Activity for joe rocci

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You’re not suggesting counting cycles through the main loop, are you? That can be very variable depending on what else the processor is doing while it’s awake. Personally, I’d do that in the background with an internal hardware timer that generates an interrupt telling you to go to sleep. From: George Alvarez Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 9:24 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] Coin powered projects...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just saw this. Use one of the timers with a low frequency crtstal to count time in sleep mode. -------- Original message -------- From: George Alvarez Date: 01/10/2018 8:02 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] Coin powered projects Hi Joe, Yes, I have the sleep thing coded already, and it shuts everything down according to the way the data sheet says to...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    George Study the ATmega.da sheet to learn how to put the AVR into sleep mode and only wake it when needed. It continues to operate at very low current in sleep mode. Also, LCD can operate with virually no current if you get the right one and drive it properly. -------- Original message -------- From: George Alvarez Date: 01/10/2018 10:35 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] RE:...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    George Sounds interesting. You can make the microcontroller consume well less than a micro amp if you reduce the clock frequency and carefully manage what kind of circuitry you surround it with. Unfortunately, the Nano board is what it is. The interface circuits probably use as much power as the AVR. An LCD is inherently a very low power device. Backlights and such increase power dramatically. You should investigate how to put the microcontroller into sleep mode and only wake it when someting requines...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    George Sorry about my last. I was working from your original post, then I had a system crash and when I returned I was looking at the last line of your recent post, which actually does have much more information. A doofus moment on my part. I still have the question “what is your requirement for run time”? If it’s more than several hours, you’ll need a bigger battery, or else go into sleep mode or some other reduced current mode when possible. From: Joe Rocci Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 7:19...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    George In order to get a precise answer, we’ll need precise information: 1) Describe the application and special functional requirements. 2) What is the hardware platform (commercial board, home brew PIC, etc)? 3) How long is the battery expected to run? Will it run continuously or does the device “sleep” when not in use? 4) How often do you expect to replace or recharge the batteries? 5) Are there size/weight/cost constraints? 6) What is the current draw of each piece of the system? If you don’t...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The big question is what it the mAh capacity of the cell and what does the circuit draw. Divide the former by the latter and you'll have an estimate of the run time in hours. What is your requirememt? -------- Original message -------- From: George Alvarez Date: 01/09/2018 6:04 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Coin powered projects Is anybody successfully running their project on coin cells? I'm finding...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Correction -------- Original message -------- From: joe rocci Date: 01/07/2018 6:10 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] Wireless Programming PIC and AVR Chips Not that this is a direct solution to your requirememt, but check out B4A (]. It's a very capable free app development environment that you program in Basic. It can compile for Apple, Android or Windows/Linux...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not that this is a direct solution to your requirememt, but check out B4A (]. It's a very capable free app development environment that you program in Basic. It can compile for Apple, Android or Windows/Linux desktop. I've built several apps that allow my Android to communicate with and control microntroller devicss. Huge library of wired and wireless communications drivers, including Bluetooth and tcpip/udp. -------- Original message -------- From: wn Date: 01/07/2018...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If it's a RasPi camera, maybe you can examine the code and see what the camera might also be doing with the control lines Joe -------- Original message -------- From: stan cartwright Date: 01/07/2018 10:59 AM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Project - Taking control of the menu system in a digital camera, I need help ! That looks like a raspi camera. I thought you had a normal digital camera. I thought...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is it possible the 5 buttons and the joystick (I assume it's just 4 switches?) are arranged in a matrix that's being scanned by the camera's micro? That would explain strange behavior if the lines are being scanned while you're reading them. -------- Original message -------- From: Brian Vargo Date: 12/29/2017 3:29 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Re: Project - Taking control of the menu system in a...

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Your description of the configuration and problem is very short and unclear. This is all we know: My project is to take over control of a cheap digital security camera with a PIC (12F629 or any) chip rather than use the Joysticks (5 button menu) cable. I want to push 1 button and have it do a pre-defined series of button pushing.. Questions: 1) What does this mean:"Joysticks (5 button menu) cable". Does it mean the camera has a joystick and a 5-button keyboard that correspond to wires in a cable?...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Your description of the configuration and problem is very short and unclear. This is all we know: My project is to take over control of a cheap digital security camera with a PIC (12F629 or any) chip rather than use the Joysticks (5 button menu) cable. I want to push 1 button and have it do a pre-defined series of button pushing.. Questions: 1) What does this mean:"Joysticks (5 button menu) cable". Does it mean the camera has a joystick and a 5-button keyboard that correspond to wires in a cable?...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Shouldn’t it also be possible to do it with GCB using Poke? From: William Roth Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2017 9:29 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Elegantly setting the initial values of variables? @mkstevo The method you are using is probably the best way if there are not a huge number of variables. However it is possible to clear ram memory using indirect addressing as aluded to in Geoffrey's post above. For example on an 18F27K40 this will clear the Ram in Bank 1 SUB...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Correction to my previous - 1K. Still very large compared to Tinybld. -------- Original message -------- From: joe rocci Date: 12/23/2017 2:01 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] wot's low voltage programming Yes, some bootloaders (Miicrochip's for instance), use up to 4K. Tiny, on the other hand, uses only 100. -------- Original message -------- From: stan...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Most chips that small don't have self-write memory. I might be off, but not by a large factor; maybe x2. Read up on it (few actually do that: most find it easier to incrementally pick others brains). -------- Original message -------- From: stan cartwright Date: 12/23/2017 2:19 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] wot's low voltage programming I wonder...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, some bootloaders (Miicrochip's for instance), use up to 4K. Tiny, on the other hand, uses only 100. -------- Original message -------- From: stan cartwright Date: 12/23/2017 1:04 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] wot's low voltage programming Which isn't the same as ".On the other hand, the B/L requires 100-4K of dedicated program memory and requires a serial port. "...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't speak NSDS, but I strongly recommend TinyBLD bootloader for PICs. I've used it for years. Only 100 bytes and your applcation is reprogrammable in situ, assumIng it has a serial port. No pins tied up and GCB supports it. -------- Original message -------- From: stan cartwright Date: 12/23/2017 9:57 AM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] wot's low voltage programming Thanks for the reply. Eventually...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    ...also,Many older PIC don't support bootloader or LVP programming. Joe -------- Original message -------- From: Joe Rocci Date: 12/23/2017 6:51 AM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: RE: [gcbasic:discussion] wot's low voltage programming StanI favor bootloaders too.On the other hand, the B/L requires 100-4K of dedicated program memory and requires a serial port. LVP is a decent equivelent that doesn't require any on-chip code or complex...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    StanI favor bootloaders too.On the other hand, the B/L requires 100-4K of dedicated program memory and requires a serial port. LVP is a decent equivelent that doesn't require any on-chip code or complex off-chip programmer, but it ties up a pin on the PIC and requires some circuitry somewhere to interface a PC's serial port to the proprietary TTL-level interface on the chip. In some cases, you can get away with just a few resistors, but it has to be there. HV programming is the most capable and doesn't...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I think you're describing a pulse train with variable duty cycle and you want to measure the frequency as well as duty cycle (on/off times); is that correct? If so, you can do this by sending the pulse train to an input that's set up tp interrupt on positive edges as well as negative edges. Here's how I'd approach it: Consider the positive-going edge to be the start of a cycle. When an interrupt occurs, check the input to see if it's high. If so, record the tiime ("T1"). Now, when an interrupt occurs...

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I’d look at the Nano board for about the same price. It has a USB on it like the Uno; in fact, nearly identical to Uno in features, but smaller like the Tiny. The USB shows up as a Com port on your computer, can be used to program the board via built-in bootloader, and is very handy for sending debug messages or for remote communications with the board. From: stan cartwright Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 11:06 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] xpress board No,yes,yes....

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I’d look at the Nano board for about the same price. It has a USB on it like the Uno; in fact, nearly identical to Uno in features, but smaller like the Tiny. The USB shows up as a Com port on your computer and is very handy for sending debug messages or for remote communications with the board. From: stan cartwright Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 11:06 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] xpress board No,yes,yes. All the pic programming hardware is overwhelming for me. Now...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stan Was your previous comment addressed to me? Are your questions rhetorical or expecting an answer?

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stan and all, It’s not just the cheap Arduino Uno or Nano microcontroller boards, it’s the whole ecosystem of application boards that go with them. It’s very likely one could assemble a whole production-ready product just by buying the appropriate boards and programming in GCB. Why breadboard hardware and fumble with PCB development when you can buy virtually any application board for very little money? From: stan cartwright Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 11:06 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject:...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    My opinion (and you know what they say about opinions) is that newcomers to GCB should be encouraged to begin with a UNO or NANO board, simply because it's a pretty inexpensive & foolproof plug 'n play way to instant gratification. Load the GCB IDE, plug in the UNO, load the Hello program and Voila! (for our French friends), "Bob's your uncle' (for our British friends). Just my American 2 cents. Joe -------- Original message -------- From: stan cartwright Date: 11/25/2017...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    My assumption was that you would be developing on the actual application board, not a 'development board", and that the board would most likely have a serial port or USB port. That's what I've always done, but it doesn't mean that's what everyone does. In that case, the bootloader also allows field upgrades. Joe -------- Original message -------- From: stan cartwright Date: 11/19/2017 3:19 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject:...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stan Unless you find some other value in the PicKit, I'd recommend using a bootloader in your project Pic. Tiny Bootloader only takes 100 bytes in the target Pic and works great. Been using it in all my projects since GCB started. Joe -------- Original message -------- From: stan cartwright Date: 11/19/2017 2:37 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Completely new user - Obstacles I don't have java. One...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stan Agreed. You can get a whole microcontroller board for less than the price of just the PicAxe or Basic Stamp chip. And no need to build peripheral boards; many popular ones are available at very low prices. It's the best of both worlds. Jode

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Johann, The Arduino Nano is a small, inexpensive ($1.5 on Ebay) microcontroller board with a built-in bootloader that's supported by the GCB IDE. Its USB interface shows up as a serial COM port in Windows and (probably) LINUX. Very handy for debugging right from the IDE's terminal utility and also for GP serial communicztions. No MPLAB stuff required. I keep a small stock of them on hand and use it for many of my projects. Fastest/cheapest way to get started with GCB. Joe -------- Original message...

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Johann, The Arduino Nano is a small, inexpensive ($1.5 on Ebay) microcontroller board with a built-in bootloader that's supported by the GCB IDE. Its USB interface shows up as a serial COM port in Windows and (probably) LINUX. Very handy for debugging right from the IDE's terminal utility and also for GP serial communicztions. No MPLAB stuff required. I keep a small stock of them on hand and use it for many of my projects. Fastest/cheapest way to get started with GCB.Joe -------- Original message...

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Johann, The Arduino Nano is a small, inexpensive ($1.5 on Ebay) board with a built-in bootloader that's supported by the GCB IDE. Its USB interface shows up as a serial COM port in Windows and (probably) LINUX. Very handy for debugging right from the IDE's terminal utility and also for GP serial communicztions. No MPLAB stuff required. I keep a small stock of them on hand and use it for many of my projects. Fastest/cheapest way to get started with GCB.Joe -------- Original message -------- From:...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    JohannThe Arduino Nano is a small, inexpensive ($3) board with a built-in bootloader that's supported by the GCB IDE. Its USB interface shows up as a serial COM port in Windows and (probably) LINUX. Very handy for debugging right from the IDE's terminal utility and also for GP serial communicztions. No MPLAB stuff required. I keep a small stock of them on hand and use it for many of my projects. Fastest/cheapest way to get started with GCB.Joe -------- Original message -------- From: JohanDenRidder...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Harley!FWIW, this is one of the reasons I did it as a bit-banger on an arbitrary port. By the time you're done setting up the SSP and doing all the byte/bit manipulations, I suspect you'll end up with a larger hex image than you would with the 'brute force' approach. JoeW3JDR -------- Original message -------- From: Harley Burton Date: 11/16/2017 11:44 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Controlling...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Harley My. code sends the control byte last and and all other bytes in correct order. One other advantage of this method is that it works on any port of any PIC

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    As in "cow chip"??

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stan I think you're on to something. Maybe we should give the cow a name (eg, "Elsie"). We could have a Tips & Suggestions section where "Elsie says.........". Of course, always ending with "Mooo".

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Kent I like the 'moo' sentiments. Maybe we could stylize it and use it as a terminator element on every page, article, etc. Would help reinforce the brand.

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does anyone here know anything about SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? It would be nice if anytime someone searches on something related to this topic, this site pops up in the result. Would also be nice to 'piggyback' on searches for Arduno, PicAxe, BasicStamp etc.

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does anyone here know anything about SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? It would be nice if anytime someone searches on something related to this topic, this site pops up in the result. Would also be nice ti 'piggyback' on searches for Arduno, PicAxe, BasicStamp etc.

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Given that the name and main-page logo are not going to change (per Hugh), I think we need to begin to think about how to'feature' it. What do you think about a number of images that are evocative of a cow used in various sections in the site? Like a cow looking around a corner, a cow snooping over a fence, cows in various poses, etc. It could become the 'brand'. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like it.

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Someone posted a much slicker cow last week,. more colorful and playful looking,. but. I forgot who it was. I could learn to love that one if the name is going to remain unchanged

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Someone posteda much slicker cow last week,. more colorful and playful looking,. but. I forgot who it was. I could learn to love that one if the name is going to remain unchanged

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Someone poster a much slicker cow last week,. more colorful and playful looking,. but. I forgot who it was. I could learn to love that one if the name is going to remain unchanged

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I think this is a good. start to get creative juices flowIng. but I agree it needs a graphic artist.

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'd like to suggest that the home page should have a prominent banner at the top with the product name and the logo. A tag line should appear under the product name with a very short description of the most important product differentiator. In this case, maybe it's something like "Compiled Basic for PIC and AVR Microcontrollers". The actual tag line should be discussed, but I think a major part of the product 'branding' is the way the product name, tag line and logo are presented. It should be slick....

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'd like to suggest that the home page should have a prominent banner at the top with the product name and the logo. A tag line should appear under the product name with a very shprt description of the most important product differentiator. In this case, maybe it's something like "Compiled Basic for PIC and AVR Microcontrollers". The actual tag line should be discussed, but I think a major part of the product 'branding' is the way the product name, tag line and logo are presented. It should be slick....

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Looks good. Suggestion: You just got here, knowing nothing about GCB. You read the mission section and you go on to the GCGB section and you think this is the main event. You're disappointed and move on in your search. That would be disappointing. I suggest moving GCGB to the end of.the introduction. section

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Looks good. Suggestion: You just got here, knowing nothing about GCB. You read the mission section and you go on to the GCGB section and you think this is the main event. Youre disappointed and move on in your search. That would be disappointing. I suggest moving GCGB to the end of.the introduction. section

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Harley, I did this years ago in PIcBasicPro. PBP has a function called SHIFTOUT that does this but my method is actually faster and produces more compact object code Herei s the section of code that sends the 40 bits of data to the AD9850. It's written as a 'bit bang' equivalent of PicBasicPro's SHIFTOUT, but you should get the idea and easily translate it to GCB. You'll have to create a 5 byte freq_byte () array (40 bits) with the binary frequency in the 1st 4 bytes and the control byte in the 5th...

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Harley I should have included these test constants in case you want to try it out 'Set DDS to 7.000 MHz Freq(0) = $1F 'LSB of frequency Freq(1) = $85 Freq(2) = $EB Freq(3) = $11 'MSB of frequency gosub update_dds

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Harley I should have included these test constants in case you want to try it out 'Set DDS to 7.000 MHz Freq(0) = $1F 'LSB of frequency Freq(1) = $85 Freq(2) = $EB Freq(3) = $11 'MSB of frequency gosub update_dds that there were issues related to feferen

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Harley, I did this years ago in PIcBasicPro. PBP has a function called SHIFTOUT that does this but my method is actually faster and produces more compact object code Herei s the section of code that sends the 40 bits of data to the AD9850. It's written as a 'bit bang' equivalent of PicBasicPro's SHIFTOUT, but you should get the idea and easily translate it to GCB. You'll have to create a 5 byte freq_byte () array (40 bits) with the binary frequency in the 1st 4 bytes and the control byte in the 5th...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Harley, Working from my tablet (which is tedious), I was able to cut/paste this section of code that sends the 40 bits of data to the AD9850. It's written as a 'bit bang' SPI equivalent in PicBasicPro, but you should get the idea and easily translate it to GCB. You'll have to create a 5 byte freq_byte () array (40 bits) with the binary frequency in the 1st 4 bytes and the control byte in the 5th byte. You'll also have to define port bits for spi_data, spi_clk and spi_latch. '*********** ' SUBROUTINES...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Harley I found my old PicBasicPro code from when I did this years ago. It used a very simple 'bit bang' technique on any output pin, along with 2 other pins for clock and latch. You can very easily translate it to GCB. Send me a reminder when I'm back in my office Monday and I'll post the code. Joe -------- Original message -------- From: Harley Burton Date: 11/04/2017 5:13 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion]...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It's beenquite a while since I used a AD9850, but my recollection is that it's not an I2C part. It uses a 40 bit serial word that's clocked by a seperate data pin, sort of lIke SPI bus. You'll have to read the data sheet and pound this one out yourself, as I don't think there's a GCB library for it. Joe -------- Original message -------- From: Harley Burton Date: 11/03/2017 5:59 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion]...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If the name stays, I like it. -------- Original message -------- From: stan cartwright Date: 11/02/2017 8:08 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] New Homepage for Great Cow BASIC is Ready! few more cow pictures. milking this I think. Attachments: teacher2.jpg (17.2 kB; image/jpeg) New Homepage for Great Cow BASIC is Ready! Sent from because you indicated interest in

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    bed May I suggest something for a future version? I think it would be nice to have a couple of side-bar areas where news (new releases, features, etc) could be announced on the home page.. Also, has anyone done a YouTube video on any related subject? If so, it would be good to feature them in a 'Videos' section. Same applies to any related educational/informational documents that might be wandering around the 'net. A list of links to work/projects others are doing with GCB would be nice (maybe this...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stan I think it’s a good sentiment and should be included in a page with a name something like “Why GCB?” Also, maybe a list of one-line endorsements from the many who have been using it successfully for years. From: stan cartwright Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2017 3:40 PM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] New Homepage for Great Cow BASIC is Ready! I think it looks like a sheep ? Ggcb is like picaxe blocky, for educational use in schools it seems...they don't teach c maybe....

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Chris I understand the sensitivity of the subject to Hugh, whom I respect very, very much for what he produced and what it has become (also to Evan and several others including you, who have really taken it by the horns and driven it home). However, I think the product is mature enough now that it could be at a tipping point. What it needs is a good ‘marketing’ campaign to make the world aware there’s an easier and better way than Arduino (at least for beginners). To me, GCGB is a similar...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does anyone here know what the intention of GCGB is? It seems 'gimmcky' to me. Does anyone really use it? I think it confuses the 'brand' of the main product for someone who's breezing by, looking for a good development tool set. The 'brand' should be clean and boldly proclaimed as the only dual-platform (PIC/AVR) programming language that lets you easily develop applications that take advantage of all the Arduino processors and peripherals available, plus anything else you might want to use in the...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Seems very hard to follow and very inefficient use of code space/processor time. I assume the "goto sub.." notation isn't the way it really is, or is it really "gosub" or just "subroutine name". I'm having trouble understanding the advantages. Seems like a state machine using a Case structure as a dispatcher to subroutine calls would read easier and be less prone to unanticipated results. Rebuilding the program flow then only requires modification to the stste machine. I think (but I might be wrong)...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've never seen this style before. What does it accomplish? -------- Original message -------- From: stan cartwright Date: 10/13/2017 7:40 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Stack Depth? How to get 50 subs. Not really. goto sub1 retsub1: end sub1 goto sub2 retsub2: goto retsub1 sub2 goto sub3 retsub3: goto retsub2 sub3 code..47 more subs goto retsub3 Stack Depth? Sent from because you...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    I think one of the problems here is that if you unplug a USB “virtual COM” device (basically a serial connection carried over the USB connection and mapped to a COM port) and plug it back into a different USB port, it might come up on a different COM port. This can cause some confusion on the user’s part. I believe the PC will remember which USB device was mapped to which COM port. Once a USB device is initialized, you can then change the COM port in Windows Device Manager under “Ports (COM & LPT)”,...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Got it working. Something was messed up with the USB. Resetting the port fixed it. From: William Roth Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 2:15 PM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] AVRDude with Nano Assuming that your Nano uses an Atmega328p, I would guess that the line in the FlashAVR.bat would be the same as for an Uno R3. However some nano's were made with Atmega 168. This is the line I use in FlashAVR.bat when programming an Uno R3 with Mega328P. "AVRdude\avrdude.exe" -c arduino...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    With this recommended line: "AVRdude\avrdude.exe" -c arduino -P COM5 -b 115200 -p AT%2 -U flash:w:%1:i I got this error message: 0.1 Sec. <<< ERRORs while flashing! ERROR running: "C:\GCB@SY~1\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:.....\GCB@SYN\test.hex" MEGA328P It’s definitely a MEGA328P, but uses a CH340 serial-USB chip. However, the correct driver is installed, evidenced by the fact it loads properly from the Arduino IDE referenced to COM5. From: William Roth Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Thanks I ordinarily do use XLoader for loading Arduino boards programmed with GCB, but I wanted to get AVRDude working just because it’s tightly integrated with the GCB IDE. From: stan cartwright Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 1:30 PM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] AVRDude with Nano I don't either but if you got a hex file then try or not. It works :) AVRDude with Nano Sent from because you indicated interest in

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    I have an Arduino Nano board that I can successfully load from the Arduino IDE, however I can't load it from the GCB IDE. I selected the UNO board option in the flashAVR.bat because there isn't a Nano option. The GCB IDE (V0.98) error is: 0.1 Sec. <<< ERRORs while flashing! ERROR running: "C:\GCB@SY~1\G+Stools\flashAVR.bat" with parameters "C:\Users....\GCB@SYN\test.hex" MEGA328P Where "..." is the path that I hid in this email and "test.hex" is the object file. None of the other options in the flashAVR...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, but I don’t quite understand what this means. From: bed Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 8:51 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Re: It is time to bring Great Cow Basic to more attention And keep in mind one of the biggest bonuses of GCB: You can use all those cheap special-purpose Arduino interface ‘shields’ along with one of the many different Arduino processor boards and program it in GCB. If you decide to move your project over to a PIC, the modifications are minimal....

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    And keep in mind one of the biggest bonuses of GCB: You can use all those cheap special-purpose Arduino interface ‘shields’ along with one of the many different Arduino processor boards and program it in GCB. If you decide to move your project over to a PIC, the modifications are minimal. Joe From: stan cartwright Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 7:41 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] It is time to bring Great Cow Basic to more attention Myself and others have mentioned GCB...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I agree. I’ve been a user since 2007. The only thing in the way of heavily promoting it as a replacement for the arcane and difficult Arduino development environment is better organization and flesh-out of the libraries, USB support, and possibly floating-point calculations. Otherwise, there’s nothing that comes close in terms of ease and breadth. Joe From: mkstevo Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 3:28 PM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] It is time to bring Great Cow Basic...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I heartily agree! -------- Original message -------- From: Chuck Hellebuyck Date: 09/15/2017 5:11 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Re: Any support for 16bit PIC24 family support in the near future? Hugh, what you have created is absolutely amazing. All the work Evan has done with help from many others has made Great Cow BASIC an incredible compiler. You brought the Microchip and Atmel parts together...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    FYI I reloaded the default syn.ini file and all seems OK now. From: Anobium Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 9:22 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] Re: A Release Candidate: Great Cow BASIC v.0.98.00 IDE (or SynWrite) errors are not within our gift to sort. Pop over to the SynWrite forum if things are really bad. A few pointters. There has been no change to the IDE in this release in terms of the IDE application. The IDE GCB Helpers have been updated...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Great news on USB! The final wish-list item for me would be floating point. Is it in the cards? From: Hugh Considine Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 9:33 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Any support for 16bit PIC24 family support in the near future? Support for 24F chips would be nice, but it would also be a very large job. There would be hundreds of lines, maybe even over a thousand lines of new or changed code needed. This would take up time that I think would be better...

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To my knowledge, there is no USB support at all in GCB. If you want to use USB serial, you need a board with a USB-serial converter chip on it. Many cheap Arduino (AVR) boards have this, which is why I prefer to develop on those hardware platforms using GCB as the IDE/Compiler.

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To my knowledge, there is no USB support at all in GCB.

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    BTW, after throwing up the error msg, it does load the IDE, with the last-used set of files open. From: Chris Roper Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 8:26 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] Re: A Release Candidate: Great Cow BASIC v.0.98.00 I installed it this morning and have been compiling fine. As a test I exited as you did and restarted IDE.exe from my install folder and it ran fine. It didn't repoen my files for some reason, but they were avalable...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The first time I attempted to load and compile a GCB project, all worked fine. Then I closed all open files , exited the IDE and attempted to restart it. I now always get this crash mode when I attempt to start the IDE: SynWrite Access violation at address 00560230 in module ‘sys.exe’. Read of address 000000A4. From: Anobium Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 2:36 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] Re: A Release Candidate: Great Cow BASIC v.0.98.00 @Joe....

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I’d be happy to do that, but I don’t have any board at hand to download to. Is there any way to test compiled code in a virtual way? From: Anobium Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 2:36 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] Re: A Release Candidate: Great Cow BASIC v.0.98.00 @Joe. It would be good if you can study the Select-Case usage. I have updated the Help but if you have more use cases that we can included in the Help then any update would be gratefully...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So, looking through my old code which I used for an initial test and which compiled perfectly under 0.98, it appears that Select Case DOES support strings for the Case elements.

  • joe rocci joe rocci modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I just loaded a project I did about 2 years ago. It’s comprised of about 10 include code files and compiles to about 13k of object code. No problems and it took all of about 12 secs to build. I’ll have to fire up the older version of GCB and make a comparison. Built on Windows 10.

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I just loaded a project I did about 2 years ago. It’s comprised of about 10 include code files and compiles to about 13k of object code. No problems and it took all of about 12 secs to build. Fast! I’ll have to fire up the older version of GCB and make a comparison. Built on Windows 10. From: Anobium Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 1:12 PM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] RE: [gcbasic:discussion] Re: A Release Candidate: Great Cow BASIC v.0.98.00 Hello Great Cow BASIC fans,...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Where is the cabdidate package?

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Considering he mentioned improved Select Case functionality, I thought is was a good time to ask what that functionality included. -------- Original message -------- From: Chris Roper Date: 09/13/2017 4:27 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "[gcbasic:discussion]" Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Re: A Release Candidate: Great Cow BASIC v.0.98.00 I think this is the wrong place to discuss it but I think what you are asking for is a very good idea. Boolian values...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Unless you’re trying to implement this logic in GCB, it would seem that this question should go to one of the many PIC programming forums where hard-core ASM programmers hang out. Although a solution might kindly be suggested here, it’s of little value to the general GCB community. From: mkstevo Sent: Friday, September 01, 2017 10:34 AM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] Assembly programming Sorry for posting this in the GCB forum. I'm not a very good BASIC programmer, but I'm...

  • joe rocci joe rocci posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dave The 1st example was crystal clear: GCB produced much faster and more compact code. I’m not sure what your video proves. Can you summarize? Joe From: stan cartwright Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 12:02 PM To: [gcbasic:discussion] Subject: [gcbasic:discussion] pic vs uno test Hi all. I had a post about a youtube video and the question of is a pic faster than a mega328p so here's the video link and a short video I did.

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