Activity for Brendan Higgins

  • Brendan Higgins Brendan Higgins posted a comment on ticket #557

    Aha, not sure if this is "correct" behavior on part of Xastir, but it does seem to be intentional. Xastir is treating the packet as a THIRD PARTY packet. The format is described here: - just search for THIRD PARTY FORMAT. FYI, the code that does this in Xastir is here: The comments discuss making a determination as to treat the packet as "first-person" or "third-party"...

  • Brendan Higgins Brendan Higgins posted a comment on ticket #557

    I am encountering this issue as well. I have the additional information that Direwolf (the TNC I am using for Xastir) is printing this out as well, so it is almost certainly being added by Xastir. Note that other people are encountering this as well: