User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1226 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    From the user-end of things, I've figured out the problem and a solution. If a calendar is subscribed-to without setting the 'Map Reminder' to "No", all current reminders on that calendar get "sucked in" to Outlook and will continue to notify the subscriber for as far into the future as the 'Synchronization timepspan future' is set, regardless of how 'Map Reminder' is subsequently set. New event reminders that are created by the calendar owner after the subscriber sets 'Map Reminder' to "No" do not...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1226 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    I completely uninstalled Outlook and CalDavSynchronizer, including going through the registry and removing obvious entries, as well as removing Outlook related folders. I re-installed from scratch, created a new .pst file for the calendars and created new calDavSync folders. Before hitting OK for the new folders I specified Map Reminder: No. I am still getting reminders for this profile. I cannot figure out any way to stop getting reminders for these calendars. Any advice appreciated.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1226 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    This is a clean installation of Outlook. I have no other calendars configured other than the CalDAV calendars described above. The default Outlook calendars are completely empty. As far as I can tell, there is nothing other than CalDavSynchronizer displaying any events. Neither do I understand how events from a calendar deleted last week appear today. If you can direct me to what kind of logs you think might reveal something useful, I will gladly post that. The Synchronization Reports show no information...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1226 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    More on this. Today I got several reminders for calendar "Jane". I deleted this calendar over a week ago. I confirmed there is no Synchronization Profile, nor is there a "Jane" calendar folder. How am I getting reminders for it? Explanation?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1226 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Alexander Nimmervol wrote: When the default reminder is set to 15 minutes in Outlook for a new appointment that is exactly the problem in this case, because the Outlook setting adds the reminder not our add-in when "MapReminder" is set to No! Remove that setting and check if the problem still exists. OK, I've unchecked "Default Reminders" on File > Options > Calendar for two of the 3 Windows computers configured with CalDavSynchronizer. With one exception, this prevented ANY reminders from being...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1226 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    OK, I'll give that a shot and report back. I've unchecked "Default Reminders".

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1226 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Happened again, this time for a different user. That user has calendar Holly set to Map Reminder = "No", but got a reminder for an event that occurs ONLY on Holly's calendar. There are 10 subscribed CalDavSynchronizer calendars, one for each user. Each user has only one calendar, their own, marked with Map Reminder = "Just upcoming reminders." All others are marked as Map Reminder = "No". Getting these reminders for calendars set to Map Reminder = "No", seems random. For example, I did not get the...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1228 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Hmmm, there is an RRULE at line 12. I've looked at other ics files and they look similar. Could it be something else? It specifically say, "No value for LOCATION property" in the ics file. I'll experiment. later ... I added a LOCATION and removed that X-LIC-ERROR;X-LIC-ERRORTYPE=VALUE-PARSE-ERROR line. Still generates an error. This event was last updated by Thunderbird. Perhaps there is some kind of bug there. I'm not going to spend any more time on this. It's only happened once and the logfile...

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2016-04-07 22:21:05


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