Activity for Colourqueen

  • Colourqueen Colourqueen posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks so much. I have found them at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\org\freeguide-tv with the channel sets in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\org\freeguide-tv\main/Controller and the Favourites (spelt the correct uk way!) in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\org\freeguide-tv\modules\reminder-alarm I can at least export the key and save it. Maybe one day I will tackle the code! I appreciate your help.

  • Colourqueen Colourqueen posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Andy. I am using Windows 11 and it is great that Freeguide still works with it. I have searched through the registry and have found a few entries for Freeguide but nothing that obviously holds either the Favourites or Channel Sets. Can you point me in the direction of which key it is and then I can export and re-import if it happens again. I would love if someone could update the program to save the settings into a config file or similar. I would offer but it is years since I did any programming...

  • Colourqueen Colourqueen posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does anyone have an answer to this question? I have lost my channel sets and favourites again today. I cannot track down where they are stored in order to make a backup.

  • Judy Dye Judy Dye posted a comment on discussion Vote

    VOTE: gpsmapper