Activity for Jesus

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r9374] on SVN

    PowerPDF: version 0.9.17

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r7966]

    PowerPDF new feature: Link (URI Action) annotations, by Stefan Sinne, issue #37995

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r7714]

    rx: Brazilian portugues translation from Pedro Araújo

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r7602]

    PowerPDF: use fcl-image for image processing.

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r6849]

    Richmemo: Fix mem leak.

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r6402]

    ImageSources: updated grids grayed svgs

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r6272]

    clipanalizer: implemented delete format.

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r6255]

    clipanalizer: use ctClipboard as clipboard type.

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r6252]

    ClipAnalizer: Added a tool for analizing the clibpard.

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r5861]

    fpspreadsheet: fix typo that prevent Excel from reading xlsx files with comments

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r5830]

    jujiboutils: TJLabeledDateEdit: added support f...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r5770]

    PowerPDF: remove unexpected frame from RRect

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r5748]

    PowerPDF: version 0.9.14 -> 0.9.15

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r5747]

    PowerPDF: added Lazarus console demo

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r5746]

    PowerPDF: Basic gradient support for TPRRect

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r4974]

    PowerPDF: package version 0.9.14 plus automatic...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r4973]

    PowerPDF: fix compilation after changes in laza...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r4796]

    PowerPDF: increased version to 0.9.13

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r4795]

    PowerPDF: fix pdf output of TPRRect, TPREllipse...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r72]

    Improved files and play grid multiselection

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r71]

    tagger: renaming files via the tagger button sh...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r66]

    Tagger: implements track renumbering of selecte...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r57]

    Clear previous selections on loading the grids

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r52]

    Implements multi-song deleting, Play grid is no...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r47]

    A more flexible message dialog

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r46]

    probably missing from previous search dialog patch

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r45]

    Refactored finding song row

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r44]

    Tagger: make sure the affected song is the prev...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r41]

    Tagger: check if filename really changed

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r39]

    changed right click behaviour on Files Grid, if...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r34]

    Work on mainform:

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r32]

    Tagger: support for lists of ignore and replace...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r31]

    Radio: keep retrieved lyrics on cases when mew ...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r30]

    Tagger: allow rename of files where only word c...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r29]

    Fix typo which fix compiling normal install

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r28]

    allow to exchange the path and filename column ...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r24]

    Tagger: rename files now check if target filena...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r23]

    fix filename label update after tagging

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r22]

    Tagger: only reflect back tag/rename changes wh...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r21]

    fix reading IDv2.3.0 tags

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r19]

    Implements Virtual FS

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r18]

    Fixed alot of memleaks

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r17]

    Implements multiselection of artists (artist ta...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r16]

    Implements propagating of tagger changes back t...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r15]

    Tagger: Improved multi selection of files, sele...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r14]

    Tagger: refactored modifying of tags, implement...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r13]

    fix not saving tagger changes when filling tags...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r12]

    Fix the last %field may be ignored when filling...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r11]

    Fixed linux/windows compiling

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r9]

    Removed project session file, it holds develope...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r8]

    Removed .bak files

  • Jesus Jesus created ticket #3

    reading and saving tags problems + patch

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r3825]

    PowerPDF: implements Justify Alignment by resiz...

  • Jesus Jesus committed [r3332]

    richview: added DataPtr to TLineInfo, fix compi...