Activity for JANIS

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ehh...i still use it. I'm used to good old Syn, but I can't help it. Because there is an extreme lack of time and such knowledge to help at this level.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Anobium! Yess, now working OK!

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello! I need 7 PWM outputs. I want to use HPWM, I don't want Software PWM. I found that the PIC16F18855 that I have in stock has 5 CCP modules and 2 pieces of PWM - PWM6 and PWM7. Using PPS tools, I configured CCP 1-5 to work as PWM outputs, as well as PWM6-7. All 5 CCP outputs work as PWM beautifully, but PWM6 and 7 outputs do not work. I must have misunderstood something? Test code added.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone, and first of all, I really wish everyone who has not donated to donate, so that GCB can exist and develop. I want to create an external (in my case port RA3 ) interrupt in my program that calls some subroutine. I don't understand, is only the subroutine created by PPS tools enough, or is configuration also required? I tried only a subprogram made with PPS tools, it didn't work for me. I attached only the part of my program that I want to use for interrupt, to understand where my mistake...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you! I think it might be related to the graphics display because I had the same problem in another program with GLCD. I will think about how to implement your suggestion in Anobium and I will try.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is there a limit to the number of variables? It turns out that you don't even need to write an instruction, but add one more variable and the program doesn't work.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello to the best people.! I encountered one incomprehensible problem while compiling. The working code is attached. It works so far. But the program is not finished. I want to continue with some guidance. If I write some instruction (for example: set led_status off, or something else very simple) right after Main: (it can be elsewhere), the program stops working. The display no longer shows what it's supposed to show, and the light that comes from the timer, which should flash at half second intervals,...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Thans. I didn't get to revive those 2 chips. thrown out.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    I have another question also , it has been discussed, but the answer is not clear to me. I am programming the chip 12f675 and suddenly a message appears for the pickit 3 programmer: OSCAL: Invalid value 3FFF. I didn't know what to do, I took the other chip. But now twice in two days this problem. 2 chips became unusable.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Thanks Anobium , when configuring the chip should be written #chip 16f15313 and that's it?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Programmers and Chip Files Problems

    Hello! Is it the case that pic12f15313 and pic12f18313 are not included in the database? I wanted to compile my program, but Error: No chip data file found for 12F18313 :(

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Were there limitations in W7 so far? I haven't installed the latest versions so I don't know :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    what speaker is being used?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Happy Christmas! Latvian Language: Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Anobium. Next time I will try INTE, INTF and GIE, everything is already mounted from the test board to the textolite board. Please explain when extint1, extint2...3 is used? This means that the PIC controller can use max up to 4 external interrupts?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks! I am very sorry for the unnecessary alarm. :) My mistake was to write EXTINT0, not EXTINT2. That's all right. The problem was with my test board. Now all works super. Yes RA.2 is already supposed to be enabled as INT for this chip. then the code is: #chip 16f15325,8 #config osc=int #define LED PORTa.1 dir PORTa.1 out dir porta.2 in INTF=1 '' bit 1 INTF: INT External Interrupt Flag bit '1 = The INT external interrupt occurred '0 = The INT external interrupt did not occur INTE=1 '' bit 4 INTE:...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello! I want to use one port as an external interrupt. Attached is a simplified part of the code. in this case I want to use porta.2 as interrupt source. I used the PPS tool, but I probably did not enter the correct syntax. The compiler scolds: Error: Invalid interrupt event: EXTINT2 Please explain where is the my mistake?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    :) :) :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    The same code I published only removed the generated part of the PPS tool in the field, as you suggested to me.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes. Super! Scroll works. Really! Now I have to figure out how I could use it for my case :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Anobium, as I said, the circuit is assembled for the PPS configured PINS. Now I need to mount the circuit on the test board to make sure the SPI works. And I need use other 16f18446 pins. Only which should be configured correctly?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Stan! Thanks Anobium! I modified the demo version of Anobium software for my MC. I already have a board ready for the project. The project is already running, with no scroll features. But now nothing is working. is it related to the configuration of the display using the PPS tool? #chip 16f18446,32 #option explicit #include <glcd.h> #DEFINE GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7735 #define ST7735TABCOLOR ST7735_REDTAB '' !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Pin mappings for SPI #define GLCD_DI portc.4 ' NOT CONNECTED - can loop...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello ... I'm really looking forward to the moment Anobium connects to the ST7735 usage options ..... I'm on the scroll function in my case ... :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I can't handle it myself. I look forward then you will helping me , Anobium. Thanks!

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'll be very happy if someone can help me with the code for scrolling the ST7735 display text. As I said, I don't understand much ...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the reply. I only use 1 timer, it doesn't work the way I would like. But the scroll display would like to create. I do not understand some things. I see that it is possible to limit the area where there will be a scrolling effect. SCRLAR (33h): Scroll Area Set But how to properly activate this effect? If it's simple, maybe you could write an example quickly? Please... :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have another question also. When I try Timer 1 and Timer 2 separately, Why can't Timer 1 work with the TMR1IE = 1 flag, I can't write like this? Timer 1 should write: On Interrupt Timer1Overflow Call xxxxx But Timer 2 can write :TMR2IE = 1 Then: sub Ineterrupt TMR2IE = 0 ........................................... .................................. end sub Why can't it be done with Timer 1?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Stan and Anobium. You do not understand the question of scrolling text on the display. I asked how to create a scrolling text on the display. I've done it with LED 7-segment indicators. But now the next question. Before the project, I try out all the features I will need in the project. I plan to use 2 timers at a time. I've already done this in one other project where I use timer0 and timer1 at the same time. There was no GLCD and I am using pic16f18855. But in this code I want to use GLCD...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    The display cannot display a single line sentence (a sentence consists of a few words). To display a sentence, how should I create a running string correctly? Could you give an example of a small one?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Stan! There is a lot of work in the workplace, but when I have an idea to improve or change something or invent something new and beautiful in the equipment built on PIC and GCB in my home, I have to mature and take action.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    As usual, careless mistakes make me ... Thanks Anobium! Everything is working now and I have to start implementing the project code :) many questions will start from me in the forum :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    And configuration setting also not valid: PLLEN_ON

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, here's this part compiled ok! #chip 16f18446,32 #option explicit #config Osc = INT, MCLRE_ON, CLKOUTEN_OFF , PLLEN_ON ';''===================== #include <glcd.h> #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7735 'Pin mappings for SPI '' #define GLCD_DI portc.4 ' NOT CONNECTED - can loop back if required '' #define GLCD_DO portb.4 ' > SDA '' #define GLCD_SCK portb.6 ' > SCK '' #define GLCD_DC portc.6 ' > A0 '' #define GLCD_CS porta.5 ' > CS p16 '' #define GLCD_RESET porta.4 ' > RESET p15 'Generated by PIC PPS...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Anobium Hmm compiler compiles error for this sub. Should I try to choose other pins?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    The following is the code from the demo example. I configured the pin incorrectly. There problem. I didn't really understand anything.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Stan, Of course, I will build something interesting and individual. I probably chose the wrong pin. the example created on 16f1938 doesn't work. :( #chip 16f18446,32 #option explicit #config Osc = INT, MCLRE_ON, CLKOUTEN_OFF '', PLLEN_ON #include <glcd.h> #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7735 'Pin mappings for SPI #define GLCD_DI portc.4 ' NOT CONNECTED - can loop back if required #define GLCD_DO portb.4 ' > SDA #define GLCD_SCK portb.6 ' > SCK #define GLCD_DC portc.6 ' > A0 #define GLCD_CS porta.5...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Anobium! However, I choose option 3, stick to my chips :) I ask more about the display ST7735, because this driver has been manufactured for a long time and is still used. Thanks!

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to create a small project that will be located outdoors. St7735 is written to also work at -30 * C. In real winter, the temperature in Latvia drops below -20 * C. Does anyone have experience with this display, or can you suggest something else? I have built one project using this display, I am satisfied. In the project I use PIC16F1938, a microchip (28 pin) used in demo examples. Now I want to use a different chip with less pins. For example, the PIC16F15325 or 16F18446 I purchased. In the...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to create a small project that will be located outdoors. St7735 is written to also work at -30 * C. In real winter, the temperature in Latvia drops below -20 * C. Does anyone have experience with this display, or can you suggest something else? I have built one project using this display, I am satisfied. In the project I use PIC16F1938, a microchip (28 pin) used in demo examples. Now I want to use a different chip with less pins. For example, the PIC16F15325 or 16F18446 I purchased. In the...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Merry Christmas! Yessss - Fantastic Group!

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sí, un ejemplo de ayuda es: Syntax: Do [{While | Until} condition] ... program code ... <condition> Exit Do ... Loop [{While | Until} condition] Example 1: 'This code will flash a light until the button is pressed #chip 12F629, 4 #define BUTTON GPIO.3 #define LIGHT GPIO.5 Dir BUTTON In Dir LIGHT Out Do Until BUTTON = 1 PulseOut LIGHT, 1 s Wait 1 s Loop El comando do while !button en mi código se está ejecutando

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    The program works OK :) I once, long ago in other projects where I use a front detector, I tried to define NOWx as a bit, then it didn't work ...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    super... simple... thanks!

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    i replaced the microcontroller but the code remained the same.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I replaced the microcontroller, another message appeared 21:52:48 G+Stool started with parameter 'hexflash' -> processing C:\GCB@Syn\G+Stools\makeHEX.bat Source-File = C:\JANIS\viss\MANI PROJEKTI\SW.MODE CHARGER\CHARGER_COLOR_GLCD_5A_2020\CHARGER_2020_16lf1938_for_st7735@32.gcb >>> WARNINGs / ERRORs reported by Great Cow BASIC (if Syntax Error, doubleclick on the errormessage below) <<<

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have a problem with the compiled program. The memory of the microcontroller is full. What would you recommend instead of a PIC16F1938 with more memory so that the PIN outputs matches the same functions. Error: First page of program memory is full, please reduce size of Main and Interrupt routines

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I want to tell @Vecheslav to take into account that a larger font will be processed more slowly. This is the case if you want to display a variable that will change dynamically. I say this from experience.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks to the creators and supporters of GCB. It is my first and also the only low level language I have learned. Of course, except for high-level programming languages ​​for industrial PLCs. I'm surprised that many users use GCB for business purposes! I've created a lot of projects, but they're simple, but I've also sold some GCB-based systems. I don't know why, but many programming things are not clear to me, it is difficult to switch between different programming environments and different types...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I think it will be too difficult for the guy. It is easier to change the microcontroller and use the ADC. The circuit needs to be redesigned anyway, a voltage divider is needed.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Explain to the professor 1) PIC16F505 does not support A / D converter. 2) the voltage level must be changed. Without it, nothing can be done. A voltage divider with resistors is the simplest option. You may not need transistor Q1, and replace the resistors R6 and R7 with the required ratings that Anobium drew. Instead of capacitor C8, zener diode 5.1V are inserted. This way, nothing will be added or subtracted, but exchanged.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Anobium, yes. I therefore mentioned in my comment that the PIC must support an A / D converter. I saw that the PIC16F505 has no analog input, I guess maybe I was wrong ... But it really isn't. Like the traditional 16F628 :). Look for another microcontroller

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If I understood the idea correctly , then measure the voltage level, it is necessary to use a voltage divider so that the input of the microcontroller does not exceed 5V and the input of the microcontroller must support the A / D function.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If I understood the idea correctly , then measure the voltage level, it is necessary to use a voltage divider so that the input of the microcontroller does not exceed 5V and the input of the microcontroller must support the A / D function.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hey! What happened to you all? Are you ill that you are talking about GCB collapsing? Are any sick?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bad for you there. So far in Latvia, only a few are ill. The main thing is that everything comes from China ... mostly all our parts ... Hold on, Jack

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Super. Thanks!

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to tell you an idea. I had a project for visualizing the power of my Yeti Haldex 5 pump using the SSD1306. Now I want to change the steering wheel to the sports corner. there will be no control buttons, but instead TTP223 modules will be placed under the new steering wheel leather trim. The PIC will create an imitation of a schroll button. To simulate the schroll function with one touch pad. (UP, DOWN) :)))))))))))))))

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Maybe someone has worked with the touch sensitive module TTP223?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    However, I will use ready-made modules TTP223 from China ( 1 ,2 eur :)) . I need 5 sensors in different places. To avoid interference from a distance, it is better to use the module. The information will then be processed by the PIC.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok thanks

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Anobium, you know that I can use Analog input. In almost every project I have, the microcontroller uses an analog input. This is the first thing whats each need to learn. I was thinking of a gcb demo sample: \ vendor_boards \ microchip-curiosity_low_pin_count_demo_board \ cvd_touch_button_16f1619.gcb. I didn't really understand why the exsample is so complicated.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I looked at the example of gcb demo mentioned by Jim, I do not understand well how ADC works and what is the wiring diagram for this example. what is the electrical connection, Don't need a resistor on the PIC pin?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you! I had not noticed that the gcb demo examples have this solution. The example uses analog input. The solution is very interesting, I didn't really understand it. I was thinking of an example of using specifically capacitive touch sensitive function of pic microcontroller.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello to all! I can't find any example with PIC with capacitive touch input configuration and usage. I have not read any reviews about it here. A long time ago, there was little discussion with the subject. Maybe have any feedback, suggestions for using touch sensitive inputs? Which PIC is better to use, who has experience?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    And what is the solution? Are you looking for a display that has a processor higher than 1MHz? I have no experience yet, but I am thinking of building something soon.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you all for the suggestions! I'll keep that in mind when I upgrade code for the charger again. Now it performs its functions :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you Jim & Anobium ! I divided two stages into subroutines. now is possible compile my code! Maybe someone is interested in learning about changes to my battery charger. I had designed it so that when charged at a constant current, the voltage is gradually increased until it reaches a maximum of 15.6V. This voltage remains after that. This is not good because the battery then heats up and releases gas. Therefore, when the maximum voltage is reached, the charger switches to standby mode at 13.0V...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I didn't understand, here's the HTML page.!

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    this problem was before. Anobium Full - you sure? Program Memory: 8118/32768 words (24.77%) RAM: 442/2048 bytes (21.58%) Chip: 16F18877 ==================================== i did a little optimization of the program and everything was fine. microcontroller is not full. but now i need to upgrade the program.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone in the new year! I want to extend this project with some minor changes, but it doesn't work. When compiling a program, the compiler gives a message! Ahhhhh

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Happy 2020! Laimīgu Jauno Gadu! - Latvian language

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Merry Christmas All from Latvia :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I think it's faster and easier to buy a new display with a controller. LCD displays are cheap and you can choose the size and color tone you want. Can use OLED display, it is even more beautiful.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code


  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code

    I hope someone in my project will be inspired to use the capabilities of the GCB to operate the SSD1306 for practical purposes.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code


  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code


  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code


  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code


  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code


  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Demonstration Code

    I completed my project on controlling the power of the haldex_5 pump. I encountered the Clutch of haldex_5 when buying my Yeti with a mileage of 10000km. I bought a used car, thought to test all-wheel drive, but my yeti got stuck in the seashore! The problem with Haldex_5 is that the clutch needs to change oil more often than expected and the pump needs to clean the filter. The filter is non-replaceable, it is simply a strainer. I think anyone with a modern four-wheel drive car will encounter problems...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hey! I would also like to watch this video. Thanks!

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Windows 7 Kaput :(

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Anobium, the charger is in the box and it works. The project is over :) If there is no problem during the operation, I will not do anything. Until next project :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you Kent! Everyone should help each other and share ideas :). GCB is our little world

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    when you add another graphical instruction to the code, the compiler no longer compiles. compilation error

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I hope my programmcode and idea will give benefit and help someone.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    there is charging, arrows run :)

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I said at the beginning that I wanted to make a project using a graphical LCD. Here are a lot of hardships and nuances that need to be taken into account to dynamically operate pixels. I had little time, I work with project irregularly. I started the project long ago. Not just the program, but need work with the electronic side too. I think others will be able to learn from this project code. Here is the case of the inetresant. Pic16F18877 is full! If you'd like to use more feature, you should make...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Pictures , please

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Shematics is attached

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello! As I said, I'll publish the code when my battery charger is ready. It's ready and working. I'm checking out today. It is designed for 10A charging. The power side is based on the Mean Well 15V 10A power supply, werei output voltage is controlled using TL341. and I give voltage reference for TL341 With PWM 0-5V . In my case, the charger output voltage is between 10.8-15.5V.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to let you know that I did so - that only 1 variable is being processed in the interruption subprogram, which make seconds , so the subprogram is small. Other time calculations are done by the main program. It looks like it works. I'll report the results.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry! However, the problem is related to the timer interruption. I turned off the timer, I made seconds for the variables in the test program (sec++) and the whole program and display worked for half a day. Before that I tried Anobium and Kent suggestions - display delay, timer prescaler, INTOFF. It is now clear that the timer interruption interferes with the GLCD commands. Oops, I need an exact second pulse, without a timer I can't do it . Maybe GLCD commands can be operated using timer interr...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    stan cartwright - no, the difference is that the string is shifted and if no space is left at the end, then 2 pieces of h are indicated. ("Ah ")

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    So the experiment shows that you have to do what you suggested to me. Get any glcd prints out of the interrupt like Anobium says. Set the timer interrupt for max prescale of PS_8 , update a2d and print glcd, wait for next interrupt and repeat. Maybe explain with an example how to understand it? But what to do with the dynamic display in the subprogram sub charge_triangle ?

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hallo! Good evening gyus! I changed timer 3 prescaler, InitTimer3 osc , PS3_8. Ynow Timer3Overflow is rolling 15 times in 1 second interval. Then I did experiments to figure out which GLCD instructions in the program section hang the display. Problems are caused by running arrow and capacitance indication. sub charge_triangle ....... .......... and ''============== CAPACITY INDIKACIJA (Ah) if capacity_akku<>capacity_akku_disp then capacity_akku_string=str(capacity_akku) if capacity_akku=>10 then...

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    So, I tried, no. Intoff and inton fail ... using this command in a couple of instructions, the program cycle processing is slowed down or stopped.

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Anobium, I'll try to increase the delay values. But what are the values, how big? From Help : KS0108ReadDelay Read delay Default is 9 Can be set to improve overall performance. KS0108WriteDelay Write delay Default is 1 Can be set to improve performance. KS0108ClockDelay Clock Delay Default is 1 Can be set to improve performance. How to properly use IntOn and IntOff for GLCD? Please write a small example of code. Thanks

  • JANIS JANIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    Kent! All the glcd boxes, triangles and so forth is just eye candy. Comment that stuff out till you get things working properly with just string output. Get back to the basics first. Better yet, just turn on some green, yellow, red leds for indicators. Reduce, Reduce, Reduce.......... Of course, the function of the charger itself is simple. And I can use 2x16 LCD. But my thing is I wants to make something using GLCD. For Eyes pleasant charger :). Why are the GCB included files for the GLCD? For real...

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