Karla Rehn 13:03 (för 1 minut sedan) till surendra Are you sure you've given the right path to the MISRA-text? Do you get some error message? What happens if you don't specify a path at all? Den tis 28 juli 2020 kl 12:58 skrev Surendranath surendra@users.sourceforge.net: How to integrate MISRA rules with cppcheck? Im using cppcheck version 2.1 in that addon is there i give a path to cppcheck but not working. so, share some screenshots please.... Use MISRA rules from the GUI? https://sourceforge.net/p/cppcheck/discussion/general/thread/ccbe9e89/?limit=25&page=3#fc11...
Have you tried renaming the pdf? The issue is probably hidden in the misra-c-2012-file, so it probably won’t do anything, but it could be worth a shot. Another ugly solution could be printscreening your pdf and convert the printscreen to text instead? tors 31 okt. 2019 kl. 10:36 skrev mathias mgiaco82@users.sourceforge.net: Hi, I do have the misra rules as pdf. I am not able to convert the pdf to text with pdftotxt. How get you solved that? λ pdftotext.exe e:\workdir\ip\misra-c-2012.pdf misra-rules.txt...