Activity for jimi15

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [23ac71]

    virtual override fix, small inheritance fix, fixed problem with Panel aboveHover

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [1e7f4d]


  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [6a8f79]

    added bug

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [b50212]

    localStorage try catch

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [780c76]

    Simple performance optimization in parseLines

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [7edf05]

    Fix strange SFML-OpenGL bug, update cmake files

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [9c2384]

    Critical fix for Windows,

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [b63916]

    Doxygen fixes, MINGW64 compilation error

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [7347e4]

    Many changes

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [469874]

    Big update to version 0.2a, added examples - demo and simple template, added GUIInspector, many fixes

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [cba9a9]

    Podstawowe komentarze

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [a703b6]

    Small fix, doxygen init

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [a200c1]

    Simple warning fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [174fc7]

    Simply sky refactor, path to png map in config file

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [0095a9]

    Shadow draw delay

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [8ed821]

    Shadow fix + manual tweak shadow options

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [fa519b]

    Hard shadow map + nice smooth rand filtering

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [806f4d]

    Bad alloc protection

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [c478d7]

    Simple refactor, faster map loading, LOD alpha limit, manual LOD alpha, dynamic LOD alpha toggle on L key, simple camera position limit

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [741514]

    CMake for windows fix, default voxel memory limit fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [11cd60]

    Chunk LOD fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [f322cc]

    Dynamic chunk LOD loading

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [49319b]

    LOD algorithm bounding fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [d38d5a]

    Skybox, LOD first slice

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [b4e7d4]

    Big fixes

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [a11b01]

    Czyszczenie świata pod ` oraz wczytywanie mapy pod przyciskami 1 2 3

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [8b99b3]

    Wczytywanie height mapy, widok szkieletowy, prosty visible chunk culling

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [4dfa44]

    Better shader organization with easy shader version change, sfml render texture test on quad

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [b29a80]

    Create: HaveSelected, PanelTabbed, TextureManager Fix: Button, CBAssigners, GUIElement, Logger, SymbolManager, Checkbox and much more fixes

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [17e0bd]

    Initial - SFML Opengl window, Camera, test rgb traingle

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [4bd16c]

    Symbol manager first slice, LXDE window restore position drift bug fix, language from config file

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [5df407]

    Logger, Checkbox first slice

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [82cc1b]

    Simple configurator fix, mainUpdate

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [946862]

    Create: Dialog, DialogInfo, DialogInput, DialogYesNo, DialogYesNoCancel, Language manager, PanelScrolled, TextInputable

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [b54551]

    Easy plain text generic configuration file

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [a7c063]

    Conversion to sf::String, HaveAction extension, ActionType, some fixes

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [dccf1a]

    colorDeduct based on dynamic cast, enabled fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [37c3e8]

    Panel overflow hidding based on sf::View viewport, some refactroing

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [76bfd1]

    Font manager, complete inline TextLabel style, GlobalTimer, Better maximization handle,

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [8e8e2c]

    Parent reference instead of areaReference, TextLabel justify, TextLabel in Button

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [3bbfe7]

    remove build dir

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [c6b1ad] fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [418f70]

    CMake shared lib build

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [01eba2]

    initial 0.1 alpha

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [399601]

    Dokumentacja final

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [4d569d]

    Dokumentacja almost done

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [95e9c2]


  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [983b9d]

    Doku and broadcast fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [49f4b1]

    AI fix, doxygen comments

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [bf39ea] for doxygen and some small fixes

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [712258]

    simple fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [443477]

    H header to HPP

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [e0cb70]

    Doxygen + makefile fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [9875dd]

    paint fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [9e1798]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [56fc5f]

    Makefile update

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [9aa165]

    Makefile update

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [8b7d6d]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [e08132]

    Some big fix, S refactor

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [13a3d1]

    TrackBar refactor, hockey gates, points counting,

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [4659f9]


  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [53f8c7]


  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [a35d63]

    Better precompiled headers refreshing for gcc with makefile integration, pointer and videobackbround toggle button in options

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [01fdb1]

    CameraPointer method refactor, options pages, save/load nicks in/from config as base64 with utf8 support, simple in game information, for gcc

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [1ac55e]

    Hockey bounce first slice

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [a86f5d]

    Configuration refactor

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [dcd651]

    Ball friction first slice

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [8c87bf]

    TextInput fixes and upgrades, last Ip and port save to config file,

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [64177e]

    Some small fixes, PaddleController

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [6a2705]

    Hue shift option, pointer press fixes

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [74a266]


  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [8bbe1b]

    Submenu update

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [6082fc]

    Simple paint test

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [2f2cab]

    Second pointer recognizing in hockey game

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [7122e9]

    Menu refactoring

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [c3cb1f]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [fb4170]

    Some menu update

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [52c99c]

    Pointer refactor, TrackBar refactor, options pr...

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [d4bfde]

    Sfml inside options, second thread frame captur...

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [c01983]

    Options on O key, second finger pointer

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [bc707a]

    Moving detection mask

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [936008]

    Opencv 3 modification

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [e0c07e]

    Simple paper green squares recognition

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [277bdc]

    Initial skeleton

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [76ca6a]

    some sql fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [63b9a6]

    Some logout exception fix

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [19e317]

    Some restrictions in SQL

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [6e8102]

    Small fixes in firstName validation, and close ...

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [c77e99]

    Stan towarów

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [de44f1]

    Some fixes and SQL restriction triggers

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [c64174]

    Przypisywanie dostawców do towaru

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [31d715]

    Towary dostawcow second part

  • jimi15 jimi15 committed [4df9b3]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

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