Activity for johny why

  • johny why johny why posted a review on Windows MBox Viewer

  • johny why johny why created ticket #10

    Item Stuck In Pending

  • johny why johny why modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Would be great if we could use grep switches. -type d

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Would be great if we could use grep switches. -type d

  • johny why johny why modified a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, as i showed above -- include both paths, at least the parent folder. i used absolute paths, and you used relative. It seems this method excludes the parent folder from the archive. You only get everything under Target. Correct? The same command with one single path or pattern will include the parent folder. The same command with two paths will exclude the parent folder. This seems like an inconsistency.

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, as i showed above. Except i used absolute paths, and you used relative. Great! If you use relatives, then the command is in the context of the current directory. Correct? It seems this method doesn't give a way to include the Target folder in the archive as the top level item. I'll only get everything under Target. Correct? If i want to include Target, then i have to aim at it's parent dir. 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\*.xlsm" "C:\Data\*.xlsb"

  • johny why johny why modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I'm executing 7z from script, and having a devil of a time with paths. It seems my current directory influences paths inside the archive, correct? Can that be disabled? I don't want my current directory to matter. Should i use -spf? thx!

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I'm executing 7z from script, and having a devil of a time with paths. set the top folder in the archive: had it working, but not now. extract or add single files: had it working, but not now. It seems my current directory influences paths inside the archive, correct? Can that be disabled? Should i use -spf? thx!

  • johny why johny why modified a comment on discussion Help

    hi there i don't understand. Change to the parent directory of the source and target? Execute 7z twice? Why don't you show path to the zip? cd /D C:\Data 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Updated\" "Target\*.xlsb" 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Updated\" "Target\*.xlsm" Does the include switch work in some way? thx

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion Help

    hi there i don't understand. Change to the parent directory of the source and target? Execute 7z twice? Why don't you show path to the zip? cd /D C:\Data 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target\*.xlsb" 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target\*.xlsm" Does the include switch work in some way? thx

  • johny why johny why modified a comment on discussion Help

    I want to have two includes. The following commands zip ALL files in the source dir -- not limited to xlsm files. 7z a -mx1 -r -tzip -ir!*.xlsm "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target" 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target\" *.xlsm The following 2-include switch fails -- all types are zipped. 7z a -mx1 -r -tzip -i!"*.xlsm" -i!"*.xlsb" "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target" i had to do it this way: 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target\*.xlsm"...

  • johny why johny why modified a comment on discussion Help

    I want to have two includes. The following commands zip ALL files in the source dir -- not limited to xlsm files. 7z a -mx1 -r -tzip -ir!*.xlsm "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target" 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target\" *.xlsm The following 2-include switch fails -- all types are zipped. 7z a -mx1 -r -tzip -i!"*.xlsm" -i!"*.xlsb" "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target" i had to do it this way: 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Updated\" "C:\Data\Target\*.xlsm"...

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to have two includes. The following commands zip ALL files in the source dir -- not limited to xlsm files. 7z a -mx1 -r -tzip -ir!*.xlsm "C:\Data\Projects\HCP Antivirus issue\Updated\" "C:\Data\Projects\HCP Antivirus issue\Target" 7z a -tzip -mx1 -r "C:\Data\Projects\HCP Antivirus issue\Updated\" "C:\Data\Projects\HCP Antivirus issue\Target\" *.xlsm The following 2-include switch fails -- all types are zipped. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z" a -mx1 -r -tzip -i!"*.xlsm" -i!"*.xlsb"...

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I'm trying to create a virtual CD drive to burn a Windows Repair Disk. Installed IMDisk Attempted to create a file-based, writeable CD drive. IMDisk hung. Explorer hung. Tried to reboot computer. Reboot hung. Had to do hard shutdown. Tried to create IMDisk again, in RAM. Got errors: windows shell common dll is not responding access denied* Tried to create IMDisk drive again, only entering size (left other selections on default). Drive was successfully created. Was able to format it. But not recognized...

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Isn't that the default behavior? On Wed, Jun 12, 2019, 12:01 AM Evgeniy wrote: How can I create an identical disk every time through the command line so that I do not need to re-activate the program?

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Wow, thx! Think you could turn this whole process into a one-click process in your application? :) On 6/4/2019 12:31:31 PM, Wizard wrote: If you're just concerned about "unnecessary" writes to SSD, consider this solution, a bit cumbersome to setup, but nevertheless works elegantly: Have your dyn ramdisk setup, using diskpart, create a VHDx-file, make sure it's on your HDD/SSD. Next, create a second VHDx on your ramdisk, with parameter parent=<vhdx on="" hdd="">. Attach...

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Running out of RAM on the imdisk has happened to me, so I think this is worthy of consideration. However, my higher priority is incremental loading and unloading (vs the current bulk load/unload). Thx On Tue, Jun 4, 2019, 9:33 AM v77 wrote: Possible? Yes (maybe with a bit less work than I thought). Does it worth it? I still think that no. If you fear to get data loss by running out of RAM, you should rely on the page file. In most cases, it will provide better overall performance...

  • johny why johny why created ticket #240

    Cross-Fade Not Working

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Another idea: Write back to disk during idle, to speed up termination time.

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Another idea: Write back to disk during idle, to speed up termination time.

  • johny why johny why modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If> If a new file is created in the ramdisk and has the same name/pathpathIfpathpathIfpathpathIfpathpapathpathIfpathpathIfpathpathIfpathpathIfIfIfthIfIfIf Good point. Is there a way to make it check the hd for existing file before making a new file?

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If a new file is created in the ramdisk and has the same name/path Good point. Is there a way to make it check the hd for existing file before making a new file?

  • johny why johny why modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    hghghhhghghhhghghhhghghhhghghhhghghhhghghhhghghh"Delay Load mode costs minor performance." Seems the performance should be the same, once resources are loaded. "you may feel a lag when applications request data from the ram-disk at the first time." Seems you could improve that, by finding a balance between loading more at startup vs loading on-demand. Eg, how about loading at startup all the resources that were last used, during previous session? Or, load all the most frequently used resources at...

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    "Delay Load mode costs minor performance." Seems the performance should be the same, once resources are loaded. "you may feel a lag when applications request data from the ram-disk at the first time." Seems you could improve that, by finding a balance between loading more at startup vs loading on-demand. Eg, how about loading at startup all the resources that were last used, during previous session? Or, load all the most frequently used resources at startup?

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi ImDisk rocks! Problem: i created a 800MB non-dynamic, NTFS, compressed RAM disk. Tried to copy 500MB to it (from non-compressed NTFS folder). Got "out of room" error. Then: created 1GB dynamic, NTFS, compressed RAM disk. Tried to copy 500MB to it. Again, got "out of room" error. Any fix? On Windows 10 thx!

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Thx for this awesome software! Can I buy you a beer? Bug: Working with an .MTS file (from camcorder). No problems working with this file type. I created many splitpoints and generated output files no problem. But, had this problem: Load .MTS file. Create about 10 split points. Suddenly, cannot create any more split points. To fix: Drag position slider to end of file. Create a split point. That works. Reposition at desired split point with digit input box. Can now create split point. Thx!

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Does olap4j work with Excel? thx

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Does olap4j work on Mac? thx

  • johny why johny why posted a comment on discussion Help

    I got the Ralink driver direct from Asus (computer manfacturer), so i'm sure it's...