Extremely low quality of the OCR recognition
It looks like qw ( LIST ) works properly always, but qw / LIST / works properly only if the LIST contains odd number of entities. Furhtermore, qw /:standard/ doesn't work, althought the LIST contains just odd number of entities, however qw / strftime/ works fine, as well as qw /+conns/, so in this particular case the : character seems to be the one that cause the problem.
Some observations: works properly: use Encode qw / encode_utf8/; works properly: use Encode qw ( encode_utf8); doesn't work properly: use CGI qw /:standard/; works properly: use CGI qw (:standard); doesn't work properly: use HTTP::Request qw / /; works properly: use HTTP::Request qw ( ); doesn't work properly: use HTTP::Request::Common qw / GET POST/; works properly: use HTTP::Request::Common qw ( GET POST);
Formatting of `qw` is not working as expected
If the code is written as $data{'flag'} = ($@) ? flag_post : (flag_post | flag_data); then there is no problem with formatting, so I assume the problem is in recognision of $@ variable.
If the code is formatted as $data{'flag'} = ($@) ? flag_post : (flag_post | flag_data); then there is no problem with formatting, so I assume the problem is in recognision of $@ variable.
Incorrect syntax formatting