# cat org.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.openas2.logging.Log level=TRACE [root@ck1 bin]# cat org.openas2.logging.openas2log.level=TRACE How do I get the maximum debug level? Thanks, Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    No, its not an HTTPS thing, its the certificate used in the AS2. The trading partner needs the serial # that is present in the root certificate of the one I bought. They are saying that the certificate I sent them does not have the right serial # which may be true because its ONLY the one I was sent, not the root certificate too. So do I send them a cert with the one I bought PLUS the root certificate that has the serial # they are looking for appended to the file? How do I handle this? Thank you!...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I am connecting with a trading partner and we're having problems that they need a root certificate in the chain to have a certain serial #. How do I add that certificate into the mix when I already have the certificate loaded. Can I add a second certificate? Thanks, Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I'm running OpenAS2 3.5, and I noticed that my java is using 100%+ CPU so I looked deeper and its the SchedulerCompon process that is causing the load problem. This is part of the OpenAS2 package. Can someone tell me what that is for and why it might be using so much CPU load? Thanks, Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Oh, I'm using OpenAs2 3.5.0 , the latest. Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I noticed when running my openas2 I get a high CPU on systemd-journal. I ran journalctl -f and got tons and tons of this: Jun 10 08:16:27[412]: SEVERE: null Jun 10 08:16:27[412]: java.lang.NullPointerException Jun 10 08:16:27[412]: Jun 10, 2023 8:16:22 AM org.openas2.cmd.processor.BaseCommandProcessor$1 call Jun 10 08:16:27[412]: SEVERE: null Jun 10 08:16:27...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've been using OpenAS2 for a few years and no problems. But now I have a new trading partner. I can send a file to them no problem, no errors, but when I receive a file this is the log: 2023-01-25 13:27:36.308 WARNING HTTPUtil: The request either contained no data or has issues with the Transfer-Encoding or Content-Length: : ^V^C ^C^@?^A^@^@?^C^Cc????J?N\?X??+?0 / Headers: ;;#^@^@^@^W^@^@?==^T^@^R^F^A^F^C^D^A^E^A^B^A^D^C^E^C^B^C^B^B^@#^@^@^@^W^@^@?^A^@^A^@ 2023-01-25 13:27:40.147 FINE AS2ReceiverHandler:...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Does anyone know if the recent log4j vulnerability exists in OpenAS2? Thanks, Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK I found the answer myself after reading the docs closer... 11.3.2: SYSTEMD Service $ cp <srcdir>/bin/openas2.service /etc/systemd/system/ $ systemctl daemon-reload $ systemctl enable openas2.service</srcdir> Works great, thanks.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I'm using OpenAS2 2.5 or 2.6 I'm not sure (not sure how to figure out the exact version). OpenAS2 is working well with a number of connections, but a new one I'm trying to setup now, I'm getting this (i've removed the IP in the log) 2019-06-04 06:40:17.123 FINE AS2ReceiverHandler: incoming connection {Removed IP} 31006 2019-06-04 06:40:17.123 ERROR AS2ReceiverHandler: HTTP connection error on inbound message. [null] 2019-06-04 06:40:17.123 ERROR Connection reset at

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I'm using Open AS2 and its running fine, but I want to know the best way to shut it down to make a modification and then start it back up again. I have the files and that does start it but it stays spitting everything out in the terminal. How do I set this up so I can start/stop cleanly? Thanks, Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Christopher, Took a few days but I finally got around to testing the new release. Things are looking much better. Thanks so much for you help!

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I setup another Centos server with the SNAPSHOT and it did in fact work between the two yes. What I'm thinking is that it has something to do with the partner/partnership parameters. Is it possible a new setting that is defaulting to a value makes the MDN done differently? Here is a snippet of the error log: 2018-06-25 21:08:13.940 FINE AS2SenderModule: Save Original mic & message id information into file: /www/openas2/bin/../config/../data/pendinginfoMDN3/OPENAS2-2506201821081-0700-cfbddeb4-07bb-4153-bdc9-f70808be3837@xxxxx...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK So I tried again. I rebooted the Centos 7 server to make sure nothing was still interfering and then I loaded 2.5.0 - unfortunately the same problem with the MDNs. Also I'm getting this in the log again: (notice the quotes around - Their AS2 Id. org.openas2.partner.PartnershipNotFoundException: Partnership not found: Partnership null Sender IDs = {as2_id="Their AS2 Id"} Receiver IDs = {as2_id=MYAS2ID} Attributes = {} I'm going to check this deeper tomorrow to be sure I haven't done something obviously...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I used my existing install of 2.4.3, shut down OpenAS2 and then removed the lib & bin folder. I then pulled all the files from the lib & bin folders of the ZIP file you provided and copied them in the right dir. MY OS is Centos 7. sh-4.2$ java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_161" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_161-b14) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.161-b14, mixed mode) Will that work OK? Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Further to my post a few min ago... Just to be sure I didn't mess things up, I put everything back to the previous version 2.4.3 (restored just the lib and the bin folder) and all is back to fine with the MDN again, but of course I have the quote problem again too. Let me know if you need any debug info from the log files. I have it set to FINEST. Thanks, Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Christopher, First of all, thanks for doing the update! The good news is that I think the quote thing is fixed. Bad news is that I now have a MDN problem... I'm getting 2018-06-22 10:12:37.565 ERROR AS2Util: Error parsing MDN: message-digest attribute value does not match calculated value I was not getting that before. This is with another AS2 client that was working just fine and not the problematic client. Is there something I need to change with the config with this revision? Actually I'm getting...

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I tried it and it still gave me: org.openas2.partner.PartnershipNotFoundException: Partnership not found: Partnership null Sender IDs = {as2_id="their AS2 ID"} Receiver IDs = {as2_id=my AS2ID} Attributes = {} So its still reading the " and using it in the AS2 Id. Thanks, Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Christopher! Also note they had AS2-ID twice (maybe to cover both bases?) in my debugging log, which seemed to result in it looking for an AS2 id of literally: Their AS2 ID, "Their AS2 ID" So it put them both one after the other one without quotes, one with. So I'm not sure if the update will ensure that it would result in just 1 AS2 ID without quotes. Something to keep in mind. Cheers, Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Seems like a quick fix - I'd do it myself but I don't have the java tools to compile it. I suspected from the beginning that a AS2 ID with spaces may cause problems. The software I can see from the log is's AS2 server. The company i'm dealing with is a fairly large company. I'll ask them but 99.9% chance they will say they have no idea what I'm talking about and nothing can be done. Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Christopher for the feedback. I've actually tried exactly that, and yes, it created other problems without really solving the problem either. I will go back to them and let them know that their system is non-conformant. Thank you so much for actually giving me the RFC section for it too! Cheers, Kevin.

  • kp5322 kp5322 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I have been using Open AS2 for about 2 years now with 3 different partners including walmart and all is fine. But I'm adding a new one and I'm having a problem trying to figure out why it won't work - it fails to find a Partnership. I get org.openas2.partner.PartnershipNotFoundException: Partnership not found: Partnership null I have checked and quadruple checked everything matches and it does. I even setup another server on another computer with the same as2id to make sure, and that worked....

  • Kevin Price Kevin Price posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK done, here is the TRACE level logging, my server is called "myserver" and the...

  • Kevin Price Kevin Price posted a comment on discussion Help

    I also have at the bottom: The message sent to Recipient XXXXARA on Mon, 4 Apr 2016...

  • Kevin Price Kevin Price posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I'm trying to setup openAS2 with a trading partner. It works sending them a EDI...