Activity for KenUnix

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Start Here!

    When running Wubuntu under Virtualbo on Li nux x is there a way to share a folder between them. I did add the Guest Additions on Wbuntu. --Thanks

  • KenUnix KenUnix created ticket #74

    Updates to rkhunter 1.4.6

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on a blog post

    Is it safe to assume that rkhunter is a dead project sine it has not been updated sine 2018? If it is dead is it possible to get the source code to update it? Thanks

  • KenUnix KenUnix modified a comment on discussion User Submitted Tutorials

    To get guest additions to fully work build the VM under Virtualbox 7 as: Linux, Linux Other 64bit 8,192 memory , PS/2 mouse , 2 CPU's , Video 128mb. Storage VHD 30gb. If you have a USB printer enable USB-3.0 and point to it. AFTER installing Peppermint and rebooting. Sign in as YOU. Start a shell session. Right click on the desktop and choose open terminal here. From the VM window choose devices and choose insert guest additions. Wait a few seconds. Go back to the shell prompt. Type in: sudo mount...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion User Submitted Tutorials

    To get guest additions to fully work build the VM under Virtualbox 7 as: Linux, Linux Other 64bit 8,192 memory , PS/2 mouse , 2 CPU's , Video 128mb. Storage VHD 30gb. If you have a USB printer enable USB-3.0 and point to it. AFTER installing Peppermint and rebooting. Sign in as YOU. Start a shell session. Right click on the desktop and choose open terminal here. From the VM window choose devices and choose insert guest additions. Wait a few seconds. Go back to the shell prompt. Type in: sudo mount...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Installation

    OK. Here is the deal. To get guest additions to fully work build the VM under Virtualbox 7 as: Linux, Linux Other 64bit 8,192 memory , PS/2 mouse , 2 CPU's , Video 128mb. Storage VHD 30gb. If you have a USB printer enable USB-3.0 and point to it. AFTER installing Peppermint and rebooting. Sign in as YOU. Start a shell session. Right click and choose open terminal here. From the VM window choose devices and insert guest additions. Wait a few seconds. Go back to the shell prompt. Type in: sudo mount...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Installation

    I am truly amazed at the lack of support! I would think there are many users running it in a VM.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Installation

    OldTon, Did you have the same problem? I also have Debian, Linux Mint, and Windows guests with no problems. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Installation

    I am running virtualbox on Ubuntu as the host and peppermint as the guest . On Sat, Jun 24, 2023, 6:47 AM Peppermint OS wrote: Are you running virtual box on Windows? Peppermint 11.1 Devaun Guest Additions Issues Sent from because you indicated interest in <> To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit <>

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Installation

    Hi. I recently install Peppermint 11.1 Devaun edition on Virtualbox 7. Mouse and printing works however I have been unable to get shared folders, copy/paste and virtual screen size adjustment t work. Guest Additions insert is not working. Any ideas? Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, I tried those and what happens is it gets to 99% done then complains about write failures and aborts. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help

    Michael, Thanks for the reply. I thought I had good quality SSD's Western Digital Green 1.tb then to discover some are 931.51 and some are 931.52! Clonezilla had the -r flag set and kept running until it was 99% done then said it was having write errors. And the clone was aborted. Tried with two different drives. So I got a Samsung 2tb SSD and cloned the laptop to it. As a test I attempted to clone the Samsung 2tb that had 1tb on it back to the laptop with the 1tb drive and clonezilla said the destination...

  • KenUnix KenUnix modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have two laptops with WD Green 931.52GB SSD's. I wanted to make clones of them so I purchased two more WD Green 1TB SSD's. However those have a size of 931.51GB !! Clonezilla won't do it. The difference if .02GB. Will G4L do it? Thanks. Forgot to mention I am running Ubuntu 22.04.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have two laptops with WD Green 931.52GB SSD's. I wanted to make clones of them so I purchased two more WD Green 1TB SSD's. However those have a size of 931.51GB !! Clonezilla won't do it. The difference if .02GB. Will G4L do it? Thanks.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi. I have a situation where the source SSD is 931.52 GB and the destination SSD is 931.51. If on the source I make partition 2 smaller by 200mb and UN-allocated would the copy work? Does clonezilla skip UN-allocated areas? Unfortunately I have another SSD with the same problem 931.51GB. They are WD Green 1TB drives. Thanks Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on ticket #8

    Daniel - Condensed change log (3.20c-g): Functional updates: Fix memory leaks in function handling Make HELP & EDIT available in ALL VERSIONs. All files are closed when variables are cleared: NEW & RUN Fix LSET & RSET so they fill the complete field length LINE INPUT now reads whitespace correctly Greeting changed to reflect new contributions Renum was much improved but still fails in some situations. Renum complete rewrite to renum2 Prevent random seeks with BINARY mode files. This makes it compatible...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on ticket #8

    I've dug around in the guts of bwBASIC enough to know stuff about it. The simple answer is that bwBASIC is not a "shell" in the sense that "BASH" or just plain "SH" are. Its a BASIC interpreter. It runs BASIC programs. You can execute shell commands from it with the "SHELL" function. So you would do something like this: bwBASIC: shell "ls" Or if you want to capture the exit code and do something with it, you use the SHELL() function, like this: x = shell("ls") I've not played with v2 so I can't speak...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul, Please see link below for the complete source for the latest BWBASIC: This site is readable by anyone. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul I supplied binaries for multiple OS from Linux to Windows to Mac. What exactly do you need to add these on SFN under files? Categorized for Linux, Windows, and the Mac (new). renum2 is a complete rewrite of renum fixing many short comings. And it actually works! Ken On Thu, Dec 16, 2021, 10:04 PM Paul Edwards wrote: Hi Ken. I didn’t see any source code to merge. Note that the latest (beta) source code is in at and contains your previous...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul, I have uploaded into the support area new versions of bwbasic and a new renum2 which replaces renum. renum2 was a total rewrite addressing short comings of renum. Your will also find a bwbasic for the Mac OS X Amd64 and Windows 7 32 bit up to Windows 11 64bit i386, Linux Arm64 and Linux Amd64. These changes and additions will bring the version up to 3.20f and can be placed in the files area. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix created ticket #10

    Updated and new bwbasic for Linux Arm

  • KenUnix KenUnix created ticket #9

    Updated and new bwbasic for Linux Arm64

  • KenUnix KenUnix created ticket #8

    New and updated bwbasic for Linux Amd64

  • KenUnix KenUnix created ticket #7

    new updates bwbasic for Linux i386

  • KenUnix KenUnix created ticket #6

    new bwbasic for Mac OS X Amd64

  • KenUnix KenUnix created ticket #5

    Updated and new bwbasic

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Initial version for Apple OS X Amd64. Linux versions to follow.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Updated and New for bwbasic bwb3.20f bwbasic should run on all Windows platforms Windows 7 32bit up to Windows 11 64bit. renum2 is a complete rewrite of renum to improve it's operation. Try: renum2 --help Others to follow for Linux and Apple OS X for Amd64.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul, I have been doing a lot of work on the renum program. It has a lot of short comings. Most all have been corrected. You can actually renumber a bwbasic program by specifying starting line # and increment. Great when you run out of line numbers or to make the listing look neater. It now handles among others ON X GOTO or GOSUB x,xx,xx,xx. PRINT. among others. I am trying to validate it's operation. You know look for bugs. Can you email me with attachments of complex or simple bwbasic programs...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul, I have been doing a lot of work on the renum program. It has a lot of short comings. Most all have been corrected. You can actually renumber a bwbasic program by specifying starting line # and increment. Great when you run out of line numbers or to make the listing look neater. It now handles among others ON X GOTO or GOSUB x,xx,xx,xx. PRINT. among others. I am trying to validate it's operation. You know look for bugs. Can you email me with attachments of complex or simple bwbasic programs...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul, Sorry I missed your message. That zip file is complete. Thanks. On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 6:33 PM Paul Edwards wrote: Hi Ken. The link points to two zip files and one executable. The zip file that I named (the last file), contains the complete source code (I just downloaded it to verify): C:\Users\kerra\Downloads>unzip -v | grep -i bwb_ 230584 Defl:X 29723 87% 2017-06-08 11:20 92258688 bwb_cmd.c 43588 Defl:X 6868 84% 2017-06-08 11:20 024193c6 bwb_cnd.c...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Sorry for the delay I missed your post. Have you ever compiled this or ran this under Linux? Are you the current maintainer? I have seen this before and have fixes so no errors are generated when compiling under Linux. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul That link points to a zip file that only contains TEST basic programs not the source for bwbasic itself. Ken On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 2:25 PM Paul Edwards wrote: What do you mean the source is gone? At this link: you will find which contains the complete source code for bwbasic if that is what you are talking about. And what do you mean “it really doesn’t say”? Are you talking...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It really doesn't say. I would investigate it but on sourceforgenet the source is gone. Ken On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 1:28 PM Paul Edwards wrote: The program for testing is simple 100 print "start" 102 let l = 0 120 line input a$ 122 let l = l +1 130 print l , a$ 140 goto 120 200 rem print "total " , l Via the program how could I get to 200? This is a function of the BASIC programming language, not bwbasic in particular. How do other BASIC interpreters do it, and what...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul Linux. A file called xxx as an example has an unknown number of lines or ls -1 You do ls -1 | bwbasic program.bas or cat xxx | bwbasic program.bas In either case bwbasic exits at end on input without the program being able to do for example sum the results. The program for testing is simple 100 print "start" 102 let l = 0 120 line input a$ 122 let l = l +1 130 print l , a$ 140 goto 120 200 rem print "total " , l Via the program how could I get to 200? Ken On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 12:42 PM Paul Edwards...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    With bwbasic is there a way to detect end of file when reading from command line like cat XXX | bwbasic program.bas When XXX is exhausted bwbasic exits. Can that be caught so processing can be done? Thanks

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on ticket #147

    Steve, Performed dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb count=1953525168 (count on sda) from fdisk p. After that clonezille worked as expected. I used version 2.7.0-10. sda was WD 10s12x 2.5" 5400 rpm 1tb hdd sdb was WD Green 2.5" 1tb ssd On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 3:08 AM Steven Shiau wrote: assigned_to: Steven Shiau Comment: What did you mean by "missing labels for all partitions"? Please take photos about the error messages on the screen then post them. It's easier for us to...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does a SSD require any setup so clonezilla can use it? Am getting "bad lable" messages then clonezille aborts.

  • KenUnix KenUnix created ticket #147

    Does not clone to WD Green 1tb SSD

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    All, To make everyone happy I am dropping out of the "testing" on diffferent platforms. This has become to poitically charged for me. God luck.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Windows 10 with WSL1 running Ubuntu 20.04 Running with BDB MPIR WIDE=no cJSON=no XML2=no One failure occured 743: SEQUENTIAL file with SHARING NO expected failure ( 744: SEQUENTIAL file with SHARING READ ONLY FAILED ( * 745: SEQUENTIAL file with blocked lock expected failure ( See attached log file Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, OK it runs OK on: Linux Mint 20 Mate Ubuntu 19.10 Mate upgraded to 20.04 Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Commented out line 579 Another bug squeaked in. Passed MPIR and cSJON at startup:: checking matching GMP version... yes (6.2) checking for __gmp_get_memory_functions in -lgmp... yes configure: Checks for local cJSON ... checking for ./libcob/cJSON.c... no checking for ./libcob/cJSON.c... (cached) no configure: using local cJSON: no checking for libcjson... no checking cJSON.h usability... no checking cJSON.h presence... no checking for cJSON.h... no checking cjson/cJSON.h usability... no checking...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Running got the following configure: Checks for GMP/MPIR ... checking for mpir... no checking mpir.h usability... yes checking mpir.h presence... yes checking for mpir.h... yes checking for mpir.h... (cached) yes checking if linking against libmpir with "" works... no configure: error: MPIR is required for --with-math=mpir, you may adjust GMP_LIBS Check for errors - Press any key to continue - Control C to cancel make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. Check for...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help

    When firing up VcXsrv for the first time in a day (every day) it comes up with a blank screen. Going to Linux on WSL and restarting the session then re-starting VcVsrv again works? This is how I am starting it on Linux: export DISPLAY=:0 export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 startlxde Thanks

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Vote


  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Vote

    VcXsrv - Windows X-server for Windows

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    4-19-2020 I have included some runtime files and sample input files. Place profile.bas in your current working directory and and allon.inp and alloff.inp. The file examples will let you to by example turn off all relays alloff.inp. To do this you would enter at the command line: bwbasic --profile --tape alloff.inp relays.bas To turn all relays on: bwbasic --profile --tape allon.inp relays.bas To work interactive you would: bwbasic relays.bas All the above can placed...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have updated Bwbasic-3.2 to Bwbasic-3.2a to work without issues running on the Beaglebone Black running Debian 9.x and 10.x. This supports the Beaglebone Bone 4 Relay, relay cape. It can be found at: The relay control program relays.bas is also there. The Relay cape is very popular with the Beaglebone Black. The RLYCPE-BBBCAPE. If you want to control your cape bwbasic-3.2a is a good canidate if you don't want to learn Python, Perl, Cloud9,...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    The plot thickens. This project may hold a grand future. Keep up the good work.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Was any documentation ever done for 3.2? For example 'OPTION TERMINAL ansi' is not really documented. I have the manuals for 1.1 and 2.1. Thanks.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Thanks. It's working today. On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 11:01 AM Vincent (Bryan) Coen wrote: Works for me using firefox v75.0 x64 On 12/04/2020 00:09, KenUnix wrote: Simon, That link does not seem to work. William Klein's COBOL FAQ < William Klein's COBOL FAQ Sent from because...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    Jack, The first real computer I worked on was a DEC 11/45 in the early 1970's. It was running Bell Labs Unix. On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 7:59 PM Jack Tearle wrote: I worked on Univac 1100's and 90 series from 1970 to 1990. Changing anything on stuff that old is only going to damage your resume. The constraints that programmers had, meant half the effort was used to program around the hardware limitations rather han the application itself. I remember meetings about...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Simon, That link does not seem to work.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help

    After trying it today it loaded.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help

    After downloading .1 and trying to install, Windows complains about corrupt file ??

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    Do you think this is for real? Brush up on your JCL. The only Cobol I have used was Tandem Cobol, Ryan McFarlend and Acu-Cobol. One on a Tandem Non-Stop, Motorola Mc68010 based box and the other on an HP-9000, and of course Open-Cobol. Most of my work was maintaining exsisting code. The three Tandem, Ryan & Acu had enough differences to drive me bonkers at the time writing report generators & some ISAM file maintenance. But who cares.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    COBOL programmers urgently needed. I'm not nearly good enough for this. Check it out.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, In an effort to prune back too much info here I made it an attachment. With regards to testsuite I included the text from the failing module. In the future you still want the complete testsuite? I would hope that can be ab attachment. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Please see attached document containing compile time issues. Thanks Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After cloning a laptop several times an now getting the message that the partition sized has changed on the cloned drive. This concerns me if I must do a restore. Would it be better to re-format the destination drive before the clone process? And if so can't do it from Windows. Windows gets confused when it see's two like drives. Do it from Clonezille? Steps? Thanks.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Sorry. I was not clear. The added sites need to be added to that file for apt install and apt-get to operate with good results. It is NOT in your build. It is a side note if users complain about getting a ton of error messages. That this should help them out. YOU don't have to do anything. It's just a tip from the old tester. Tonight I am trying to create a Windows-10 VM. Some fun! Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, The sites deb kali-rolling main main deb-src kali-rolling main main needed to be added to the end if /etc/apt/sources.list or basically sudo apt install or sudo apt-get failed. I don't know if it is something in the install. I used a standard ISO download. After the install sources.list had no repositories. Check out I changed the non-free to main main. You can try...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, Change lines to add to /etc/apt/sources.list to read deb kali-rolling main main deb-src kali-rolling main main Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Where is this GNUDBLD program? At least you only have to type "~/cob/program_name. I have to type /media/MYDATA/gnu-source/program_name. :-) At the time of running build cob folder does not yet exist. Also I don't have Centos or Fedora running. Regarding Mint are you going to strip Linux and just use Mint? Gee that will screw up the others. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, Almost all packages failed 'E:'.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Ubuntu ken@DESKTOP-64ED1AI:~$ lsb_release -s -i Ubuntu ken@DESKTOP-64ED1AI:~$ cat /etc/*-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS" VERSION_ID="18.04" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=""...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, On Kali bad results ken@ken-kali:~$ cat /etc/*-release PRETTY_NAME="Kali GNU/Linux Rolling" NAME="Kali GNU/Linux" ID=kali VERSION="2019.4" VERSION_ID="2019.4" VERSION_CODENAME="kali-rolling" ID_LIKE=debian ANSI_COLOR="1;31" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" No DISTRIB_ID. You know what they say about minds thinking alike. I'll download the new scripts and try them tomorrow. I will also verify DISTRIB_ID on the other...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, My bad I should have said wget unzip -d /home/ken/cob/vbisam-2.0.1 cd home/ken/cob/vbisam-2.0.1 sh configure --prefix=$libfolder Or as you did chmod 777 make ...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Since I am testing Kali with your build. Not everybody uses FireFox. Couldn't you do the following instead for VBISAM. You already install wget. If not present you could install unzip. Kali already has unzip. wget unzip -xv Because on a fresh machine suddendly getting blind sided by FireFox and having to follow it's directions on a new machine is a real pain. The above steps would do away with that. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    I got Kali Linux up and running tonight and got GNUcobol-3.1 installed and running Here is what had to be added after installing the Kali ISO. I got a ton of errors running cdg's nice build script. Add to /etc/apt/sources.list deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib Also Kali wanted libasam5 In /etc/*-release is Kali 2019.4 kali-rolling After the above everything went smoothly. Tested it with GMP and MPIR...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, I will test it on Xubuntu & Debian. If you have some time look at under loops & branches and down for 'until'. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Great. The reason I mention 2949 I saw the article on your web site. I hate to say it but when I was at Bell Telephone we had a couple of old switches that used 70 baudot. You cold watch the print head move. They at the time were used by news outlets to get the latest from UPI and other wire services. Need some more testing let me know.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, That works for me... I don't think you need the else : # testfile is unaltered But it works fine. Good job. By the way in a previous job I used Zoom 2949 modems to access telephone switches remotely. They were hard to get working out of the box. Eventually I got a flash upgrade from Zoom. Finally got them to work from 300 baud to 9,600 BPS... I also remember the Zoom Dialer. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, You may or may not find this useful. No insult intended. Kinda interesting. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Now there is a new twist. If you specify a file say colortest and has been previously compiled the script will try and compile the compiled program. Needless to say tons of errors If you remove the compiled program first the script will then work. That's one reason I put the cob & cbl logic up front. Please consider it. I have been writing scripts since 1974. I am not the sharpest tac in the box but I try. Your humble tester. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, See attachment. On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 12:38 PM cdg wrote: If you notice, the code allows you to enter "colortest" without the file extension, and it will change "testfile" to "testfile.cob" or "testfile.cbl" if they exist, according to the following logic: 1) If "testfile" (as entered) exists, use it. 2) Otherwise, if "testfile.cob" exists, change "testfile" to "testfile.cob" and use it. 3) Otherwise, if "testfile.cbl" exists, change "testfile" to "testfile.cbl"...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    cdg, OK fresh install Xubuntu. Using latest build script. Started with ./buildxxx (no arguments) At the end got the following The compiler works. Congratulations Please enter the full pathname of a Cobol source program to test: or just press enter to continue: colortest.cob 'colortest.cob' - specified testfile does not exist Please enter the full pathname of a Cobol source program to test: or just press enter to continue: /home/ken/colortest.cob < notice blank response > Please enter the full pathname...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, If running script as the user in his directory mkdir should work fine. It used to work fine in earlier versions of the script. You should only need sudo mkdir for /usr land. I did not modify the latest script. I will try it again fresh. Regarding you could add bash -l at the end to invoke the shell allowing users with a GUI to then set the variables then launch shell so they can do work in the shell. Then when finished type exit or close the window. Oh, buy the way placing

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, You are correct in /usr land you need to use sudo mkdir however in the users home folder you don't want to use it. Creates a folder that the user can not control. The if statement is wrong if [ -f "$testfile" ]; then continue The continue puts the script back to the loop. Constantly re-cycling. if [ ! -f "$testfile" ]; then continue Now if the file does not exist it goes back to the loop. I can tell you it does this because I tried entering a valid name and it kept looping... So, I investigated....

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, At the end of the script I had to change one thing to execute cobol source if [ "$testfile" ]; then echo " " if [ ! -f "$testfile" ]; then echo "File $testfile does not exist" continue I had to add a ball bat ! before the -f test. Also added echo to let user know it could not find the testfile. Also the script has to be lauched by launcher if running under a GUI (xfce, gnome, etc) I can make you a compatible one. Also this script only effects variables for the current invocation...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Xubuntu so far nice new script but, Selecting GMP at install time got: Press any key to continue - Control C to cancel Install GMP (GNU Multiple-Precision Arithmetic Library)? y/n y This will take some time - grab a beer gmp-6.1.2.tar.xz: Permission denied rm: cannot remove 'gmp-6.1.2.tar.xz': No such file or directory Please retry later Turns out to be I had to remove sudo when making directories. When created uring sudo, root is the owner instead of the user running the script. When created...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Sorry for the delay I have been under the weather today. Biu MPIR creates 'different' files in /usr/local/lib as GMP does? Can't gnucobol see there are two sets of files? Tue 07 Jan 2020 09:05:42 PM EST /usr/local/lib total 2408 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 7 21:04 gnucobol -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 823582 Jan 7 21:04 libcob.a -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 987 Jan 7 21:04 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Jan 7 21:04 -> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Jan 7 21:04

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, What I did exactly like you and got all those errors. Here's what I did and MPIR worked OK. I noticed atrifacts were left in /usr/local/lib goto GMP folder then sudo make uninstall sudo make clean Goto MPIR folder sudo make uninstall sudo make clean ./configure make make install Goto cobol folder sudo make uninstall make clean ./configure # Strange output from configure still references GMP? make make check 1014 tests behaved as expected. 2 tests were skipped. sudo make install However when...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    OK. I will try them on Xubutnu just after I get the Win-7 VM to stop cycling install patches / reboot. On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:40 PM cdg wrote: Ken, The problem is simple: 1) I installed MPIR, then GC3.1 (both to /usr/local/lib) using my script (of which you already have a copy). Test result: 1009 tests, 7 skipped, no failures. 2) Then I installed GMP followed by GC3.1 (also to /usr/local/lib). Test result: 634 failures! 3) Then I did a "make uninstall" of both MPIR...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, If you can give me what you tried I will test it. Additionally forgot to tell you, I have a Windows 7 32-bit Pro VM. On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 3:07 PM cdg wrote: Ken, You misunderstood my rhetorical question. You asked why your EXPORT commands worked without any problem, rather than requiring those suggested by Simon. I guessed that the difference was that you were installing each version on a separate VM, not trying to modify an existing version. That might explain...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, You had sent a question the other day regarding VirtulBox. Yes. I currently have Ubuntu (Focal) 20.04, Mint 19.3, Debian 10.2, Xubuntu 19.04 & 19.10. Ken

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Yes. I currently have Ubuntu (Focal) 20.04, Mint 19.3, Debian 10.2, Xubuntu 19.04 & 19.10. On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 7:42 PM cdg wrote: Ken, GNUcobol-3.1-dev Installation Script Sent from because you indicated interest in <> To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit <>

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Where did you get it? What OS? Available in the states? BTW, you didn't need to label your changes. I have a really useful program (beyond compare) >that compares (two or three) folders and files side by side, makes it real easy to see the >differences, and allows for selective synchronizing. Best $30 I've spent.

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, What I have using to determine linux distribution is lsb_release -i -s or lsb_release -d -s | cut --fields=2 --delimiter=" " - If your linux dosen't have lsb_release it be downloaded as sudo apt install lsb-release it's just a perl script. To determine version of gcc I use gcc --version | cut --fields=4 --delimiter=" " -z - Ken On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 11:46 AM Ken-Unix wrote: I have been using without issue in .bashrc for some time: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    I have been using without issue in .bashrc for some time: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib export LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/local/lib export LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib I can compile AND run cobc and cobcrun. What am I missing? On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 11:09 AM Simon Sobisch wrote: You can have multiple runtime libraries in /usr/local/lib ( etc.) but only one link library named libgmp.a / Whatever you link to will also be used, if you've installed MPIR...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, Yes the download for sJSON needs to be changed from wget -O $cobfolder/$gc3version/libcob/cJSON.c to wget -O $cobfolder/$gc3version/libcob/cJSON.c and the same for the header file. I was looking at this last night. And said why does the download look like an html document? On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 6:15 AM cdg wrote: ~~~ In this case you tell MPIR to build...

  • KenUnix KenUnix posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Carl, I did all the changes and added a couple of pauses. press_any_key I like that :-) Attached find latest install sh. Wanna see what I did just search for ken . Ken

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