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  • Posted a comment on discussion ejbca-develop on EJBCA, JEE PKI Certificate Authority

    Hi, We have some issues with the following configuration: EJBCA Community v7.4.3.2 Utimaco CriptoServer Se2 Series with FIPS mode ON This configuration works great with NO FIPS mode. When we configure Utimaco HSM with FIPS mode ON, you must create a special PKCS11 Attribute File. On FIPS mode we create the Crypto Token, but we can not "Genertae a newKey Pair". We enable debud mode for ejbca and cesecore. The extract of the log files is when we try to "Genertae a newKey Pair".: 20:34:07,206 INFO [org.cesecore.keys.util.SignWithWorkingAlgorithm]...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on EJBCA, JEE PKI Certificate Authority

    Hi Tomas, I just changed the value of "hibernate.dialect" on ejbca_ce_6_15_2_6/propertyDefaults.xml file and the initial setup and deployment was successful. I will continue with the additional test. Thanks a lot. Jorge

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on EJBCA, JEE PKI Certificate Authority

    Hi Tomas, Where I must change the dialect? On EJBCA setup script (, on EJBCA persistence.xml file (from distribution) or on Wildfly configuration files? Thanks in advance Jorge

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on EJBCA, JEE PKI Certificate Authority

    Hi, I'm tring to install EJBCA CE with Wildfly 19.1.0 and mysql cluster 8.0.20. I have an issue during EJBCA deploy, the follow error during tables creation: 2020-07-14 21:06:35,418 WARN [org.hibernate.tool.schema.internal.ExceptionHandlerLoggedImpl] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 5) GenerationTarget encountered exception accepting command : Error executing DDL "create table RoleData (id INT(11) not null, nameSpace VARCHAR(250) BINARY, rawData LONGTEXT, roleName VARCHAR(250) BINARY not null,...

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2020-07-15 03:40:50


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