Activity for Joanand Kuharajasekaram

  • Joanand Kuharajasekaram Joanand Kuharajasekaram posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I have been using phpVirtualBox for a long time with Gentoo. Upto Virtualbox 5.0.4, phpVirtualbox worked very well together. phpVirtualBox with VB > 5.0.4 worked on one system, while another had some issues. Now with VirtualBox 5.1.24 and phpVirtualbox 5.0.5, I have the following problem: After a long pause (for example over a weekend), where I do not use phpvirtualbox, when I try to login, the "General communication error" pops up. Reloading the page, I have to reenter my creditals and the error...