Activity for jnylander

  • jnylander jnylander created ticket #36

    Warning against using

  • jnylander jnylander posted a comment on ticket #23

    The version number string in bgzip derives from the script in htslib, and is set when running make. Their (htslib) numbering scheme is X.X.X. It's the Ubuntu people who changes the version to include a dash (in the bgzip provided in Ubuntu package libhts2). However, since there might be a few users who uses the package provided by Ubuntu, taking an extra step in BBmap (check "period or dash") might be worth the effort?

  • jnylander jnylander created ticket #23

    BBMap 38.69: trouble parsing BGZIP version

  • jnylander jnylander created a blog post

    MrBayes has now moved to GitHub