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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino myRotator ASCOM

    Hi Robert. You did a fantastic job! My rotator is back in place after a few months in the box because of problems that started when I moved to win11. Thanks for all your interest trying to fix it. Windows app already worked but ascom was still lacking. Now works fine! Best whishes

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino myRotator ASCOM
  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino myRotator ASCOM

    ok. I have made a step back to stick to a unique setup, as you suggested. I have reinstalled arduino 2.2.1, and I have installed as well the required libraries. It turns out that firmware 124 is uploaded fine using the newest version on arduino (before with 2.1.1 I got the serial error, but 2.2.1 now does not, great). Nevertheless, if I try to upload firm 125_1 I got errors (attached) Anyway, I have uploaded 124 and the error persists.. I have tried different usb cables... including the one I use...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino myRotator ASCOM

    Hello I was attaching things one by one and maybe just kept the last one. Here they are. I have made the test in two different PCs, in one of them is COM3 and in the other COM5, tha's why the number might not be the same all the time, but the error was the same in both cases. The fact that even Arduino IDE 2.1x fails to upload via the COM PORT, as well and ascom+windows app for myRotator very heavily suggests that the issue is with your win11 minipc. Yes, and that's why I have made the test in a...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino myRotator ASCOM

    Hi Robert ONE: Yes, Win11 64bits Yes 125.1 TWO See attached THREE done FOUR error during installation of (see log and screenshot attached) I install instead with no problems Set options as you ask (see screenshot) This time is COM5 same Error. Log attached Same behaviour in two different PC with windows 11 I have unistalled previous ascom and installed 109 but the error persists. I hope all this will shed some light All the best

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino myRotator ASCOM

    Hi Robert. Thanks again for your help I have tried the serial monitor communication and that seems to work. It answers $0# I have done it on arduino IDE 1.8 because 2.1 still says "Port monitor error: command 'open' failed: Invalid serial port. Could not connect to COM3 serial port." so I can't even write the serial command to send. It seems the code can be uploaded, though, but anyway, 1.8 doesn't complain so I have done everything on 1.8 and get the response from the board. Then I have run myrotator...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino myRotator ASCOM

    Thanks for the update, Robert. I had given up and put the rotator in a box, but I decided today to give it another try. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the windows app following your PDF, and It went ok, but still can't connect to the rotator (Error SerialPortInvalidState) As this has nothing to do with your code or program, because i get the same complain uploading the "blink" example program, I have been googling and found other people with the same problem

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Arduino myRotator ASCOM

    Hi again, I can't resign to use my rotator in my new windows11 system... I am sure now it has to be with the operating system and that is has nothing to do with the firmware, as I cannot send any program to an arduino nano connected to my win11 system. I have look for other people having the same problem but the only problem that shows up is not having installed the CH340 driver or choosing "old bootloader"... I was wondering if it is an option using a different version of arduino nano, as one with...

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2021-01-28 22:09:40


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