State cardinality explicitly in the UI
Contains and Includes behaves differently when exported
Not yet ... Still looking. Could you point out where in your code base that you run the validation?
Right ... I did that and the results differ. When I look into I cannot see anything that points towards templateId's. It seems to be pointing to the II type in general, hence there must be some context missing as duplicate templateId's are allowed in the document. Do you provide any extra context to the datatypes when you apply your validation - cause I only apply the files that I download from...
So what to do with the distinct errors as found in the attachment. The current calculation of "distinctiveness" is buggy right now as it e.g. treats Id's the same way it treats templateId's which is wrong
So what to do with the distinct errors as found in the attachment. The current calculation of "distinctiveness" is buggy right now as it e.g. treats Id's the same way it treats templateId's which is wrong
Regarding addition of the Danish National Patient Register CDA template