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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Visual Test Shell for BACnet

    All of those terms are defined in the BACnet standard. The standard is not free, but you are unlikely to get very far in understanding BACnet without it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Visual Test Shell for BACnet

    There is no way to do this with unmodified OBS. As ltribble's response from 2010 said, there once was a device called an "NBLINK" that could do this, but it has been obsolete for many years.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #120 on Visual Test Shell for BACnet

    VTS hasn't seen any serious development for almost 10 years. So if UI issues are your biggest complaints, you are doing pretty well with a program written around the turn of the century. The UI is pretty much stock MFC circa 2000. That said, the source code is right there for you or anyone who wants to make it beautiful. You'll get paid the same wages as most of the people who worked on it back in the day.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Visual Test Shell for BACnet

    Your EPICS specifies which objects your test implementation has, what properties those objects have, and whether or not the properties are writable. Please be aware that VTS has not been under active development for a long time. It supports almost nothing after protocol revision 12, and I don't think it supports everything in 12. That said, it may still be useful in helping you debug your implementation

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Visual Test Shell for BACnet

    Scripting in VTS is deeply entangled with the GUI, so you can't do this via command line. Given the limitations of VTS scripting (no loops, almost no conditionals) I think you would be better off looking at one of the Python BACnet libraries. (Sorry, I can't recommend one)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Visual Test Shell for BACnet

    Congratulations on being able to build! The only documentation is what's in the "Docs" directory, and that is almost entirely user-level stuff. The badly-named "QuickStart.html" starts with how-to, but the latter parts are mostly code check-in comments. I used them to find features that never made it into the documentation. In terms of code documentation, it begins with either // or /* (Even that puts you ahead of many open source projects, which have few or no comments beyond the GPL boilerplate)...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #118 on Visual Test Shell for BACnet

    I won't argue that "it would be great" if VTS supported Protocol Revision 19. But since the current codebase has only partial support for even Revision 12, and since there have been no check-ins since August 2018, all I can suggest is "use the Source, Luke". The good news is that even the free version of Microsoft Developer's Studio now supports MFC. The bad news is that VTS is a large and sometimes messy program, much of which dates back 10 to 20 years. So start small, and fix small things that...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Visual Test Shell for BACnet

    An exact update (changing a few variable names) of your code would be IUT_NET = 'MyEther' IUT_ADDR = 112233445566 OBJECT1 = device, 555 -- Product Name OBJECT2 = analog-input, 1 -- AMD Airflow OBJECT3 = analog-input, 2 -- AMD Temperature OBJECT4 = analog-input, 4 -- AMD Alarm Status OBJECT5 = analog-value, 1 -- AMD Area OBJECT6 = analog-value, 10 -- Traverse Status SECTION Read Properties of OBJECT1 TEST#1.1 - Read object-identifier DEPENDENCIES None SEND ( NETWORK = IUT_NET DA = IUT_ADDR DER = TRUE...

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2010-01-26 17:11:20


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