Activity for Juan Gonzalez

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert. You did a fantastic job! My rotator is back in place after a few months in the box because of problems that started when I moved to win11. Thanks for all your interest trying to fix it. Windows app already worked but ascom was still lacking. Now works fine! Best whishes

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    ok. I have made a step back to stick to a unique setup, as you suggested. I have reinstalled arduino 2.2.1, and I have installed as well the required libraries. It turns out that firmware 124 is uploaded fine using the newest version on arduino (before with 2.1.1 I got the serial error, but 2.2.1 now does not, great). Nevertheless, if I try to upload firm 125_1 I got errors (attached) Anyway, I have uploaded 124 and the error persists.. I have tried different usb cables... including the one I use...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello I was attaching things one by one and maybe just kept the last one. Here they are. I have made the test in two different PCs, in one of them is COM3 and in the other COM5, tha's why the number might not be the same all the time, but the error was the same in both cases. The fact that even Arduino IDE 2.1x fails to upload via the COM PORT, as well and ascom+windows app for myRotator very heavily suggests that the issue is with your win11 minipc. Yes, and that's why I have made the test in a...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert ONE: Yes, Win11 64bits Yes 125.1 TWO See attached THREE done FOUR error during installation of (see log and screenshot attached) I install instead with no problems Set options as you ask (see screenshot) This time is COM5 same Error. Log attached Same behaviour in two different PC with windows 11 I have unistalled previous ascom and installed 109 but the error persists. I hope all this will shed some light All the best

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert. Thanks again for your help I have tried the serial monitor communication and that seems to work. It answers $0# I have done it on arduino IDE 1.8 because 2.1 still says "Port monitor error: command 'open' failed: Invalid serial port. Could not connect to COM3 serial port." so I can't even write the serial command to send. It seems the code can be uploaded, though, but anyway, 1.8 doesn't complain so I have done everything on 1.8 and get the response from the board. Then I have run myrotator...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the update, Robert. I had given up and put the rotator in a box, but I decided today to give it another try. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the windows app following your PDF, and It went ok, but still can't connect to the rotator (Error SerialPortInvalidState) As this has nothing to do with your code or program, because i get the same complain uploading the "blink" example program, I have been googling and found other people with the same problem

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi again, I can't resign to use my rotator in my new windows11 system... I am sure now it has to be with the operating system and that is has nothing to do with the firmware, as I cannot send any program to an arduino nano connected to my win11 system. I have look for other people having the same problem but the only problem that shows up is not having installed the CH340 driver or choosing "old bootloader"... I was wondering if it is an option using a different version of arduino nano, as one with...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello. When I have updated to FW328, the focuser keeps buzzing all the time when booting up. Just by trial and error I discovered that switching off the oled screen in config file of arduino code the problem disappeared. I have put a new screen and the problem persisted so I uploaded an older FW (305 I think) and with it the screen works and no error at all appeared, so maybe there is something wrong in FW328 with this display. Not critical as it might just be switched off, but just to let you know....

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    New version works nice. This has been sorted. Thanks. I have detected another issue, but will post it in different thread Cheers

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here is the error that yields when trying to upload the firmware from arduino 2.1.0 on win11 WITHOUT running the compatibility tool to fix it Attrached the two screenshots As running the compatibility tool Arduino 2.1.0 started to work properly, I though maybe the same thing could be done with myrotator win program... It is weird, though, that I didn't need this compatibility stuff to program myfocuser firmware in the same com port... It only complains with myrotator

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks, Robert. I had done everything as you say... I think I might have found the problem, but still need your help. 1. After failing again, I have tried to program a brand new arduino nano --> doesn't work 2. I tried to upload the blink program --> failed (last time I believed I could do it... but not now. After so many attempts who knows :)) 3. I succesfully uploaded and run the program in a different computer with arduino 1.8 4. Then I updated arduino to 2.1.0 in win8 and uploaded latest firmware-->ok...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks, Robert. I had done everything as you say... I think I might have found the problem, but still need your help. 1. After failing again, I have tried to program a brand new arduino nano --> doesn't work 2. I tried to upload the blink program --> failed (last time I believed I could do it... but not now. After so many attempts who knows :)) 3. I succesfully uploaded and run the program in a different computer with arduino 1.8 4. Then I updated arduino to 2.1.0 in win8 and uploaded latest firmware-->ok...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    ok Robert. I have everything up to date and won't try to go back to earlier versions. I have checked that the problem is when reading the profiles: stepsize is not updated (all the rest of parameters are read normally) The values are written in the profile file, but the value of stepsize is not updated with the value in the file when you read it... Is you want I may send you profile files or logs, but I am pretty sure this is the problem. It is not big deal, I can just put it by hand... All the ...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    hello. I only had the rotator connected first, i tried on com3. after that I tried on com4. the log might have recorded both attempts. Take into account that I successfully uploaded the blink program, so the port , cable etc was correct. I always check that old bootloader was selected. I cannot do the test you say as the program is not transferred....

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Robert I have followed your steps and arduino can't send the firmware... I have tried to send the "blink" example code and it has worked, but not myrotator firmware 124 Arduino IDE says avrdude: ser_open(): can't set com-state for "\.\COM4" Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1 log file follows 26/06/2023 17:23:14: ConnectBtn 26/06/2023 17:23:14: ConnectBtn Connecting to Controller 26/06/2023 17:23:14: ConnectBtn COM Port: COM3 26/06/2023 17:23:14: ConnectBtn COM Port Speed: 9600...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello. I had done everything as so said but I have gone through everything again using the win11 pc. I have had to install arduino and all the libraries (by the way, not only timerOne has to be downloaded from githup as you state in the "additional libraries to install" file, but onewire too) Well, the problem persisted but then I realized the screen was off al the time... I have disabled the screen (oled 0.96'') in the config section and IT WORKS :) Maybe something is wrong with that screen and...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello. I had done everything as so said but I have gone through everything again using the win11 pc. I have had to install arduino and all the libraries (by the way, not only timerOne has to be downloaded from githup as you state in the "additional libraries to install" file, but onewire too) Well, the problem persisted but then I realized the screen was off al the time... I have disabled the screen (oled 0.96'') in the config section and IT WORKS :) Maybe something is wrong with that screen and...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello. In parallel with the issues I am having with myfocuserpro2, and that you are already helping me to solve, I have lost the possibility of connecting to myrotator. I believe it might be because I have changed miniPC to a win11... I have updated winAPP and firmware to the latest version but windows says "COMport is n invalid state or parameter is wrong". I ca connect it properly in an old win8.1 pc, but within the new win11 minipc there is no way... Any clues? Thanks

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Robert, and thanks again for your detailed help. I am on my way to reset everything. I have cleared eeprom and after uploading 328 firmware it starts to buzz and turns the lights of buttons permanently. Does it mean I have configured something wrong?

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello again. I am afraid I have spoiled all the configuration trying all these stuff of profiles... I have installed ASCOM driver 300 and windows program, which I believe are the latest versions. Windows app opens but when connects it seems sends some commands but in the end beeps agains and says "not connected" If I access to ascom options through nina I can connect, although it complains all the time about position being >= maxsteps... Only if I set pos=0 allows to connect... Also, I have...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello again. I am afraid I have spoiled all the configuration trying all these stuff of profiles... I have installed ASCOM driver 300 and windows program, which I believe are the latest versions. Windows app opens but when connects it seems sends some commands but in the end beeps agains and says "not connected" If I access to ascom options through nina I can connect, although it complains all the time about position being >= maxsteps... Only if I set pos=0 allows to connect

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you so much. I will test it as soon as I can and let you know.

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks a lot, Robert. Indeed, a wrong value of position is not a problem for me because I have a home position sensor so the first thing I do is going home to reset the 0 position... Are there any other problems? I have done a few tests and sometimes the values set in the program are not written in the txt file... I have changed them by hand with the notepad, but I think sometimes are not well read, neither... Then, If I have well understood, the solution for the moment to use a single controller...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello. I have read about controlling two focusers at the same time, but I think this is NOT what I need. I have a single controller and two telescopes with two identical motors. I would like to be able to quickly select the proper values for step size, maxsteps, backlash... that are different in the two telescopes, depending on which tube I am using that night. Is that possible? All the best Juan

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Understood. I'll try to do it through the IR option. Thanks Juan

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi everyone. I have built the standard drv8825 version and works fine from the pc, but I would like to use the push buttons when using the telescope in visual setup, without the camera, the pc... The problem is the stepsize is too small in my setup... I need a minimum of about 50 steps to notice a change in focus. Is there any way to change the stepsize associated to the push buttons? Also, I imagine I would need to increase the time that a button is pressed before sending continuous steps... Is...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Robert. I have finally found out the problem, thanks to your help . At the beginning the program always said "closed", but I have traced the problem and detected that there was a short at the connector. Some test were done without it, so the readings with the multimeter went fine, then with everything mounted it failed... Anyway, thanks a lot. I has been useful to better understand how the program works. All the best Juan

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert. I have done the test you suggested: 1. The HPSW is enabled: I receive the l1# reply 2. The pullup resistor is there: it is R9 in the PCB FIRBT rev3 model (I have checked the schematics). With a multimeter, I have measured 5V at the HPSW pins when the switch is open, and 0 when is closed, as expected BUT 3. The :63# command always receive a H0# response, for both open and closed states. If I connect the windows app mini ( and chech HPSW status always says OPEN, while according to...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. Thanks for the extensive reply. I am not at home to test the commands to suggest, I'll do it in 15 days. The firmware I am using is 308. I bought the FIRBT PCB in January, and all I have done is putting a switch connected to the HPSW pins at the PCB... Cheers

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. I have a DRV8825HW203 board working fine without HPSW. I have added the switch and changed the config file to account for it but then I have realized the program always read the switch is closed... I have cheched the switch itself and works fine but for some reason the program does not read it properly, I think. As a consequence when I move +500 steps, for example, it moves but the position resets to 0 inmediately, so I can never go back... Has anybody found this problem before? Cheers Juan

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry for so many posts, but I try to keep each differnet question in a different thread to facilitate searchs within the forum. I have built the drv8825hw203FIRBT, and works well with the 0.96'' display. I suppose the 1.3'' will work fine as well, but the others that are bigger (utft 2.2'' and 1.8'') have more wires... Is there any way to used them, maybe with an intermediate circuit? I have not found anything in the documentation but a footnote that says this screen go for the stripboard... All...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. I have realized that if I connect the focuser using the windows application I can't connect simultaneously from other application as NINA. This happens as well with the mount, for example. To avoid conflicts of different applications taking to the same hardware at the same time there is Devicehub in the ascom platform. I have been able to select myfocuserpro in devicehub as the focuser, and NINA connects to it, but there is no way for the windows application of the focuser to connect through...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello. I have read in the documentation that different remotes can be used provided that the code of each key is identified, dfor example by using the IR.ino code in the test section. I bought a different module than the recommended by mistake, and I am trying to use it. To do so I have installed that code and checked for the codes. SOme of them look ok, but sometimes the code is negative... and sometimes there are more than one that appear... Is that normal? I don't think it is going to work with...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks a lot for the reply to both questions. All the best

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello. I have built the FIRBT pcb with a DRV8825 controller. Looking at the schematics I see that these 3 ways of moving the focuser don't share any pins... IR uses D9, BT uses D10 and D11, and Push buttons A0. What is the problem then to enable them at the same time? The arduino code allows BT and PB together, but IR is not allowed to coexist with BT or PB... I would be great to have all options open with the same code. Cheers

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi everybody. I have finished the project and has worked very well without much trouble, thanks to the large amount of documentation and support provided. Thank you very much for that. Just a small concern: I have noticed that when moving large amounts of steps the motor stalls periodically a fraction of a second and then continues moving... This small stops coincide with some lights in the arduino nano blinking...maybe comunicating with the PC... Is it normal? I am not sure if this implies missing...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi everybody. I have finished the project and has worked very well without much trouble, thanks to the large amount of documentation and support provided. Thank you very much for that. Just a small concern: I have noticed that when moving large amounts of steps the motor stalls periodically a fraction of a second and then continues moving... This small stops coincide with some lights in the arduino nano blinking...maybe comunicating with the PC... Is it normal? I am not sure if this implies missing...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. Thanks for the quick reply, I therefore understand that IR and Oled are posible at the same time with FIRBT Pcb, even though the PDF does not says so in the table of the diferent versiones of Pcb offer. (page 33) What about BT and IR? The pdf says they are not compatible. I suppose that means that I can mount both options and use one option or the other but not mixing the two at the same time. Am I right? Otherwise why putting both on thje same PCB... I just want to make my mind on the way I...

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. Thanks for the quick reply, I therefore understand that IR and Oled are posible at the same time with FIRBT Pcb., even though the PDF doesnot says so in the table that the diferent versiones of Pcb offer. What about push buttons and IR? May I mount both options and use them together? The PDF guide says NO but dont understand why... Cheers

  • Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello. First, thanks a lot for such an impressive work in a fascinating project. I am trying to decide on which version to choose, and there are a couple of things I don't quite understand: 1. I aim to DRV8825HW203 and I rather prefer OLED display, but think that probably the best way to move the focuser will be the IR controller,provided that doing it with buttons might be too slow. It seems both options are not available at the same time, as the "pcb options table" says M-MT-F-BT has OLED but not...