Activity for Just A. Man

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #56

    Output with XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999994 (TeX Live 2022/Debian) still bad.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #87

    Henri's bug is still there with XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999994 (TeX Live 2022/Debian) (preloaded format=xelatex 2023.2.17).

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man modified a comment on ticket #125

    As of now, I get the expected =: . The bug report can be closed.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man modified a comment on ticket #125

    As of now, I get the expected =:

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man modified a comment on ticket #125

    As of now, I get the expected =:

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #125

    As of now, I get the expected =:

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #128

    As of now, the second output looks bad (but is no longer garbage). Running xelatex on \documentclass{article} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{unicode-math} \newcommand{\pSymbol}{\prec} \begin{document} \(\not\prec_a\) \(\not\pSymbol_a\) \end{document} yields .

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #129

    As of today, the font file has been renamed, and the code should read \documentclass{article} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmathfont[Extension=.otf]{LibertinusMath-Regular} \begin{document} \(\scriptstyle \left(\right)\) \end{document} Running xelatex on it does produce () now. The bug report can be closed.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man modified a comment on ticket #82

    Feeding xelatex with \documentclass{minimal} \begin{document} ( \special{pdf:bcontent} 1 \special{pdf:btrans scale 2} 2 \special{pdf:etrans} 3 \special{pdf:econtent} ) \end{document} on TeX Live 2019/Debian results in the file in the attachment. The output doesn't look right to me, though it is unclear on what "the right position" in should be.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #82

    The same (presumably erroneous) output with XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.999992 (TeX Live 2020/Debian) (preloaded format=xelatex 2020.10.26) and dvipdfmx Version 20200315. If anyone can test a later version after 2020-07-02, please feel free.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man modified a comment on ticket #87

    I confirm that the original example no longer compiles, and that the bug reported on 2016-02-26 is gone. There is a typo there; the proper source code of the example should have been \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{unicode-math} \begin{document} \(|^a\) \(\vphantom{|}^a\) \end{document} The ouput is attached.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #87

    As for the bug reported by Henri, the output is still as he stated using XeTeX 3.14159265-2.6-0.999991 (TeX Live 2019/Debian).

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #87

    I confirm that the original example no longer compiles, and that the bug reported on 2016-02-26 is gone. There is a typo there, the proper source code of the example should have been \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{unicode-math} \begin{document} \(|^a\) \(\vphantom{|}^a\) \end{document} The ouput is attached.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #82

    Feeding xelatex with \documentclass{minimal} \begin{document} ( \special{pdf:bcontent} 1 \special{pdf:btrans scale 2} 2 \special{pdf:etrans} 3 \special{pdf:econtent} ) \end{document} on TeX Live 2019/Debian results in the file in the attachment. This doesn't look right to me, though it is unclear on what "the right position" in should be.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man modified a comment on ticket #77

    I cannot test this on a Mac. On Linux, it should be noted that extracting the archive requires unusual options: $ tar --delay-directory-restore -xvjf archive.tar.bz2. I cannot reproduce anything else. To debug this further on non-Mac, please provide us with a URL to download Apple Chancery from, and if some font file renaming is needed, please say what to rename and how.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #77

    It should be noted that extracting your archive requires unusual options on Linux: $ tar --delay-directory-restore -xvjf archive.tar.bz2. I cannot reproduce anything else. To debug this further on non-Mac, please provide us with a URL to download Apple Chancery from. If some font file renaming is needed, say what to rename and how.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #73

    I can confirm that the original bug is gone: running xetex on \begingroup % Just there to minimize tracing output \tracingmacros=2 \tracingonline=1 \everyvbox{\relax} % or whatever, non-empty. \vbox{} \endgroup \end yields (./mwe.tex \everyvbox->\relax [1] ) on tty and in the log as expected.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #61

    I xetexed the input \font\1="Arial" \font\2="Arial:embolden=2" \1 ABCdef \2 abcDEF ABCdef \bye twice with the files Arial_Black.ttf, Arial_Bold.ttf, Arial.ttf, Arial_Bold_Italic.ttf, and Arial_Italic.ttf both in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/ and (copied from there) in the current working directory , opened the PDF, selected all, and copied it into gedit. The ouput in gedit is ABCdef abcDEF ABCdef 1 This looks expected. The fonts used in the PDF output looks like Arial, and the log file...

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #56

    I can confirm that the example \documentclass[a6paper]{scrbook} \usepackage[frame,center,a4]{crop} \usepackage{marginnote} \begin{document} Quisque \marginnote{mnote}facilisis erat a dui. Suspendisse \marginpar{mpar} sagittis ante a urna. \end{document} compiled with pdflatex or lualatex yields an visually pleasant output, whereas xelatex yields a visually unpleasant output as of TeX Live 2019/Debian on Ubuntu. As for TL2020, I know nothing yet.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man modified a comment on ticket #74

    The original file has a typo: \tracingaragraphs=1 throws an error. If we compile \documentclass{book} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{width=9.5cm} \usepackage[no-sscript]{xltxtra} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setdefaultlanguage{russian} \newfontfamily\russianfont[Mapping=tex-text,Script=Cyrillic]{DejaVu Serif} \emergencystretch4em \begin{document} \tracingparagraphs=1\ {\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=40} Повествование} \ состоит из описания истории предмета по существу, т. е. как возник вопрос, который...

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #74

    The original file has a typo: \tracingaragraphs=1 throws an error. If we compile \documentclass{book} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{width=9.5cm} \usepackage[no-sscript]{xltxtra} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setdefaultlanguage{russian} \newfontfamily\russianfont[Mapping=tex-text,Script=Cyrillic]{DejaVu Serif} \emergencystretch4em \begin{document} \tracingparagraphs=1\ {\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=40} Повествование} \ состоит из описания истории предмета по существу, т. е. как возник вопрос, который...

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man modified a comment on ticket #23

    The certificate of that site has expired and if you proceed, you get "node not found". Taking a look at , we determine that we have to compile \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \font\flower="IM FELL FLOWERS 2" at 17.5pt \font\capital="IM FELL French Canon PRO Roman" at 39pt \setromanfont{IM FELL Great Primer PRO} \setlength{\textwidth}{4.5in} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{document} \fontsize{17.5}{20}\selectfont...

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #28

    Font moved to . Compilation with luatex fails (luatex-fonts is missing, and if you take it from the luatex-fonts.tex.gz file in the distribution and put it into the current dir, you get ! Undefined control sequence. l.3 \environment luatex-style ). Upon compilation wtih xetex, the bars do appear in the third line; the bug can probably be closed.

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man modified a comment on ticket #23

    The certificate of that site has expired and if you proceed, you get "node not found". Taking a look at , we compile \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \font\flower="IM FELL FLOWERS 2" at 17.5pt \font\capital="IM FELL French Canon PRO Roman" at 39pt \setromanfont{IM FELL Great Primer PRO} \setlength{\textwidth}{4.5in} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{document} \fontsize{17.5}{20}\selectfont {\flower 1} \textsc{the...

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #23

    The certificate of that site has expired and if you proceed, you get "node not found". Taking a look at , we compile \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \font\flower="IM FELL FLOWERS 2" at 17.5pt \font\capital="IM FELL French Canon PRO Roman" at 39pt \setromanfont{IM FELL Great Primer PRO} \setlength{\textwidth}{4.5in} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{document} \fontsize{17.5}{20}\selectfont {\flower 1} \textsc{the...

  • Just A. Man Just A. Man posted a comment on ticket #11

    I've just tested the provided input file by running xelatex test and obtained an error message during compilation: ! Package bidi Error: Oops! you have loaded package hyperref after bidi package . Please load package hyperref before bidi package, and then try to run xelatex on your document again. See the bidi package documentation for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.11 \begin{document} ? Q Unfortunately, I don't know whether this behavio(u)r is expected or unexpected, so,...