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  • Posted a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    OOPPPSSS Edited aliases instead mapping in field above under regular expression "" Now seems to work OK again, many thanks

  • Posted a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    Many thanks, missed that sub-menu Unfortunately does not work as expected. Set only edit "same as user name" and "Email addresses" but when log in as that user, only shows sendmail server as option, everything else is missing as should be but...when I go to Virtual User box and do asearc for virtual User addresses say using "wat" it brings up ALL the entries for every domain with "wat" in the name - of which there are a huge number! (like, visistwatchet etc etc) Attached screengrab of...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    I am sure asked before but can not find thread so if someone can point, many thanks I run a vps with about 50 domains and a huge virtusertable for mail forwarding. Webmin is set to the server address and I can edit everything on the vps, also through a command console. I need ONE website to have access JUST to their "section" of the virtusertable in order to set up their own mail forwarding. I have set them up as a webmin user and only given them priveledges to sendmail server, but it allows them...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    I have searched here but an not find answer. Running Centos system and BIND stops on its own recently and I can not find reason in any logs. I need to find a way to automatically restart bind within Centos when it crashes. Webmin can send an email when BIND server is down (problems with that as well - see separate part post below) so it monitors the BIND server but I can not find a way to autorestart it. Looked at systemd but that seems to be for services however finallay found named.service for...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on AWStats

    MISSING ENTRY from http.conf for each domain! Apologies ScriptAlias /awstats/ /home/WatchetTaxis/awstats/cgi-bin/ Alias /awstatsicons/ /home/WatchetTaxis/awstats/icon/ <Directory home="" WatchetTaxis="" awstats="" cgi-bin=""/> Options +ExecCGI DirectoryIndex </Directory>

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on AWStats

    I hope someone can please give me a clue. Centos server hosting multiple domains. When contracted server had webmin installed and awstats ONLY through webmin. On initial set up, server lessor set configurations to run awstats from any domain providing config files in place. worked. I ahve full server access and the requirements for awstats were:- 1) Add lines to http.conf for the domain as below as root 2) create an awstats.conf file for domain as root 3) create awstats...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on AWStats

    Hi, seem to have fixed it but know not how! Recopied files over from a back up, remembered to set the .pl files to execute (after wondering why didn't work) and seems ok. One of life's mysteries! John R

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on AWStats

    Hi from UK I run a Centos system with separate awstats on several hosted domains and each iteration is in (home)\domain name\awstats directory. There is also another copy of awstats installed through Webmin. Since the update, running the script brings up and "internal error" message from the line in "awstats.domain bane.conf Checking all the files, there has been no changes to httpd.conf etc. nor the awstats installatyions associated with each domain, only the files in \share\awstats The entry in...

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2014-11-26 18:45:47


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