Activity for Javier Molto

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Many thanks again, Joe. It works! Javier

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    There it goes.

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    I forgot to attatch the screenshot file.

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Joe, I have been trying to 'Read' .txt files into EP_toolkit but I get some error messages related to the .ced file. The experiment has 300 timepoints and 257 channels (EGI) per subject, but Matlab displays error messages after loading all the .txt files just when I am requested to select the electrode file (.ced; in this case: GSN-Hydrocel-257.ced). I can not understand the issue especially because I get the same error message when I try to read again some previous .txt files for which I have...

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Many thanks again Joe. It works!!!

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Joe, after a Matlab crash, I have tried to do a clean installation, writing the command "restoredefaultpath" in the Matlab command window. Then I have reinstalled EP without problems. However, when running EP, all my previous analyzed files located into the EPwork folder were not available. I mean, the following panes from the EP main window were not accesible (on grey): Edit, View, PCA, Window (attached you'll find 2 screenshots). In other words, I can not open any of my analyzed files, but these...

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Joe for your useful suggestions. After reading some comments on the web regarding how the tighter security in the OS Cataline can cause headaches for developers, I have checked the box of the “Developer Tools” to grant permission to Terminal.pp in order to ignore the quarantine flag and most “Security Assessment” rejections. Then, I manually (with Control key) have allowed to the "ep_WJGLMml.mexmaci64" file to be opened by Matlab and then confirm the permission for this file to be opened in...

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    The problems appear during the installation the FieldTrip software. In order to fix the problems, I have the "App Store and identified developers" checked, but it was not enough for my system (macOS 10.15.4). The first error message was related to the "CalcMD5.mexmaci64" file (not developped by Apple). To fix the problem I need to locate this file into the FieldTrip folder and manually (with Control key) I have allowed it to be opened by Matlab and then confirm the permission for this file to be...

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, thanks so much for your very useful suggestion. It works! After installing Xcode, during the EP installation and especially after that and during the dipole analysis, some files were unabled to be opened because were not developped by Apple. So, I have allowed each of them in the Security panel and then the dipole analysis works. However, for the robust ANOVA the mex files seem do not work and Matlab functions assume this role, which I understand is correct. So, it is possible to bypass the extremely...

  • Javier Molto Javier Molto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Dr. Dien, I have updated the EP Toolkit to the last version (2.891) and I have found some problems in the installation process related to the Fieldtrip. After typing "ft_defaults" I get a message indicating that "CalcMD5.mexmaci64" is impossible to be opened because the developper can not be verified (is like macOS Catalina treat this file as malicious software). Later on, if a try to do the dipole analysis I get another error message indidating that "ft_getopt.mexmaci64" again is impossible to...