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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Thank you Javier that worked !

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi Javier, yes i follow the instructions for upgrade to openxava 7.0.4. i have made a small project to show you as it is reproducing the same error. the first one is the method setModelName(String) is undefined for the type view. i get this error after i import view and then it is the class not found error. regards my naviox,properties: signInHelperProviderClass=com.tkk.project.model.MySignIn

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi Javier, i have tried the above method and i am getting an error after creating the second class: it says: the method setModelName(String) is undefined for the type view here is my code: import javax.servlet.http.; import javax.swing.text.; import com.openxava.naviox.impl.*; public class MySignInHelperProvider extends ProSignInHelperProvider{ public String [] init(HttpServletRequest request, View view) { String [] result = init(request, view); view.setModelName(MySignIn.class.getSimpleName());...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi Javier, apologies for the mistake in wording , yes i meant external class that i was calling. and yes the program works when i call it from the command line. and thanks to your insight i have managed to find the problem; i needed to specify the postgres driver name from my class for it to work. in case any one comes accross such it is : Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); and with this line my error is no more. thanks again regards

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    here is my action class: import org.openxava.actions.ViewBaseAction; public class MyClassAction extends ViewBaseAction{ @Override public void execute() throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Object customerId = getView().getValue("customerId"); String clientCode=customerId.toString(); try { Class<?> myClass = Class.forName("myClass.MyClass"); java.lang.reflect.Method mainMethod = myClass.getMethod("main", String[].class); String[] params = { clientCode }; mainMethod.invoke(null, (Object)...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Greetings , as i am still waiting on steps so i can upgrade our system to the recent version of OX, i came across a small problem with one of our application. using OX 6.3.2 i have to call a java stand alone application that read my psql database and copy some of the data that i have saved in the system and use it separetely. So when i pass in the actual paramater using the stand alone application alone it works perfectly. but when i call the application from my openxava system. i am getting the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Greeting everyone, i am trying to upgrade our system to 7.0.4; our system on version 6 had a custom login like we could retrieve a value date that we added below the login details to use it for our different modules, now that i am upgrading to version 7.0.4 , i am not sure how to do that here, please assist. basically i want to configure the login page to include that properties date so i can use it for the other modules that needs it. regards.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi Javier, added as bug thank you.

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2021-12-01 11:11:26


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  • C#
  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Visual Basic .NET
  • Ruby

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