Activity for Joachim Kock

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #240

    Hi, I would like to suggest a more pragmatic solution, namely a second option prefs setting. For example, I would set UTF-8 as my first option and MacRoman as my second option, and Alpha would try first UTF-8, and it if doesn't work, try MacRoman (without presenting the dialogue to ask me to choose another encoding). It would work fine most of the time. Only very rarely would I have to open a windows file (and I would be willing to deal with that case in a more manual way, if I could have a more...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #224

    Quicksearch can't find -west

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #223

    accented chars in path names

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #220

    saveHook error with multiple untitled documents

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #219

    focus shifts to end of line on indent

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #181

    I still see this. Cmd-right and Cmd-shift-right work as expected, but Cmd-left and Cmd-shift-left still jump all the way to the start of the logical line, rather than following the visual line. (This is in 9.0.7.) The culprit turns out to be [beginningOfLineSmart], which in turn relies on the Alpha command [beginningOfLine], which only works on logical lines. Is there some alternative that can be used instead, to get to the beginning of the visual line?

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #181

    My apologies, it turns out I was using an old Alpha without knowing it. (I don't know how that happened.) Cheers, Joachim. On 19/02/2019 10:51, Bernard Desgraupes wrote: Hi Joachim, I just tested with version 9.0.3 and it works for me. All four combos behave as expected: they go or select to the beginning or end of the current /physical/ line. Is it possible that you have custom bindings defined somewhere that redefine Cmd-Left or Cmd-Shift-Left ? Could you try the following commands in the Tcl shell...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #181

    I would like to reopen this ticket. Cmd-right and Cmd-shift-right work as expected, but Cmd-left and Cmd-shift-left still jump all the way to the start of the logical line, rather than following the visual line.

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1645]


  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1644]


  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #213

    global prefs pane out of focus

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1639]

    log-file scanning (sometimes a bit intrusive) is now only performed when error browsing is invoked

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1635]


  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #211

    Hi again, a miminal fix is to add these three lines to tetexComm.tcl, in line 2080 (after the other entries of the patList): # The following is specifically to remove an unbalanced # message issued by the 'physics' package: lappend patList {\. Defining command [^\r\n]*} I have tested it. Would you apply the patch, Bernard? I have some trouble with svn :-( In the long run, I want to revise the whole logfile scanning mechanism. It is not fair that this error message should bother innocent users who...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #211

    My last sentence does not make sense, because all packages are of course input from the main file. But it is true that I will look into a better fix.

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #211

    Thanks for reporting this and thanks for the log file. There is indeed an unbalanced parenthesis in line 565 of the log file, issued by the package as part of some message from the package. A minimal patch would consist in taking exception for this kind of message. But potentially other packages could issue messages with unbalanced parentheses and there is no point in trying to detect them in packages, since presumably packages have no errors (the parens matching is only for the sake of error browsing),...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #192

    new button icons worn out after first use

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #191

    path bar keeps focus

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #190

    tab and font size not remembered with recordWindowState

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1564]

    improved parens matching in error browsing

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #187

    Hi Bernard, sorry for the noise. It turns out to be a OSX bug! I just saw it also in Thunderbird. The culprit turns out to be a preference setting (in Accessibility), 'double-tap to drag', that causes the bug, system wide. (This used to be a standard OSX feature (I always used it), but at some point it was relegated to be an exotic Accessibility feature, and I guess the bug was introduced then. Until I got this newish MacBook, I never had problems with it. Now I will try out 'three-finger drag' instead.)...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #189

    Erratic 'bottomRedraw'

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #187

    Click is detected too slowly

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #186

    Scary bringToFront bug in connection with TeX error browsing

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #185

    alt-arrow should exit isearch

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #183

    opt-left does not move window focus

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #182

    flowed text cursor position

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #181

    Cmd-arrow should follow visual line, not logical

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #180

    OK after word count

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #176

    I can't get this to work. (I didn't try developer check-out since July.) I download a new Alpha and copy it to Applications, open it, do developer check-out, quit. Open the copy from the diskimage and use it to edit the AlphaVersionInfo.tcl in the bundle in Applications, and set hardcoded counter to 1000. Quit, and fire up the new Alpha from Applications. The indices are being rebuilt, but after that it still gives the core start-up error.

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #179

    Backward incremental search does not exhaust current match

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #154

    half-second delay near last line

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #152

    latex mode word double-click

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1389]

    fixed Diff menu loading problem

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1388]

    restored Cancel button in save-on-typeset

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1387]

    Command Double Click menu fix

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #138

    I now realise (I think) that the problem is specific to carriage returns: in a window with a b c d e go back and insert a new line after a. Then select e. Then do Cmd-Z. The newline insertion is correctly undone, but the e remains selected.

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #138

    Undo does not move insertion point back

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #137

    Dynamic menu items are too slow

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #136

    with soft wrapping, arrow keys should follow visual lines

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #135

    Right-arrow won't go past a dead accent

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #128

    Cmd-W does not work in help window's search field

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #120

    Fantastic! Thank you so much for the effort, Bernard. I have just rebuilt and tested. Works perfectly.

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #120

    I notice that the Alpha command pasteboard write produces good clean text. You said that in order to handle rectangular copy and multiple selection copy, it was necessary to use native cocoa pasteboard API, not the Alpha command. Would it be possible to make copy conditional: if the selection is simple, use the Alpha command, and if it is not simple, use cocoa API. Maybe it is not feasible, or maybe it would be too complicated --- in that case sorry for the noise.

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #127

    double-clicked selections are not click extendible

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock modified ticket #121

    alphac broken

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #121

    Confirming that everything works now. Thanks!

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1318]

    incr hardcodedCounter for fix of Bug #122

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1317]

    fixed version number

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock modified ticket #122

    serious problem with fillParagraph and comments

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #122

    OK, I have just committed the fixed regular expression in TeX mode then. Indices...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1316]

    fixed spurious line break

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1315]

    Fixed definition of TeX::startPara (Bug 122)

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #122

    On 16/04/2017 13:33, Bernard Desgraupes wrote: Could this have to do with the ?m...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #122

    Hi Bernard, I have nailed down the fillParagraph problem. It is a difference in how...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #125

    status bar does not give focus back to main window field

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #121

    One more thing: in the logs I see that the alphac command sent from Skim has encoding...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #121

    [Some messages regarding this issue were not recorded in the bug tracker. It turned...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #120

    I don't know how to inspect the pasteboard, but I think the best would be to see...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #124

    link detection dirties window

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #122

    serious problem with fillParagraph and comments

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #121

    alphac broken

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #120

    Pasting in Alpha works as expeced: even text copied from Word or from a web browser...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #120

    Copy copies also font info

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #119

    Menu item Global Preferences does not work

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #117

    On 04/04/2017 11:27, Bernard Desgraupes wrote: Isn't it a duplicate of Ticket #115:...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #117

    Duplicate of Ticket #115.

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock modified ticket #117

    capitalizeWord does not place cursor correctly

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #118

    alert does not capture Return

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #117

    capitalizeWord does not place cursor correctly

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #103

    On 14/02/2017 09:12 , Bernard Desgraupes wrote: Recently there was a request about...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #104

    there may be casual circumstances giving the feeling that Alpha is not reacting....

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #105

    Nothing about dark mode here. It's just the moment you select a menu, the area of...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #106

    Help menu crash after changeMode

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #105

    latex menu icon badly inverted

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #104

    event loop needs tickling

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #103

    smart scripts can't be turned off

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #102

    listpicks can't be cancelled by escape

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #101

    statusBarFontSize not recorded

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #98

    Several other key combinations go through to editing windows, such as ctrl-s.

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #82

    There were several problems with marks, tempfiles and geometry. I think it all works...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1258]

    Fixed problem with stale originalgeometry

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1257]

    Fixed resizing bug; abolished pref resizeWindow...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1256]

    fixed nasty search bug in tempfile diff

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1255]

    abolished prefs DiffmodeVars(synchroniseMoveAnd...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1254]

    openWithTemporaryGeometry adopts setGeometry

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1253]

    Diff::Geo and clean-up

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #99

    Line number not displayed at font size

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #98

    Return not captured by help viewer

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock created ticket #96

    inconsistent tab size

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1240]

    Diff geometry

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #84

    The window geometry now behaves well. I would still propose to improve the handling...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #80

    This has been fixed as a result of fixing Bug #84.

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1239]

    Diff geometry

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock committed [r1233]

    simplifications re visibility (Diff Mode)

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #88

    This is perfect for the purposes of Diff mode. Indeed, with the -below flag, the...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #84

    Note that the current behaviour - taking care of the status bar and the dock - is...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #84

    Concerning the difference between setting the geometry programmatically and by user...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #84

    Now I discover something better: it seems that OSX takes care of all this automatically,...

  • Joachim Kock Joachim Kock posted a comment on ticket #84

    Great -- I see that it is just because the Tcl code thinks the vertical dimension...

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