Activity for Jean-christophe Manciot

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #67

    @DiagonalArg Are you aware that each bashdb version/tag matches a bash version? The first post of this thread was written more than 1 year ago for Ubuntu focal when there was a bashdb tag matching a relevant bash version. Since then, Ubuntu has moved on to impish and so has my PPA which targets only the latest Ubuntu distribution. For the latter, bash version is 5.1.3 and bashdb is not compatible with that release. That's the reasons why you couldn't find any bashdb package on

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #67

    @DiagonalArg Regarding your remark about the postinst, it is a leftover from older bashdb versions and it should have been removed. You're right, It prevents a correct installation of bashdb on bullseye. A new release has been posted without the postinst to allow a correct installation. You need to install a compatible bash version first with: # wget # dpkg -i bash_5.0-4+11.0_amd64.deb # apt-mark hold bash You can...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #67

    Regarding your remark about the postinst, it is a leftover from older bashdb versions and it should have been removed. You're right, It prevents a correct installation of bashdb on bullseye. A new release has been posted without the postinst to allow a correct installation. You need to install a compatible bash version first with: # wget # dpkg -i bash_5.0-4+11.0_amd64.deb # apt-mark hold bash You can grab the new...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #67

    @DiagonalArg Are you aware that each bashdb version/tag matches a bash version? The first post of this thread was written more than 1 year ago for Ubuntu focal when there was a bashdb tag matching a relevant bash version. Since then, Ubuntu has moved on to impish and so has my PPA which targets only the latest Ubuntu development distribution. For the latter, bash version is 5.1.3 and bashdb is not compatible with that release. That's the reasons why you couldn't find any bashdb package on

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #67

    You can grab the binary package: on Ubuntu focal or groovy: on Debian bullseye:`

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #67

    You can grab the binary package: `- on Ubuntu focal or groovy: on Debian bullseye:`

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #67

    You can grab the binary package: `- on Ubuntu focal or groovy: on Debian bullseye:`

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #67

    You can grab the binary package: - on Ubuntu focal or groovy: - on Debian bullseye:

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #67

    Cannot debug scripts called without their full path despite being in the PATH

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #44

    I don't experience the issue you're refering to (4 years old) anymore. My question is even simpler: when I step on a script call from within a script, the second script is executed (correctly). But how can I step into the second script $parameter, meaning how can I get to the first executable line of that second script and execute step by step all instructions inside that second script?

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #44

    It is very simple: how to step into a script called from with a script? 1 2#!/bin/bash $parameter

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2959

    My bad: the iptables rules for port 161 was open for TCP instead of UDP. Everything is fine now.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    I have just found a walkaround: if I comment out all uncommented lines beginning with def of /etc/snmp/snmp.conf (default values) and restart snmpd, snmpwalk does work. The trace with -Dsnmp does not show the 4 lines containing default as shown in a previous post. That is very strange. Bottom line: the default values prevent snmpwalk from functioning correctly on one platform, and are not a hindrance on another one..

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    On both platforms, I got 5.8-685-gc71b9eb26.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    On another platform with the same setup and a successul walk: snmpwalk -Dsnmp -v 3 -u OpenNMS -l authPriv -a SHA -x AES -A "authpassphrase" -X "privpassphrase" .1 registered debug token snmp, 1 snmp_parse_args: handling (#4): v (optarg 3) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling (#6): u (optarg OpenNMS) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling (#8): l (optarg authPriv) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling (#10): a (optarg SHA) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling (#12): x (optarg AES) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    OK, I got some debug trace: snmpwalk -Dsnmp -v 3 -u OpenNMS -l authPriv -a SHA -x AES -A "authpassphrase" -X "privpassphrase" .1 snmp_parse_args: handling (#4): v (optarg 3) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling (#6): u (optarg OpenNMS) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling (#8): l (optarg authPriv) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling (#10): a (optarg SHA) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling (#12): x (optarg AES) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args: handling (#14): A (optarg authpassphrase) (sp 0) snmp_parse_args:...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    Same issue: # libtool --mode=execute gdb snmpwalk GNU gdb (Ubuntu 8.3-0ubuntu1) 8.3 ... Reading symbols from snmpwalk... (No debugging symbols found in snmpwalk)

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    Also, I tried to build snmp with export CFLAGS='-g' to add debugging symbols, but I get: # gdb snmpwalk GNU gdb (Ubuntu 8.3-0ubuntu1) 8.3 ... Reading symbols from snmpwalk... (No debugging symbols found in snmpwalk) What am I missing?

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    I have added -D to snmpwalk to get debug information, I got: registered debug token v, 0 How do I access the debug info now?

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    With 5.8-685-gc71b9eb26 With the following /etc/snmpd.conf: # Listen only on local host agentAddress udp:localhost:161,udp6:[::1]:161 on Debian bullseye: no issue on Ubuntu eoan: no issue on one platform, the following issue on anotherwith the same configuration but at least snmpd does not crash anymore # snmpwalk -v 3 -u OpenNMS -l authPriv -a SHA -x AES -A "authpassphrase" -X "privpassphrase" .1 Timeout: No Response from

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    snmpwalk has no dsebugging symbols, so gdb is useless. With the latest commit 5.8-660-g27f763d80, the new crash file is below.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    The carsh file has already been uploaded in the first post.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2959

    Same issue for both commands.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2959

    snmpd does not answer remote get-request/get-next-request

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2948

    With trapsess -r0 -Ci -v3 -u user -n "" -l authPriv -a SHA -A "authpassphrase" -x AES -X "encpassphrase" localhost, no SNMP_Cold_Start is received by Opennms, unlike with informsink:

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2948

    With informsink localhost COMMUNITY:

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    With mibs +ALL in /etc/snmp/snmp.conf: # systemctl restart snmpd # export MIBDIRS=/usr/share/snmp/mibs # snmpwalk -Mmibs -v 3 -u OpenNMS -l authPriv -a SHA -x AES -A "authpassphrase" -X "privpassphrase" .1 Cannot find module (NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB): At line 0 in (none) Cannot find module (NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB): At line 0 in (none) Cannot find module (NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB): At line 0 in (none) Cannot find module (SNMPv2-MIB): At line 0 in (none) Cannot find module (IF-MIB): At line 0 in (none)...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2958

    Same issue with 5.8-621-gd1a6b1978.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2958

    Walking the MIBs with v3 crashes snmpd: double free or corruption (fasttop)

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2948

    That's strange. It worked when I used it 3 days ago. - Have you tried with the same parameters, i.e SHA & AES? - in 5.8-613-ga02cd0c97, the createUser command must be declared in /var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf according to the snmp auto-generated comments - It is not necessary for me to declare the user also in snmptrapd.confbecause I use opennms which is already configured, so I do not use snmptrapd. - I confirm that opennms does not receive anything with trapsess

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #2948

    Your link leads nowhere. You probably mean informsink localhost COMMUNITYsends an SNMPv2c inform: whereas trapsess -Ci -v3 localhost does not, Same result with trapsess -r 0 -Ci -v3 -u myuser -n "" -l authPriv -a SHA -A myauthpass -x AES -X myencrpass localhost.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #2948

    Your link leads nowhere. You probably mean informsink localhost COMMUNITYsends an SNMPv2c inform: whereas trapsess -Ci -v3 localhost does not, Same result with trapsess -r 0 -Ci -v3 -u myuser -n "" -l authPriv -a SHA -A myauthpass -x AES -X myencrpass localhost.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2948

    Your link leads nowhere. You probably mean informsink localhost COMMUNITYsends an SNMPv2c inform: whereas trapsess -Ci -v3 localhost does not, Same result with trapsess -r 0 -Ci -v3 -u myuser -n "" -l authPriv -a SHA -A myauthpass -x AES -X myencrpass localhost.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2948

    With latest v5.8-611-gbcd55f445 commit, I still cannot send SNMPv3 TRAPS with: trapsess -Ci -v3 localhost I get: in /var/log/snmp.log : Cannot add new trap destinationNET-SNMP version 5.8

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2952

    With v5.8-611-gbcd55f445, I can walk the mibs using snmpv3: # snmpwalk -u securityname -l authPriv -a SHA -x AES -A "authpassphrase" -X "privpassphrase" localhost .1 /etc/hosts/localhost.conf: Not a directory /etc/hosts/localhost.local.conf: Not a directory iso. = INTEGER: 0 ... SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus."_none_".1.2 = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2951

    A workaround is to configure without any sctp-mib: # systemctl restart snmpd root@samsung5-ubuntu:/media/actionmystique/SAMSUNG5-Shared/home/actionmystique/src/SNMP# systemctl status snmpd ● snmpd.service - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) daemon. Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snmpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sat 2019-06-29 15:20:59 CEST; 1s ago Main PID: 4947 (snmpd) Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915) Memory: 9.6M CGroup: /system.slice/snmpd.service...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2951

    Debugging with gdb: # ./libtool --mode=execute gdb agent/snmpd GNU gdb (Ubuntu 8.3-0ubuntu1) 8.3 Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". Type "show configuration" for configuration details. For...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #2951

    However, now snmpd crashes: # systemctl restart snmpd # systemctl status snmpd ● snmpd.service - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) daemon. Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snmpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: core-dump) since Sat 2019-06-29 13:59:16 CEST; 2s ago Process: 10028 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/snmpd -f (code=dumped, signal=SEGV) Main PID: 10028 (code=dumped, signal=SEGV) Jun 29 13:59:16 samsung5-ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Simple Network Management...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2951

    However, now snmpd crashes: # systemctl restart snmpd # systemctl status snmpd ● snmpd.service - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) daemon. Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snmpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: core-dump) since Sat 2019-06-29 13:51:32 CEST; 778ms ago Main PID: 31317 (code=dumped, signal=SEGV) Jun 29 13:51:31 samsung5-ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) daemon.. Jun 29 13:51:32 samsung5-ubuntu systemd[1]:...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2951

    The solution is to remove host/data_access/swinst_rpm and it compiles fine!

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2951

    Nice! You must have used a hidden ./configure option because I couldn't see anything allowing a complete list of all available mibs for the current host. I tried your list, but it fails to compile unfortuantely: host/data_access/swinst_rpm.c:78:15: warning: implicit declaration of function 'stat'; did you mean 'strcat'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] if (-1 == stat( pkg_directory, &stat_buf )) { ^~~~ strcat host/data_access/swinst_rpm.c: In function 'netsnmp_swinst_arch_load': host/data_access/swinst_rpm.c:96:5:...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2951

    Very helpful! Any reason why you don't use the following mibs? agent_mibs agentx notification snmpv3mibs target utilities Also, ./configure offers the possibility to use ucd_snmpmib: does it include all ucd_snmp/*?

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2951

    hardware/sensors is fine if it can be interpreted/used by OpenNMS. ./configure --help does not show hardware/sensors Any other MIB not shown by ../configure --help that I should know about?

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2951

    You need to - get 19.04 - upgrade all packages with 'apt update && apt upgrade' - install the apt release upgrader with 'apt install ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' - upgrade to the next development distribution with 'do-release-upgrade --devel-release --frontend=DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive' - reboot the server

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2951

    Yes I'm sure. I use the develoment version 'eoan'. lm-sensors: Installed: 1:3.5.0-3ubuntu1

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2952

    Multiple issues while walking the MIBs with SNMPv3

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2951

    Cannot build with ucd-snmp/lmSensors MIB: ucd-snmp/lmSensors.c:950:11: error: unknown type name 'sensors_feature_data'

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2948

    I was able to build v5.8-585-g4efee9f06 (without ucd-snmp/lmSensors MIB which creates an issue during the build) and the original issue about sending SNMPv2c TRAPS & INFORMs is gone.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2948

    I wish I could build a newer commit, but which one? The latest v5.8-581-g0ec02c525 fails transports/snmpUDPIPv4BaseDomain.c: In function 'netsnmp_udpipv4base_transport_with_source': transports/snmpUDPIPv4BaseDomain.c:278:53: error: 'addr' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'h_addr'? ntohs(addr->sin_port)); ^~~~ transports/snmpUDPIPv4BaseDomain.c:278:53: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in make[1]: *** [Makefile:100: transports/snmpUDPIPv4BaseDomain.lo]...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2948

    From /var/log/syslog: Jun 20 19:03:54 samsung5-debian kernel: [ 1809.100272] snmpd[20825]: segfault at f42a8 ip 00007f1784f104cb sp 00007ffe0b0555e0 error 4 in[7f1784ee9000+90000] Jun 20 19:03:54 samsung5-debian kernel: [ 1809.100280] Code: df 4c 89 e3 e8 9e c9 fd ff 4d 85 e4 75 c1 4c 89 ef e8 91 c9 fd ff 48 8b 5d 10 48 c7 45 10 00 00 00 00 48 85 db 74 0e 48 89 df <ff> 53 68 48 89 df e8 1a c9 fd ff 4c 8b 6d 08 48 c7 45 08 00 00 00 Jun 20 19:03:54 samsung5-debian systemd[1]: Started...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2948

    Cannot add new trap destination although none has been added

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #60

    configure: error: This package is only known to work with Bash 4.1-4.4.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #58

    git: 1:2.19.1-1

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #58

    Actually, I did not check the status of the patch apply the first time: it turns out it seems corrupted: git apply ../bug-report#58.patch error: corrupt patch at line 44 Strange error message because there is no.... line 44. The patch I applied is attached.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #58

    This patch does not change anything, except that 1 test is skipped. I have found this link online which may be helpful, although the context is different.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #58

    This patch does not change anything, except that 1 test is skipped. I have found this link online which may be helpful.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #57

    Yes, this issue is solved, although some tests still fail to pass afterwards as reported by

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #58

    There is a type in previous bug report: release-4.4-1.0.1 checkout must be replaced by 2d1a608 checkout

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #58

    '-stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device' makes 6 tests fail

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #57

    Yes, this issue is solved, although some tests still fail to pass afterwards.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #57

    config.status: error: cannot find input file: `'

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2757

    It does not work, at all: git apply ../net-snmp-5.7.3-openssl.patch ../net-snmp-5.7.3-openssl.patch:20:...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #45

    As a matter of fact, my script is not correct: I over-evaluated bash simplicity to...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #45

    It does not appear in the post above, but "files_to_push" is of course set before...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #45

    set args is flawed when one parameter is an array

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #43

    Thanks for the workaround.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #44

    This is problematic because we cannot step into the second script: in the following...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #44

    This is problematic because we cannot step into the second script: in the following...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #44

    bashdb is confused when a second script is called inside the debugged script

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #43

    Run/Restart brings up bashdb source instead of the script source when used after "set args"

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #42

    If I change all occurrences of $ac_aux_dir by . in configure, the error does not...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #42

    configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash /config.sub

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot modified a comment on ticket #2757

    Applying the patch fails on last master commit (d23474c85b64500788545edf031b0a2168d3ddd5):...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2757

    Applying the patch fails on last master commit (d23474c85b64500788545edf031b0a2168d3ddd5):...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2757

    Have you read my post?

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2757

    configure: error: The DTLS based transports require the libssl library from OpenSSL to be available, although it is installed

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2739

    Thanks. I suppose you mean to edit /etc/snmpd/snmptrapd.conf file because /var/net-snmp/snmptrapd.conf...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2742

    transports/snmpUDPIPv4BaseDomain.c:150:50: error: 'addr' undeclared (first use in this function)

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2739

    No way to discover the automatically generated local engine ID

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2728

    Solved by removing the calls to make configure.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2735

    Also, why does it try to overwrite /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/easy-install.pth'...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    "Making ./configure" with the following tools is not necessary anymore: libtoolize...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2734

    The new issues are: & https://sour...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2736

    /usr/share/snmp/snmptrapd.conf: line 17: Error: Blank line following format2 token.

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2735

    trying to overwrite '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/easy-install.pth', which is also in package python-pip 8.1.2

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2734

    Thanks for your swift answer. You're right, I don't have to make configure, it is...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2734

    Cannot disable usm security module in configure

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2728

    If I disable perl, I fall back to a previous unsolved issue "/usr/bin/ld: .libs/snmpusm.o:...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2728

    snmp_perl.c:5:20: fatal error: EXTERN.h: No such file or directory

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    However, I've realized that the tools I use to build configure are more recent than...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    Exactly same issue if I remove "usm" from configure options (and keep ksm tsm), which...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    Removing ksm from configure options does not workaround the issue with commit 0c604080a4bcc79f38a85447f5b1a0f2c3ab85da,...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    Same issue when building with makerelease

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    Same issues when replacing all calls to make configure by: export ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS="-I...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    The previous post has been done with latest commit e5c2f23e8d7e863b5302e91e538d5...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    OK, openssl is used by default, so previous try did not change anything. However,...

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    Same error if I remove --with-openssl from configure

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot posted a comment on ticket #2711

    If this can be of any help: openssl version OpenSSL 1.0.2g-fips 1 Mar 2016

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2711

    /usr/bin/ld: .libs/snmpusm.o: undefined reference to symbol 'BN_bn2bin@@OPENSSL_1.0.0'

  • Jean-christophe Manciot Jean-christophe Manciot created ticket #2710

    error: no proper invocation of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE was found.

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