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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyMathProg

    Hallo Yingjie, I have solved the problem now. There was an issue in the first definition of the flux variable. I did not set both boundaries to None, so the default lower and upper bound was 0 and inf, respectively. This was not an issue in previous versions, so maybe you changed the default bounds in the var() function? If so, consider to include it in the "A word on compatability" section on your website. :) However, thank you for your help with my objective function issue. Now everything works...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyMathProg

    Hello Sebastian, I am using Pymprog with Python 2.7 and it works fine for me. How did you installed the module? Maybe you have just installed it in your Python3 package directory. Consider installing it with pip for Python2? Cheers, Julia

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyMathProg

    Hello Yingjie, thank you for your answer. Indeed, the program resets the objective value by giving an empty vector (all values are zero), since this was necessary in older pymprog versions. I have deleted this function and now the program runs without any error messages. The problem is, that it always returns an infeasible solution. Let me make it more clear: when I run the script for only one reaction of my model (the reaction is set as objective function), it works properly. But when I iterate...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PyMathProg

    Hallo PyMathProg Team, first thanks for this awesome update! Unfortunately, I ran...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PyMathProg

    Hallo PyMathProg Team, first thanks for this awesome update! Unfortunately, I ran...

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2017-02-15 12:11:02


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