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  • Posted a comment on ticket #283 on Equalizer APO

    Meanwhile I know. And there's no direct sound driver for the MCHstreamer. Thanks, I will sell this piece.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #283 on Equalizer APO

    I checked everthing mentioned in "Windows audio control panel settings". I found no cnfig error. If I try test sounds, they came out of the specified channel. If I activate eqAPO it still works, if i do anything with the channels. If I activate a channel copy from the mais to every other, that still works. Now to the strange part ... If I close the speaker test window an activate some music player: stereo on the mains. If I run windows test parallel, an deactivate exclusive (and ignore the warning)...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #283 on Equalizer APO

    Hi, i will check again, but since this is suggested in any trouble shooting guide I've done this more than one ...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #283 on Equalizer APO

    Hello, with ASIO i'll send you in the wrong direction. So let's start again, and I will explan it with different HW. For my Loudspeakers I mostly use eqAPO for developing the Crossovers und DSP Settings. Currently im devoloping a 4-way speaker. I want to use a adat-device for as 8-way DAC. So I need an USB-To-Adat converter: miniDSP MCHstreamer which is able to convert to different protocols (SPDIF, ASIO,...). The capabilities where set via with the specific firmware. After installing the NCHstreamer...

  • Created ticket #283 on Equalizer APO

    Only 2 Channels working with multi channel devices

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2024-06-26 13:09:48.238000


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