User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1098 on Sweet Home 3D

    I noticed that my usage scenario might not be 100% clear from what I wrote above, so some more infos for clarification: In order to create the floor plan, I first drew all walls (as described above), and then the rooms inside the walls. (It was a conscious choice to do it this way, because I noticed that rooms can automatically snap to walls, but not the other way round.) My expectation was that the wall length would be equal to the room length then - but I see that it might be ambiguous for sh3d...

  • Created ticket #1098 on Sweet Home 3D

    Possibility to input wall length as measured in room

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1034 on Sweet Home 3D

    Thanks for your response - I did use the "split walls" function but it did not help. My problem is, I don't know the exact location where the split must be applied, as it depends on the room height - when dragging the split, the popover displays wall lenght, angle and thickness, but for my use case, I'd need the wall height, so that I can move the split to the coordinates where the wall height is e.g. exactly 1m. The workaround is, to use trigonometry in order to (manually) calculate the length of...

  • Created ticket #1034 on Sweet Home 3D

    Display Wall Height at a Specific Point

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Greenshot - Screen Recorder

    Hi Thomas, you can configure log4net (the logging framework we are using for Greenshot) to use minimal locking, i.e. file is locked only when a log is actually written. Please keep in mind that this setting can affect performance in case you turn on logging again, which is why this is not the default behavior. You can activate minimal locking by adding a single line to log4net.xml: <lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" /> See the log4net config examples for a full example....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Greenshot - Screen Recorder

    Just for the sake of completeness: added FAQ entry about how to turn logging off

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Greenshot - Screen Recorder

    Sorry. We're getting far more user feedback than we can handle, even though we spend quite a portion of our Greenshot time on communication only :-/ To turn off logging, locate the file log4net.xml, which is located in the same folder as the Greenshot.exe file. Create a backup of that file and open it in a text editor. (Note: if Greenshot is installed in your "Programs" directory, you might need to do this as Windows administrator.) Instead of <level value="INFO"/> you can insert <level value="OFF"/>...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #139 on Greenshot - Screen Recorder

    Thanks for the heads-up and sorry for the slow response. I have just fixed this.

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2007-07-28 14:59:53


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