Activity for John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion (64 Bit only) Bug fix for what appeared to be an i5 only issue but improvement on all processors Disabled ghosting Fix for label coloring issue with Geo and TZ not changing label color Added Shift + F9 to enable/disable Escape Mode for large multicard files tested with 8650 card file too :) Increased limits for utilizing escape dialog, added limits ini configurations for file base and memory based multicard files Corrected exit of open modeless support windows when main dialog closes Bug...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    2.8.2 (64 Bit only) Bug for for multiple PREF phones overwriting prior PREF Bug fix for Remove Card showing as Logo when language changed Bug fix for retaining template mode under some non-template situations Minor label change from 'Other Tel' to 'More Tel' Added ability to edit all 10 E-mail entries using a list edit button or Menu selection Added ability to edit all 10 phone numbers using a list edit button or Menu selection Fix for excessive toolbar blinking on card change Updated help file John...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    vCardz_i release 2.8.2 changes 'Other' tel to show as 'More' tel. Plus other improvements and capabilities. John Z

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    That is easily done, makes sense, good suggestion. It will be in the next release. But it might be a while for a new version to allow collection of any other inputs and/or bugs. Thanks!

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Thanks for trying the program. It seemed a clear way to display it at the time since it still shows the type. I'll think on it some more but a change would be difficult. The only thought might be a drop down list. The same situation occurs if more than one 'Cell' or 'Pref' is in the vcard too. I tried to keep the display as simple as possible. Best Regards, John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Yes that is how it works, there is no dropdown list for each type so the first goes into Work the rest into 'other' but they will show the type, if enabled, as [work] even under 'other' category. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion (64 bit only) Just a very minor bug fix for when the directory list updates after a font change. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    vCardz_i releases are packaged with 7z and Zip compression using 7z version 19.00 x64. I can't comment on WinRAR compatibility or capability to handle 7z compression. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion (64 bit only) Added edit support for KIND Added KIND as a searchable parameter Added the language choice to Role and Kind hover over display Added support to save Vcard as version 4.0 (reluctantly) Added batch convert into VCF4.0 also reluctantly Improved Group. prefix handling Updated help file John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marc, If you are still checking vCardz_i version 2.8.0 is released with requested batch rename feature. It allows a user configurable renaming configuration. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    2.8.0 vCardz_i baseline is now 64 bit, (32bit exe) is included with the first release of 2.8.0 but does not have features introduced in version 2.8.0 64 bit 2.8.0 added features: Added 'on demand' vCard backup, under File-Backup Changed all backup filenames to vcard filename with appended date-time and the original extension. No more bak0....bak21 but these still usable Improved edit caret visibility in default theme Dark Mode Added user configurable Batch Rename capability Updated help file...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marc, I've tried e-mailing you twice to no avail so I'll post my follow-up questions here. 1: Is there a way to change the vcf file name format when exporting, for example, to 'Lastname, Firstname, Organization.vcf'? Is this programmable into your program? Do you really mean Exporting as in to CSV, TXT, Excel, or ODS or do you really mean Extract to a new VCF file? 'Extract current card' allows rename by user, 'Extract All' makes its own filename. Suppose the Last, First are not in the contact...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Edit Menu display bug fixed. Bug revealed when start with last file was not active and/or last file not found. Display bug only no functionality affected. Corrected Edit menu when no file on start-up. Version released

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    The bug is only when starting up. First execution of edit card and exit edit restores menu to correct state from then on. No impact to vcards themselves.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Bug snuck by in the 64 bit version regarding the Edit Menu.

  • John John posted a comment on ticket #16

    Wow, great news. I've download newest version and will give it a go. Much needed with the increasing volumes of data, photos, and other documents . Thanks very much, happy computing, John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    2.7.4 Full bidirectional support for json extended date-time format to and from VCF standard format. Resolves issue from 1.9.3 when json card support started Bug fix for invisible search options in Dark Mode Bug fix for invalid filename when no file is selected then use treeview and then treeview re-initiated without any file selected, obscure but for sure Adjusted data dark mode data background color to see cursor a tiny bit better Implemented custom white IBEAM for Dark Mode Bug fix for phantom...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Fix coming very soon with version 2.7.4 along with other improvements.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Marc, I'll review your inputs and requests. Appreciate the feedback. I've removed your personal information from the post. John

  • John John modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, John: I am a sole proprietor trying to clean up my contacts. I use MS Outlook 365 and an iOS phone. I am not a coder and would like to stay away from that. This is about what I know about vCards; please note that I don't understand cross platform complications. Since destroying a number of contacts a few years ago trying to deal with CSV files and their mapping, I decided I like vCards better, and have tried to stay in that lane. I have also decided to use...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    2.7.3 If when closed and the window is partially off screen when opened next it will reposition on screen. Also if closed while maximized it will open in a smaller than max window Reduced possibility of locked decode file occurrence when incorrectly a card contains multiple Photos, Logos, or Audio entries New Dark Mode menu setting for the default 'theme' Added display of hot keys for Theme selection on the menu Bug fix and improvements for coloring the treeview when using Option Apply theme to all...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion Minor bug fixes. Mainly the release of a 64 bit version vCardz_i_64.exe as well as the 32 bit version vCardz_i. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion Added vcard 'Title' field data to QR output for vcf and xml Added ability to include or not include either Note or Label in QR code Bug fix for short date set to two digit year and MMM (text month) Improved Locale detection for various countries short date format Updated help file John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Problem is fixed in version 2.7.1 and onward.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Version 2.7.2 Will include both Title and Organization in the QR output. To be released soon....

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion This release adds the ability to change the color used for the QR image. Also added to the QR output is the organization information (org) field from the vCard. This will show as business on most mobile devices that read in the QR code. Back on V12 compiler too. Help file updated. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Contact added by reading new QR image showing added ORG/Business/Entreprise under the name.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Test QR which adds the ORG vcf entry to show the business or organization entry.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports released to fix ODS export error due to compiler version 12.002. Used compiler version 11 for the ODS Export Zip and all is well again. Still need to determine why compiler V12 has issue with 3rd party miniz source zip.c . . .

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    found related to compiler upgrade. looking for cause.....

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    ODS Export is broken .... working on it John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion This release introduces a Date-Time picker for editing the Birthday and Anniversary dates rather than the free form entry. This keeps the field compliant with the vcf specifications. vCardz_i will still display any free form entries as before, but when next edited it will be converted to the vcf specification format. Help file updated. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion Fixed phantom line issue when scrolling the Notes/Labels window. Added F7 to view open card using system default text editor just like the right click in the treeview capability. Minor update to the help file. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion Fixed various unreported bugs regarding the 'Extras' display/edit windows for Notes, Labels and Rev. Operation is much smoother now, scroll thumbs work as well as scroll arrows. Edited data is saved correctly and displayed while editing correctly. Nuisance issue of an occasional phantom last line repeat is there, seems to be related to font size vs. box size, and keystroke or click disappears the phantom line as does jiggling the window. Doesn't always happen but looks weird when it does....

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi check spec version 4.0 RFC6350. The problem is in how they are using URI. from spec: ""uri": The "uri" value type should be used to identify values that are referenced by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) instead of encoded in-line." But you see in the line from the VCF they have encoded in-line the image: PHOTO;VALUE=URI:data:image/jpeg;base64\,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD .............. I don't know how common NextCloud vcfs are so I'm not sure it is worth coding an exception. The URI should...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks! It would be helpful to attach the actual vcf file for me to test. You can edit out the names if you like by using notepad or your favorite plain text editor. The issue maybe (probably is) the URI leading. I'll check the Version 4.0 spec. Thanks, John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks! It would be helpful to attach the actual vcf file for me to test. You can edit out the names if you like by using notepad or your favorite plain text editor. The issue maybe (probably is) the URI leading. I'll check the Version 4.0 spec. The dates should be localize to the the windows format. However when saved in the VCF not in the VCF format I just display as saved. The date/time entries are still being enhanced. Thanks, John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion Fixed various unreported bugs regarding the 'Extras' display/edit windows for Notes, Labels and Rev. Operation is much smoother now, scroll thumbs work as well as scroll arrows. Edited data is saved correctly and displayed while editing correctly. Nuisance issue of an occasional phantom last line repeat is there, seems to be related to font size vs. box size, and keystroke or click disappears the phantom line as does jiggling the window. Doesn't always happen but looks weird when it does....

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    QR output is actually compatible with vCard 3.0 excepting that it is in UTF-8 and also only Home or Work as outputs. I'll look into adding more data fields but there is a limit to QR size ..... Not sure of the meaning about email being 'inactive'. Phone numbers end up in other if no type was specified in the VCF file. Appreciate the inputs. John

  • John John posted a comment on ticket #832

    Hi Thanks, The request was for adding this feature to the Projects Admin page where screen shots are entered to showcase the project. For example: . Many times I want to update, for example, the second screen shot. Currently one must delete it, add the new screen shot to the bottom of the allowed 6 re-enter the text, then drag it up back to position 2. My suggestion is to add the update button you describe to each screen shot entry position, along...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion Fixed a few context sensitive help file links. Fixed errant menu item 'remove' showing as 'Save Font' due to previous language update. Closed off possible UAF issues. Help file updated

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion Exports from the Table View now use the selected language for the headers Exports from the File - Export also use the selected language for the headers User.ini updates with new translation additions will automatically be added. If user.ini has custom language translations then update that ini with the new translations. Some code consolodation shrinking exe Minor bug fix where some messages boxes were not 'on top' Bug fix on | text file some commas were used instead by mistake Bug fix loading...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion Exports from the Table View now use the selected language for the headers Exports from the File - Export also use the selected language for the headers User.ini updates with new translation additions will automatically be added. If user.ini has custom language translations then update that ini with the new translations. Some code consolidation shrinking exe Minor bug fix where some messages boxes were not 'on top' Bug fix on | text file some commas were used instead by mistake Bug fix loading...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.6.2 Significant reduction in the time to add a large Photo/Logo/Audio files. Minor bug fix for contact list display of Quoted-Printable character after a Quoted-Printable line continuation code. Other minor code improvements.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Version fixes the bug that occurs when "Fix FN" is checked during a CSV Import. There was a double FN entry. vCardz_i is robust to this type of error so not caught in testing but reported by Robert H. Very much appreciated. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Version 2.6.1 released fixing import of Outlook address book CSV export, correctly handles double quoted and unquoted CSV entries. Fixes handling of embedded line feeds as well. Also optionally "fix" the missing Full Name, which by newer vcf spec versions is required but not really enforced. Help file updated John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Version 2.6.1 released fixing import of Outlook address book CSV export, correctly handles double quoted and unquoted CSV entries. Fixes handling of embedded line feeds as well.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports Still has cases where quoted CSV is not handled correctly. One specific issue is empty value being quoted as in "","","abc". Working on a fix.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Version 2.6.0 released to support quote characters as overriding embedded commas as field separators in a CSV file. Also provides better support for embedded 'newline' characters during import. Help file updated. John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, The new import procedure is in testing now. Need to ensure no unintended consequences. The new import will handle for example : ,"abc,def,hij", as a single input honoring the " characters to inhibit the enclosed comma(s) as field separators.. The new import will also handle for example: "abc CRLF efg CRLF f" as a multi line note or label as well as "abc LF efg". Looking good in my various import test cases, now I have to run through my suite of VCF test files. Then update the help file...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, Thanks for letting me know. I clearly was too limited in my thinking about importing CSV. Yes you are correct the import does not recognize the Quote...something...Quote as meaning to ignore commas and/or newline character within the quotes. So the result will be garbled because 1) every CVS line must end in an end-of-line marker, and 2) the presence of 'extra' commas with the quotes would be counted as extra CSV fields. The result would be as you described, extra cards appearing from...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are right it is moving towards no BOM but not yet a completely settled issue. In one of my programs that exports CSV, BOM use is a user option so if needed it can be enabled. In any case this is a great piece of work. Thanks for the discussion too. Regards, John416

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    My apologies for not being more clear. Sorry. Yes the SwiftSearch table does in fact show the foreign characters (Chinese in this particular case) correctly. It is just the 'dump to table' where the characters appear wrong in Excel. I think it is simply missing a UTF-8 BOM, granted that not all programs require BOM for UTF-8. This is what I see "China_Lexar\0-已转新pc\ " although the table shows "C:\Temp\China_Lexar\0-已转新pc\ " . Copy row and paste is fine as well. I really like this excellent...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Great utility! Would be even better with a minor upgrade to support Unicode file and directory names, the world is multilingual. Should not be too difficult, I did it for FileImg from Microsoft creating FileimgU which is on Sourceforge too. Don't know if it will help you but changed code and original are there for comparison. Regards, John416

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi William, Try out the new version. 2.5.8 Enhanced import to include TAB and vbar | separators as well as CSV Enhanced import to strip out quotes if desired Added ability to change the skip lines when importing Minor bug fixes Regards, John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.5.8 Enhanced import to include TAB and vbar | separators as well as CSV Enhanced import to strip out quotes if desired Added ability to change the skip lines when importing Minor bug fixes Help file updated

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi William, Glad you got it worked out, and thanks for using the program. Perhaps it is something I could improve. It can be tricky using CSV since it is a common language punctuation. A bit sorry I didn't check my mail earlier. Do you think the TAB separated format is common? Maybe I should add that as an import option too? Appreciate your feedback, John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.5.7 Added handling of old ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE to the Exports under the File-Export Menu Removed Old format Excel XLS from File-Export Menu, CSV can be used in place and imported by older Excel versions which are mostly obsolete Improved export speed from the TABLE view significantly and eliminated ghosting for example a 1400 record vcf file export that took 126 seconds now takes 2 - yes just 2 seconds Enhanced 'Please Wait' dialog to show card numbers while working Bug fixes Help file up...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Fixed in version 2.5.7

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    When exporting large tables the table and main window may become blank. The exports are still working and complete normally but the windows including the main program window need to be closed when the export is done. This is a bug with keeping the windows from ghosting and current, and not the export itself it happens with both XLSX and ODF output formats. Needs work, don't want ghosting but also don't want blank windows.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    GData fixed the issue. As of this morning no issue with GData scanning vCardz_i. Hooray. Same as what happened in 2019 ... John

  • John John posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Today after the latest GData signature update vCardz_i is being identified as a virus program. I assure it is not. Yesterday all was good today it is a virus with no changes. I've again sent the software to GData for analysis. It is a false positive. Download was started ( Virus signatures Engine A: Files loaded successfully. AVA_25.33533_(19.07.2022) Engine B: Files loaded successfully. GD_27.28131_(19.07.2022) Start time Type Header Status 2022-07-19 06:00:20 BEAST...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback Fixed Save As to follow language choice Fixed Photo/Logo 'add' not showing immediately even though it was added

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.5.6 Upgrade controls to use version 6.0.0 if available for 'modern?' appearance and seems to improve table view performance too. Theme, if used, is deployed to all vCardz_i dialogs. System dialogs however such as FONT selection and COLOR value dialogs are system controlled Added empty Full Name check when saving vcard from Edit mode. Can still have empty if desired but giving opportunity to fill in if oversight. minor bug fixes

  • John John created ticket #832

    Screen Shot update by position

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback Released to fix a bug introduced in 2.5.5 regarding card removal from a multicard file.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Fixed in version was caused by code 'clean-up' where a variable name was changed. Corrected and tested .

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Version 2.5.5 introduced a failure to remove a card from a multicard file and shows 'can't get to position' error.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.5.5 This release is mainly performance improvements. Most obvious will be for loading vcards with photo, logo, audio inclusions. Load times reduced by about 95%, that is it takes about 1/20th of the prior load time. This may not be so visible on a simple address card. Some minor bug fixes Help file updated

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.5.4 Added export to native XLSX from the table view and from the card view using a DLL from XLSXio project Menu text and menu hot key displays restored Some performance improvements Some minor bug fixes Help file updated

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback Menu text and menu hot key displays restored, Medium QR Size menu text fixed Some performance improvements minor bug fixed

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback Bug fix (I hope) for occasional / intermittent blanking of the display during a search.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.5.3 Added ability to search for cards containing Photo, Logo, and Audio . Improved search performance and ability to search from the folder Treeview. Added .amr audio format support. Bug fixes too, but Themes "Apply to all" still being worked on Updated the help file First use of Pelles C version 11 to build it.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.5.2 Added ability to search files with old ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE format Significant card load time reduction especially for large photo, logo, and audio inclusions. Simplified searching from the Treeview so search can be either a file or directory Default to UTF-8 for 'Last,First' treeview when Charset= is missing Temporarily disabled Themes "Apply to all" due ti unidentified bug Updated the help file

  • John John committed [r66]


  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback Ability for anyone to add a language to the language menu, and share that language translation with others. Progress bar made more obvious when opening large files. Startup procedural improvements and better font selection handling. Small bug fixes including with the status line being occasionally misplaced off the bottom Updated the help file as usual with new features and other corrections.

  • John John modified ticket #1

    linux build

  • John John posted a comment on ticket #1

    It may run under WINE but not directly under Linux. It is basically a command line program though, so strip out the GUI interface (which just builds a command line anyway) and compile under standard C. Should run then. So basically remove BMPGUI.C and BMPGUI.H then in main get rid of GetDialogArgs (); John Z

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback French translation improvements and corrections from my friend Frenchman Philippe Rio. Thanks Philippe. Merci beaucoup!

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.5.0 Menus are now translated into selected language. Theme can be propagated to other dialogs if desired. When a program is needed for showing a file the system default txt editor will be used, with notepad as a fallback. A few minor bug fixes. Updated help file.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.4.2 Added new menu item under 'View' to enable a QR display box to show the QR immediately upon creation. With this any vcard can be easily transferred to another device by scanning the screen display. SaveAs defaults to the current vcard directory if possible Added scale option to image display, set in the Option dialog Centering images by default, might become an option setting later Increased use of the status line when less verbose setting is used Updated help file 2.4.1 * Treeview lightly...

  • John John posted a comment on ticket #23189

    Yes close it. I found that for some reason cookies are now required. Before I only enabled cookies when logging in to maintain my projects now it seems they are also needed to see the projects samples and other details. Regards, John From: SourceForge Support [] Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 11:25 AM To: [forge:site-support] Subject: [forge:site-support] #23189 Project sample images status: open --> closed Comment: Hi, Thank you for your feedback This ticket...

  • John John posted a comment on ticket #23189

    Hi, OK, thanks for the help I'll check my end further. Already tried two different devices as I mentioned iPOD and Window Laptop and 3 different browser. Clearly you see it so I must be having some issue at my end. Thanks for your time. Appreciate the help, John From: SourceForge Support [] Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 10:07 AM To: [forge:site-support] Subject: [forge:site-support] #23189 Project sample images Hello, I'm attaching a screenshot of your project...

  • John John posted a comment on ticket #23189

    Thanks for checking - I don't see any pictures. Also tried different platforms iOS and Win11 And different browsers too. Here is a screen shot of vCardz_i with FireFox, but same with IE11 Regards, John From: SourceForge Support [] Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 8:55 AM To: [forge:site-support] Subject: [forge:site-support] #23189 Project sample images Hello, We don't see any problems with our services. If you try again, does it work? If you are still having...

  • John John created ticket #23189

    Project sample images

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.4.0 * Adds user defined Themes, up to 5 of them to easily change appearance. Your Themes can also be shared by emailing to someone else the Themes.ini file. Major reduction in display update 'flashing' Minor bug fixes Updated Help for Themes and typo's Recommended BY Philippe Rio, friend and vCardz_i user

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.3.1 Bug fix for Append and Remove Card failure due to path issue.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Fixed in 2.3.1. Problem was a missing \ in the backup path name an unintended consequence from prior change. Also, once fail happened the continued existence of the temporary .new file would cause failure on later attempts. All fixed with path correction and automatically removing residual .new file in case of a failure.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Fail to backup on Append or Remove and message shows something about a file .new

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.3.0 Added more Chinese code pages (GB2312, Big5, HZ) * Layout positions slightly adjusted for better appearance * Reworked TABing through the fields Status bar date and time display should now be shown in the locale specific format VCF date-and/or-time formats for Birthday and Anniversary are decoded and displayed in localized formats if they were properly encoded in the vcf formats, otherwise they continue to show whatever was entered. VCF formats can also be directly entered. * Fixed Edit Menu...

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    File - Extract All bug fixed in 2.2.1. Not sure when it manifested but suspect when Unicode was starting to be used for filenames. The bug did not inhibit 'Extract All' but caused many error messages and defaulted the extract filename to vcard #X.vcf (x =1 to100 ) which is the default when no Full Name data exists.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    2.2.1 fixes a major bug introduced sometime after starting to use unicode. The bug affects the 'Extract All' feature and prevented generating a suitable filename from the Full Name field. The extract was still performed but the filename defaulted back to "vcard #X.vcf" format which is the default when no Full Name data exists. Updated the help file.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback Some more cosmetic changes. Added ability for END and HOME keys to move the cursor within the data field when there is a single card file. If viewing a multicard file END and HOME still navigate the cards. By default when editing it is a single card file os END and HOME will move the cursor within the field. Updated the help file

  • John John modified a comment on discussion Feedback Implemented some suggestions from Pelles C forum member Grincheux. Pelles C forum at vCardz_i written using Pelles C

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Implemented some suggestions from Pelles C forum member Grincheux. Pelles C forum at vCardz_i written using Pelles C

  • John John modified a wiki page


  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback Added Toolbar button as indicator of default Read Only mode clicking it explains how to enter Edit mode Added TAB auto select of a fields text, if there is any, when tabbing used. When TAB used in Read Only mode only the 1st character is selected When TAB used in the Edit mode all text in the field is selected Fixed display bug when using backspace or delete key in the multiline 'Extras' box. Simplified voice code, removed COM helper lib Updated the help file.

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback Enhanced audio fallback if MCI inoperative Updated missed version number changes in 2.1.1 release Added source code attribution for base voice interface Added specific MP2, MP3, OGG, and WAV vcf test files Some minor bug fixes Updated the help file

  • John John posted a comment on discussion Feedback Adds beta speech capability F10 speak any selected data field in the main window F11 speak complete address F12 speak complete address but slower Some minor bug fixes Updated the help file

  • John John posted a review on DispHelper COM Helper Library

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