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  • Posted a comment on ticket #27 on Javascript Clipper

    I've found the problem. Even though the documentation says UNION operations can be performed on one set or both sets of polygons, but all other boolean operations require both sets of polygons to derive meaningful solutions. you really need both subject and clip sets. So, the fix was to add the second polygon as ptClip and then the union works correctly

  • Posted a comment on ticket #27 on Javascript Clipper

    Hi Timo, thanks for responding so quickly. You're right it's something weird in the demo. However, I'm still facing the issue in my actual code. I've tried to simplify the paths. To reproduce, copy this in to starter_offset.html: var p1 = [[{"X":703,"Y":594},{"X":703,"Y":719},{"X":827,"Y":1960}]]; var p2 = [[{"X":827,"Y":2029},{"X":827,"Y":2098},{"X":1199,"Y":3015}]]; ClipperLib.JS.ScaleUpPaths(p1, 5); ClipperLib.JS.ScaleUpPaths(p2, 5); var co = new ClipperLib.ClipperOffset(2, 0.25); co.AddPaths(p1,...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #27 on Javascript Clipper

    On the other hand I can't reproduce it in the c# version of the library: If I replace contents of GenerateRandomPolygon with var subj = new Polygon(new IntPoint[] {new IntPoint(10000, 10000), new IntPoint(20000, 10000), new IntPoint(17000, 15000), new IntPoint(10000, 4000), new IntPoint(12000, 4000), new IntPoint(19000, 15000)}); var co = new ClipperOffset(); co.AddPath(subj, JoinType.jtRound, EndType.etOpenRound); co.Execute(ref subjects, 400); (crude, I know) It doesn't do anything strange when...

  • Created ticket #27 on Javascript Clipper

    Union problem

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2019-07-18 15:26:33


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