User Activity

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on JobScheduler

    Hi, I could really use an assist here. I've read and reread the documentaion and I just can't seem to figure this out. I have a job chain that executes multiple orders to retrieve a file from an sftp server then needs to turn around and email the file. The file name is not static and always has some sort of timestamp included, however the file is always a .csv and always deposited in the same directory. I have a watch job that monitors the directory and from what I understand, the file name is written...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JobScheduler

    Hi, I could really use an assist here. I've read and reread the documentaion and I just can't seem to figure this out. I have a job chain that executes multiple orders to retrieve a file from an sftp server then needs to turn around and email the file. The file name is not static and always has some sort of timestamp included, however the file is always a .csv and always deposited in the same directory. I have a watch job that monitors the directory and from what I understand, the file name is written...

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2018-03-08 22:51:34


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