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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Sky simulator for Ascom & Alpaca

    Han, I just stumbled across information that revealed what I have been doing wrong. After doing the corrections, I am getting plate solves, and confident that will continue, without issue. Thank you for your assistance and patience.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Sky simulator for Ascom & Alpaca

    If not reported earlier, I got around the download issue by porting the SkySim install program to the Win-11 box via USB. It installed without problem. Also, after installation, I got a plate solve for the simple sequence of M81, Horsehead, I do not know what changed, but the after first plate solve all other plate solves lklfailed. Reviewing your earlier comment "Easiest it to take the values of your real telescope and camera. If you don't know take e.g. 560 mm and 5.6 micrometer. " I did just that:...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Sky simulator for Ascom & Alpaca

    Downloading app (multiple times) to Win 11 PC always gets "unconfirmed nnnnnn.crdownload". Got same message downloading to Win 10 PC but was able to get good download 2nd time: not so Win 11. Any workaround?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on Sky simulator for Ascom & Alpaca

    Latest issue: Hopefully the screenshots show the problem. The youtube by Hogarth gets M81, Horsehead in image panel. I get the SkySim image with circles and Ellipsis' overlaying it

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on Sky simulator for Ascom & Alpaca

    Han, I know that I am a pain-in-the-butt, but I am new to both Simulation and NINA. I greatly appreciate your patience with me and I hope that I can resolve the simulator issue. That aside, I revisited my NINA configuration yesterday and noted an item in Equipment/Camera that confuses me: Camera-Specs-NINA-vs-SkySim different I presume that SkySim passes its camera sizes to NINA, so I wonder why NINA shows 1500 where SkySim shows 2118. BTW, the same sizes show in NINA's imaging Statistics panel as,...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on Sky simulator for Ascom & Alpaca

    Han, a couple of things. I am happy to do screen sharing. I am -7GMT which puts us 9hrs apart. The only time I can think that is reasonable for both of us is 16:00 your time and 08:00 my time tomorrow Wednesday the 26th or what ever day is most convenient for you. I changed NINA to .56M for focal length. As for NINA fits files, after my last attempt at imaging I verified that Image.png was still in its location and noted that its time stamp was the same when it was created and I searched the HD using...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on Sky simulator for Ascom & Alpaca

    Han, I am attaching two files. The first is a 3 min audio-video showing my process to take an Image, which fails. Which brings me to the second attachment which is an image capture from my first attempt at imaging with my HP laptop. I have no idea why I was able to get a fuzzy image and a day no images at all. I think I am doing everything required to get an image, but if you see an error pleae advise.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on Sky simulator for Ascom & Alpaca

    I am not SourceForge smart and do not understand "... reply on this forum". I thought that was what I was doing. That aside, I posted another ODT file with latest effort and partial success. On 10/20/22 1:20 AM, han.k wrote: and focal length shows -1 That is a little weird but not important. You could enter 0.56 meter equals 560mm All setting looks correct except that the simulator image size in arcminutes doesn't match fully with the Nina settings. Simulator image is 94x 100 arcmin and 2000x2118...

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