Activity for Jonathan Daley

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r321] on Code

    intval() works to cast to an int, where old PHP could use the '0 + var' trick

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r320] on Code

    need to define getHttpVar before using it

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a review on Vital Sign Simulator

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #51

    I've just started getting errors from My DKIM records are correct, as verified by, which shows the proper authentication in their headers. It seems that rcfax is not following the DKIM standard and is imposing a further restriction on the email. I can't get anyone at Ring Central who knows what DKIM records are.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #494

    Ah, I finally found it. I knew about /etc/usermin/miniserv.conf but I forgot about /etc/usermin/config tempdir was set to /tmp, which has been set that way for a decade. I can't see the code that changed that made that work before, but I've changed it to /tmp/.usermin and now it is happy. It would probably be good to put in a check to never "rm -rf /tmp" just to protect users from themselves. Or maybe automatically put in a suffix of .webmin or .usermin if someone uses /tmp, though maybe the solution...

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley created ticket #494

    tmp directory is being erased?

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r716]

    Tagging 3.3.3 release

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r715]

    I like the tagging model that subversion has for easier merging and comparing between versions

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r714]

    setting release 3.3.3. I haven't seen any errors in a while, and tested a bunch of stuff

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r713]

    bug, probably in converting to php7. I didn't have this plugin installed previously

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #119

    contact.class.php may cause Undefined offset error

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #119

    This was fixed at least by revision 712, if not before.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r712]

    my first attempt at replacing create_function() for the array_filter() call didn't work. Adding a closure does. This is related to bug# 119. It might have been fixed before, but it definitely fixed now

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r711]

    rev 635 tried to fix an undefined error, but did it incorrectly. The isset() check needs to be used after the value is defined. This makes refids work for communications/information again

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r710]

    whoops, typo - left it in quirks mode which caused all sorts of problems

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r709]

    simplified query - it must have been used to do something else in the past

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #127

    I think the unexpected behavior comes from that the "user" who modified it is tied to a "contact" and then we call Contact->sendEmail() which grabs the first email address out of the contact, rather than from the users table. Probably we should use the contact information from the users table, because it didn't work how I expected it either, and sent my wife an email, because she is the first address in the contact card.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've updated this issue here:

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r708]

    PHPMailer now has a new way to instantiate

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #125

    Logout followed by Login: incorrect redirect (embedded)

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #133

    bug when we change phone to mail on an existing contact

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #112

    Warnings after install

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r707]

    updated links to https and new sourceforge formatting. Our hosted example page isn't working - looks like the database is dead. we should check that out at some point

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r706]

    our database has limits, so might as well limit the HTML text boxes too, so the user can't easily send in values that are too long, resulting in mysql query errors

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r705]

    check for null before trying to diff

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #133

    this only occurs when the contactchangelogger plugin is installed. I think it is fixed in rev 704.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r704]

    check for values before using them fixes #133

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #132

    while checking this, I noted some missing static classes that are required for PHP7. Fixed in rev 703.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r703]

    more php7 changes: need statics

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #132

    Export to vcf causes warnings

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #132

    fixed in rev 666

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #134

    PageContact crashes if user who modified is deleted.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #134

    I think this is fixed now. I don't see the error.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r702]

    fixed undefined error when deleting contacts

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #138

    Install script crashes Apache server

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #137

    Failed to do query: Table 'databasename.tab3_plugins' do

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #135

    warning about mb_encode_numericentity expecting 3 parameters

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #135


  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #136

    MySql error: Incorrect integer value

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #62

    Sync Client Address book options

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #62

    Digging this one up from the ancient past. Did you make any progress on this? I have been trying to figure out a method to make my email client (alpine/IMAP) talk to my phone (Android/Google) and haven't come up with anything yet - the solutions seem fairly complicated. I have gotten my wife's and my email clients to be able to share an IMAP addressbook, which is very handy.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #67

    Php 7?

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #59

    Address should not display default Country

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #59

    I didn't see your code before fixing it myself. applied in rev. 700.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #67

    Php 7?

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #67

    I forgot to come back and comment here. The project has supported PHP7 successfully for a while now. There is still some cleanup to do, but my wife is happy that she can now finish her Christmas list on my new database server: 10.3.27-MariaDB-0+deb10u1-log.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #2

    Relationship plugin: mutual relationship

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #2

    applied in rev 670

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #3

    applied in rev 671.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #3

    Contact stylesheet fix: "webs, news, media" overflow

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #4

    applied in rev 672

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #4

    Relationship plugin update - show links on contactPage

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #5

    Relationship plugin - crash when deleting a contact

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #5

    applied in rev 673

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #1

    applied in rev 669

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified ticket #1

    Relationship plugin PHP Warning

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #136

    I just came across this myself (I recently moved my personal copy of address book to a new server, so hadn't seen this bug before. I fixed it in a different way, by copying code from another section of the software which actually does the right thing and includes the refid when it is needed and uses the auto-increment value from the database when it isn't. We probably need to check other places in the code that use auto-increment values that depended on the old mysql behavior. This particular issue...

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r701]

    fix for address trying to set the auto-increment value to '' (apparently NULL is acceptable? Maybe not for auto-increment values, need to check). Closes bug #136

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r319]

    undefined variables

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r318]

    php7 update

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r317]

    php7 upgrades for mysqli_XXX

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley modified a comment on ticket #476

    I have a related problem (I think), so I'll add some screenshots to this one rather than open a new bug report. My dialogs (Settings->General, Print, and Presentation) are really big (width is correct, but height is 1.5 times the height of my screen, so I can't reach the ok/cancel buttons unless I use a Alt-mouse drag on the window to move it upwards (I can't move the dialog with the title bar because I need the title bar to go above the edge of my window. I don't know if it is related, but sounds...

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #476

    I have a related problem (I think), so I'll add some screenshots to this one rather than open a new bug report. My dialogs are really big (width is correct, but height is 1.5 times the height of my screen, so I can't reach the ok/cancel buttons unless I use a Alt-mouse drag on the window to move it upwards (I can't move the dialog with the title bar because I need the title bar to go above the edge of my window. I don't know if it is related, but sounds similar. 3.4.8 linux.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #465

    sounds like preview mode, and since it was posted anonymously, you'll probably never get a response and could close this one.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #478

    Bug still present in 3.4.8 on my new laptop with a different screen resolution. I see that imgur has erased my initial report, so I've attached a screenshot.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley created ticket #487

    Crash on close (with X or Alt-F4)

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r316]

    use utf-8 everywhere. (I manually converted my database character set - need to check the database creation code, it probably uses the server default)

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r315]

    regression in -r308, we started looking for either beginning or end, when we really want both

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r314]

    enable -v for debugging

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r313]

    trying to debug parenthesis bug added in last version

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r700]

    nobody wants to see their own country do they?

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r699]

    hide some stuff during printing

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r698]

    when deleting a user, set fields so as to not cause database/key problems. set unknown values to zero so it can be checked for elsewhere

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r697]

    subversion cleanup

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r696]

    we don't need POP, so get rid of it

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r695]

    new version of phpmailer

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r694]


  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r693]

    fixes for a newer version of mysql (I use MariaDB 10.3.27). It is probably 'strict' mode, which makes NULL need to be explicitly named, and not ''.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r692]

    php7 changes

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley posted a comment on ticket #67

    Is that enough fun? Those are the changes I've made over the years - I haven't made many changes in a long time. I'm working on the PHP7 changes now. It is mostly working, though there are so many...

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r691]

    don't print empty address labels. remove middle names if they are too long on labels. I just realized that the middle-name might be one thing I added in my own code, so these last changes might not make sense.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r690]

    put a space after the middle name

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r689]

    make labels look nicer

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r688]

    my wife's changes to the address formatting for labels. Now show full country names for PDF labels. changing order of last/first names. this is probably the first change that maybe other people don't want. But since there haven't been any other changes in a decade maybe no one else cares... :)

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r687]

    adding a phone list. adding email export

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r686]

    added 'type' parameter for different kinds of lists

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r685]

    removed redundant box, since onload was being run twice.

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r684]

    remove HTML, and add a header

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r683]

    actually added the notes this time. cleaned the line-length code

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r682]

    auto-add carriage returns if the line is too long. starting to add notes

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r681]

    country should be in uppercase

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r680]

    whitespace only

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r679]

    fixing up PDF output. removed first page. treat middle name specially, if it starts with a parenthesis. removed URL from footer. don't display group if we are filtering by group. display a shortened name on the sidebar

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r678]

    we already have a contact object, don't need to pass in the id

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r677]

    need to URLencode the URL

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r676]

    PHP notice

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r675]

    whitespace only

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r674]

    whitespace only

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r673]

    delete any relationships that exist in another contact 'towards' this to-be-deleted contact

  • Jonathan Daley Jonathan Daley committed [r672]

    list relationships on contact page, and make link to the related-to contact

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