User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #377 on The Player Project

    Hi Victor Thanks for the reply. There's one more spot where librt is being linked to, in libplayercore. I grepped through the rest of the CMakeLists.txt and didn't see any more hits for librt outside of IF (PLAYER_OS_SOLARIS), but grepping for "rt" produces tons of false positives so let me know if something else breaks. diff --git a/libplayercore/CMakeLists.txt b/libplayercore/CMakeLists.txt index 33768da6..97c6b9ab 100644 --- a/libplayercore/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/libplayercore/CMakeLists.txt @@...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #377 on The Player Project

    I was able to reproduce the error where interface_table.h wasn't found, and the patch I posted above that calls "add_dependencies" seems to fix the error on my machine. I don't have a mac to test the second patch. I pushed both of these to git master - if you could give it a try I'd appreciate it.

  • Modified a comment on ticket #377 on The Player Project

    So interface_table.h is generated by a python script during build time. EIther something is wrong with the script/python interpreter, or something is wrong with the way that the dependencies are set up. If the output pasted is the complete output, it looks like the build system isn't trying to generate interface_table.h before trying to build libplayerinterface. This patch may correct that: diff --git a/libplayerinterface/CMakeLists.txt b/libplayerinterface/CMakeLists.txt index 59bb4ea2..0e22b8fd...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #377 on The Player Project

    The problem with clock_gettime is a different issue. Player tests for the existance of and the clock_gettime function, and if it can't find either of those it tries to provide clock_gettime functionality. It looks like librt doesn't exist on os x, so a check for clock_gettime is all that's needed. Try this patch: diff --git a/cmake/internal/SearchForStuff.cmake b/cmake/internal/SearchForStuff.cmake index dd6e6ebd..6dbe2d83 100644 --- a/cmake/internal/SearchForStuff.cmake +++ b/cmake/internal/SearchForStuff.cmake...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #377 on The Player Project

    So interface_table.h is generated by a python script during build time. EIther something is wrong with the script/python interpreter, or something is wrong with the way that the dependencies are set up. If the output pasted is the complete output, it looks like the build system isn't trying to generate interface_table.h before trying to build libplayerinterface. This patch may correct that: diff --git a/libplayerinterface/CMakeLists.txt b/libplayerinterface/CMakeLists.txt index 59bb4ea2..0e22b8fd...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #377 on The Player Project

    Hmm... is it possible you're using python 3 instead of python 2? Player 3.0.2's generators...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #377 on The Player Project

    The CMake dependencies for that part of the code aren't set up right, this patch...

  • Created ticket #5 on The Sick LIDAR Matlab/C++ Toolbox

    C++11 compatibility

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2007-09-16 19:39:10


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