Activity for jose moreno

  • jose moreno jose moreno posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    Hi mmotte I have tested the same program with the PIC16F877A and de PIC16F88, and the same error appears again. I was wondering if you call a subroutine from one page to another, the GCB Compiler will the all the pagesel stuff? Thanks

  • jose moreno jose moreno modified a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    Hello, I'm testing with GCB, i was testing what would it happend when my programm passed the first page of memory. On te PIC16F886, that has a programm memory of 8192 words. The test software its very simple just a lot of NOP instructions.! But i getting the following error, and i can't compile the program. Error: Subroutine Main is 2298 words, the size limit on the current chip is 2048 words Error: First page of program memory is full, please reduce size of Main and Interrupt routines The error...

  • jose moreno jose moreno posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    Hello, I'm testing with GCB, i was testing what would it happend when my programm passed the first page of memory. On te PIC16F886, that has a programm memory of 8192 words. The test software its very simple just a lot of NOP instructions.! But i getting the following error, and i can't compile the program. Error: Subroutine Main is 2298 words, the size limit on the current chip is 2048 words Error: First page of program memory is full, please reduce size of Main and Interrupt routines The error...

  • jose moreno jose moreno modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    This work for me, i'm using an Arduino Uno Clone, and the GCB version "0.98.02 2018-05-10" You Just need to find the flashAVR.bat file on the following location: C:\GCB@Syn\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat Then edit the .bat file with Notepad++ or any other tool and look for the following line REM Call AVRdude for Arduino_Uno bootloader: REM You will have to confirm the com (communications) port - currently set for com6 "AVRdude\avrdude.exe" -c Arduino -P Com9 -b 115200 -p AT%2 -U flash:w:%1:i just remove the...

  • jose moreno jose moreno posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    This work for me, i'm using an Arduino Uno Clone, and the GCB version "0.98.02 2018-05-10" You Just need to find the flashAVR.bat file on the following location: C:\GCB@Syn\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat Then edit the .bat file with Notepad++ or any other tool and look for the following line REM Call AVRdude for Arduino_Uno bootloader: REM You will have to confirm the com (communications) port - currently set for com6 "AVRdude\avrdude.exe" -c Arduino -P Com9 -b 115200 -p AT%2 -U flash:w:%1:i just remove the...