Activity for Jaap van Wingerde

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde posted a comment on ticket #5631

    I think that is very useful. By the way, I do not understand why a bind to makes it possible to contact on a vpn-port.

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde posted a comment on ticket #5631


  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde posted a comment on ticket #5631

    Strange: on an other server in webmin.conf bind=, restricted access via proxy webserver ánd access via vpn is possible. On an other server bind= works. The only access is via VPN.

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde modified a comment on ticket #5631

    > dev tun122 proto kernel scope link src IP is local on tun122. On other systems this runs good. When I remove from bind= webmin runs. But then I can only log in via the restricted proxy webserver. It is important to have the possibilty to log in via the vpn.

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde posted a comment on ticket #5631 dev tun122 proto kernel scope link src IP is local on tun122. On other systems this runs good. When I remove from bind= webmin runs. But then I can only log in via the restricted proxy webserver. It is important to have the possibilty to log in via the vpn.

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde posted a comment on ticket #5631

    jaap@chanchala:~$ sudo ip link show [sudo] password for jaap: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 2: ens3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether ... brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff altname enp0s3 3: tun122: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default...

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde posted a comment on ticket #5631

    ## changed port=10000 root=/usr/share/webmin mimetypes=/usr/share/webmin/mime.types addtype_cgi=internal/cgi realm=Webmin Server logfile=/var/webmin/miniserv.log errorlog=/var/webmin/miniserv_error.log pidfile=/var/webmin/ logtime=168 ##ssl=1 ssl=0 no_ssl2=1 no_ssl3=1 ssl_honorcipherorder=1 no_sslcompression=1 env_WEBMIN_CONFIG=/etc/webmin env_WEBMIN_VAR=/var/webmin atboot=1 logout=/etc/webmin/logout-flag listen=10000 denyfile=\.pl$ log=1 ##blockhost_failures=5 ##blockhost_time=60 syslog=1...

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde posted a comment on ticket #5631

    Deleting the empty file /var/webmin/blocked does not help. It gets recreated. jaap@chanchala:~$ sudo ls -al /var/webmin/blocked -rwx------ 1 root root 0 Aug 13 19:50 /var/webmin/blocked jaap@chanchala:~$

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde created ticket #5631

    Undefined address for Socket::pack_sockaddr_in at /usr/share/webmin/ line 497

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde created ticket #483

    new cronjobs (via webmin and hand edited) are not visible in 'Scheduled Cron Jobs'

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde posted a comment on ticket #11

    Installing with subversion went flawless after installing of some qt5-dev-packages (Debian 9 - Stretch).

  • Jaap van Wingerde Jaap van Wingerde created ticket #11

    problems with make (readesm-2011.12pre1-Source.tar.bz2)