I don't think you get a separate (or internal) equivalent to the REF-ELEMENTS.html...
use of modal verbs in Guidelines
distributed spec files point at wrong schema location
This has already been done, changed to ../../p5.nvdl. -J
macro.paraContent doesn't contain l
This is already done. Closing ticket.
MH to go ahead and find more of these and fix them. ;-)
Assigning to LB at Ann Arbor 2015 f2f; Accepted. Green - implement correction.
Adjustment of example at Guidelines 16.2.5
I understand that there are many examples of documents which present the information...
Yes. I'm uncomfortable with that. Allowing <idno> was for specific id numbers relating...
Laurent: But the scholarly communications do not encode that information there. How...
No examples have been forthcoming. Approach MS SIG to provide some? Or close this...
There are three types of @source attribute currently:
If this is done it should be done together with other app crit changes in a consistent...
I believe the suggested edits are reasonable and if no one from council objects will...
Use case seems reasonable to me. On reflection, I could be convinced of this.
Agreed. I think you should be able to do this with the processing model documentation....
I think the semantics of app change as soon as you allow to also appear in a model.divLike...
I'm unclear as to the logic behind what is included in the proposed att.written and...
Where it says 'XML and RELAX NG' should it actually just say "W3C XML Schema and...
a place for metadata that you can't fit into existing header elements
At F2F Raleigh 2014-11-19 Assigning to SB; GREEN in that council agrees a container...
<trailer> not being included in TEI Tite schemas
Assigning to LB to investigate what should be happening and why it isn't.
Sanity Checker with MathML
Closing ticket since there are no plans to develop Roma in foreseeable future. Much...
Assigning to SB to discuss with council how to implement carefully.
Support for non-ISO schematron (1.4) should be removed
Make @source global
At Raleigh F2F: Assigning to myself to liaise with HC and see if we can agree at...
F2F Raleigh: 2014-11-19 In general Council has already decided it prefers @ref over...
replace @key with @ref for the <resp> example
New element <transcriptionDesc> as a possible child of <encodingDesc>
F2F at Raleigh looks in on ticket 2014-11-17; assign to MH to report back when proposal...
F2F Raleigh: Prods MH to progress ticket.
F2F at Raleigh agrees that this needs clarification, but more discussion.
Raleigh F2F 2014-11-19; Prodding LB to progress the ticket.
org should allow
F2F at Raleigh 2014-11-19 agrees that you must be allowed milestones in org. Assign...
multiple lems in an app
At Raleigh F2F: Change note to reflect that you can have 1 lem in each rdgGrp. Assign...
At Raleigh F2F 2014-11-18: Change example not to use quote. Assign to LB.
TEILIte example shows cit/quote, but quote is not allowed
Raleigh F2F 2014-11-18: Remove @calendar. Make green, assign to LB.
TEILite has @calendar, but no `<calendar>` element it can point to
From Raleigh F2F 2014-11-18: Should clarify description of supplied, note on add,...
Wording for `<add>` and `<del>` needs to be tightened up
sequence of declaration info is lost when making an ODD
Assigning to Lou the progress, reporting back to Council if fix is not straightf...
Misplaced periods after examples
Find and fix.
Pointing between terms and glosses
At Raleigh F2F Meeting 2014-11-18 Council decided that we should have an additional...
allocation of elements to module transcr
Council decided at Raleigh F2F that there is no useful way to change this without...
macro.paraContent doesn't contain l
Raleigh F2F 2014-11-18 claimed: This ticket appears to be submitted only the basis...
allow <head> in more places in div*, table, and list
Council meeting in Raleigh 2014-11-18 decides that trailer (in list and table etc.)...
Adding the @hand attribute to all (or most) text-containing elements
LB to make a proposal for new attribute class and implement after running suggestions...
`<taxonomy>` should be allowed as a child of `<category>`
MH to provide better examples of use case.
`<taxonomy>` should be allowed as a child of `<category>`
Prod JC to do.
Allow bibl inside app
Raleigh F2F 2014-11-18; PWS to progress asking council for any assistance or review...
Add notion of model.resourceLike to description of teiHeader
re-think's membership and use in <line>
re-think's membership and use in <line>
Council decides that it is too complicated to fix this.
Council 2014-11-18 notes that GB is wrong to say that "<line> was not invented to...
re-think's membership and use in <line>
tagsDecl needs to be explicit as to whether it documents all tags present in a document
Council face-to-face in Raleigh 2014-11-18; Supports @partial but not creation of...
transcription of quranic "end of ayah"-sign
Assigning to EM at Council F2F in Raleigh 2014-11-17; follow up and clarify potential...
Council agrees.
Council Agrees: Assigned to MH to implement, but run decisions passed Council, re:...
precision should be a member of att.datable*
@selector attribute for the `<rendition>` element
(actually leaving amber until MH reports)
@selector attribute for the `<rendition>` element
At Raleigh F2F Council agrees to make green and assigns to MartinH to investigate,...
Council F2F at Raleigh 2014-11-17 assigning to HC to follow up with more details...
Allow <lem/> to Contain Chunk-Level Markup
Create for @rend, @rendition, and @style
Council Assigning to LB at F2F Raleigh 2014-11-17. Green.
Allow @notation in <pVar> element
Council F2F 2014-11-17 at Raleigh assigns to SB to follow up and as LaurentR for...
translated from
Assigning to SB at 2014-11-17 F2F in Raleigh, to follow up.
Sebastian: I had a quick conversation with the oXygen guys when in graz for DiXiT...
Council agrees.
A method for marking a feature as "beta" in the Guidelines
F2F Raleigh 2014-11-17 rejected the idea of implementing this as described and it...
a new ODD element for pointing at datatypes
Assigning to LB at f2f raleigh 2014-11-17