Activity for James D. Howard

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard created ticket #1301

    Allow Selection of Root Dirs Without Drive Letters

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm using KeePass2 across Windows and Linux machines, with a Cloud-stored (MSFT OneDrive) .kdbx file as synchronization target. Triggers operate on DB load and save to synchronize loaded (in memory) and Cloud copies - all called .../Jimbo.kdbx When KeePass2 is run on Windows, a file is sometimes created at the remote Cloud location with the Windows machine name injected, as: .../Jimbo-%MyWindowsBoxHostname%.kdbx (using Windows variable syntax) That file is usually the same size and date-time as the...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard created ticket #28

    KDBX4 support timeframe?

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Unless carefully written, it is common for un-install procedures, themselves, fail to clean out old app crud when the installation directory is missing. (For example, upon a disk failure or a remote machine disconnection.) Can KeePass2's uninstall successfully clean up enough in such problematic situations to allow a full re-install to be successful?

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    As I understand it, entry-by-entry synchronization is performed by referring to the Create, Modify and Access times recorded in the .kdbx database for entries, etc. This allows judgement of newer or older/superseded entries during the synchronization process. I understand how this can work if all writers of the database have a uniform idea of time-of-day. However, it is still somewhat common for machines to have differing views of what time "Now" is (sometimes by numerous minutes) - even in this...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When opening KeePass2 (in my case, on Linux+Mono), and a database, I'm presented with the dialog box [Enter Master key], as expected. However, if I have a couple of databases stored in a long-ish pathname, the Dialog Box shows me a tail-truncated version of the pathname - and the suppressed, important bit of the pathname (usually, the leaf filename) is not visible. See example attached .png file. Can some method be chosen to show the full pathname - or at least elide characters from the middle, not...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Refer to the sync example mentioned above, and pretend that the green box on the right is your Android phone. The following sequence is only needed once on each box you'll want to synchronize - to get DBs and Cloud Stores and synchronization set up. After that it's simply automatic. 1. Make sure that your Android(s) and any computers that might run KeePass2 and/or KeePass2Android can connect to your chosen Cloud Store: Dropbox, MSFT's OneDrive, Google Drive or some other - preferably by some mounted/mapped...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Unless I'm misunderstading terminology, I don't see where in Password Change Assistant (PCA) I can specify some non-default set of characters for an entry (or set of entries) from which a new password can be generated. (I was pleased to find a mechanism for moving PCA info from just the KeePass2 config area into the DB, so it can be cross-platform and -machine synchronized.)

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    Documentation and Forum posts I've seen have not definitively answered whether the Trigger event "Saved database file" Comparison criteria "Equals" or "Contains" allow for regular expressions (REs) in the accompanying "Filter" fill-in. Can someone tell me if they do? Can I assume If they do support REs, that - like other places in KeePass2 documented as accepting REs - they are "perl" REs. Correct? Or they might be classic path/file globbing? Am I able to request a documentation and/or Help change...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    Documentation and Forum posts I've seen have not definitively answered whether the Trigger event "Saved database file" Comparison criteria "Equals" or "Contains" allow for regular expressions (REs) in the accompanying "Filter" fill-in. Can someone tell me if they do? I'm assuming If they do support REs, that - like other places in KeePass2 documented as accepting REs - they are "perl" REs. Correct? Or they might be classic path/file globbing? Am I able to request a documentation and/or Help change...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    Documentation and Forum posts I've seen have not definitively answered whether the Trigger event "Saved database file" Comparison criteria "Equals" or "Contains" allow for regular expressions (REs) in the accompanying "Filter" fill-in. Can someone tell me if they do? I'm assuming If they do support REs, that - like other places in KeePass2 documented as accepting REs - they are "perl" REs. Correct? Or they might be classic path/file globbing? Am I able to request a documentation and/or Help change...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    KeePass 2.40 built on Linux using monodevelop 5.10b871. When [Run]->[Start ...] of the app via mono, the app menu [File]->[Open Recent] list is populated from the user's ${HOME}/.config/KeePass/KeePass.config.xml file. However, the names presented in the GUI menu are incorrectly edited from the data in the ….xml file. For example the XML line: <Path>../../../home/jdhoward/Dropbox/Apps/KeePass/Jim1stDB.kdbx</Path> is shown in the GUI menu as: /vol/0/homes/jdhoward/Projects/KeePass/2.40/home/jdhoward/Dropbox/Apps/KeePass/Jim1stDB.kdbx...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard created ticket #1

    More Description in SourceForge PEDCalc Project [Summary] Tab, Please

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    When installing VcXsrv, a dialog box allows choice of installation location. However, the installer seems to always show a default location onC:\… and ignores the location of the previously-installed version. For example, I had version installed in D:\PgmFiles\wnt-x64\VcXsrv, but the installation sequence for version suggested installation inC:\Program Files\VcXsrv. It would be helpful if it were to be aware of the previous installation location, and pre-fill-in the existing installation...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    When installing VcXsrv, a dialog box allows choice of installation location. However, the installer seems to always show a default location onC:\… and ignores the location of the previously-installed version. For example, I had version installed in D:\PgmFiles\wnt-x64\VcXsrv, but the installation sequence for version suggested installation inC:\Program Files\VcXsrv. It would be helpful if it were to be aware of the previous installation location, and pre-fill-in the existing installation...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    A few tips for running ddclient on Fedora Linux. In my case, Fedora 26. Check that the package ddclient is installed; if not, use dnf or the GUI tool "Yum Extender" (/usr/bin/yumex - a Python script) to do so Fedora currently uses systemd instead of SysV rc init scripts, and the ddclient package installation will have created a .service file for ddclient - /usr/lib/systemd/system/ddclient.service - which is not yet enabled nor started The "Linux Update Client" page suggests...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When filling in a field in an Entry, or when defining an Entry Template (per the KPEntryTemplates plugin), field values are generally free-format strings. (There just a few built-in constrained-entry data types for fields like "Date", "Time", etc.) For example, when defining an Entry Template, I currently have to select the 'generic' Field Type "Inline" string. Is there any facility in KeePass (or any other plugins) allowing specification of a valid 'template' or format for a field's value? A scan...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is there a chance that the date/time is incorrect on one machine, or out-of-sync? When multiple machines are involved, this can happen if the involved machines are not all sync-ing to the same network time source (or some are not set up to syncat all).

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the pointer! With so many PlugIns available, it can be difficult for newer users to know which one(s) might help.

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    For issues like this - and others, is there a way to get KeePass to produce an incremental log of actions and/or error messages? That would help us produce better diagnostic info for you, Paul - and even avoid submitting queries when looking at the logs prior to submission :-)

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    re: ... if not, I have updated data Exactly the point: 1. KeePass runs on device X, doing a local save and sync to Dropbox, then KeePass is exited normally 2. KeePass later runs on device Y did edits and a local save and sync to Dropbox 3. KeePass later runs on device X and really needs to check date-time-modified of local file and Dropbox file to avoid data loss Of course, line item 2.) above is also a reason to want to do the stat()-prior-to-open() operation...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    re: ... if not, I have updated data Exactly the point: 1. KeePass runs on device X, doing a local save and sync to Dropbox, then KeePass is exited normally 2. KeePass later runs on device Y did edits and a local save and sync to Dropbox 3. KeePass later runs on device X and really needs to check date-time-modified of local file and Dropbox file to avoid data loss

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    re: "Opened database file" trigger (i.e. past-tense - completed opening) The trigger event being requested is "ready to open named file" - i.e. prior to doing the actual open() on the resolved file name. An alternative would be to use the after-the-fact "Opened database file" to trigger: 1. a stat() for date-time-modified of both the local file and its Dropbox counterpart, 2. compare the date-time info, 3. announce the result, and 4. trigger (if appropriate) a merge of the Dropbox info into the active...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    re: whole-file up-to-datedness Given the case where multiple database accessors - example: cell phone and desktop PC - are free to save-to a Dropbox copy, a date-time-modified comparison between the locally-saved .kdbxfile and the Dropbox copy is a very important basic check upon a load-database operation. The assumption of sufficiency of a synchronization of the local file into the Dropbox upon "Saved database file" triggered event is false when multiple independent writers are possible into the...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    re: "Opened database file" trigger (i.e. past-tense - completed opening) The trigger event being requested is "ready to open named file" - i.e. prior to doing the actual open() on the resolved file name. An alternative would be to use the after-the-fact "Opened database file" to trigger: 1. a stat() for date-time-modified of both the local file and its Dropbox counterpart, 2. compare the date-time info, 3. announce the result, and 4. trigger (if appropriate) a merge of the Dropbox info into the active...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    re: "Opened database file" trigger (i.e. past-tense - completed opening) The trigger event being requested is "ready to open named file" - i.e. prior to doing the actual open() on the resolved file name. An alternative would be to use the after-the-fact "Opened database file" to trigger: 1. a stat() for date-time of both the local file and its Dropbox counterpart, 2. compare the date-time info, 3. announce the result, and 4. trigger (if appropriate) a merge of the Dropbox info into the active database...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    I can understand the imperative goal of guarding against confused or unknown states of the database. However, that should not stop the app from popping up an "Information" message which a user can read (even though the existing file processing sequence proceeds in its safe manner. I'd just like to know if/when an error occurs (or be able to code for that with the already-implemented "Show message box" action). In this case of "Save-also-to-Dropbox-location", the trigger is after successful write/close...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your description of getting a "dump" of the trigger information! That allowed diagnosis. The immediate problem was that the copy-paste to fill in the Dropbox file location included a space character that should not have been there. That was very difficult to see in the trigger event dialog boxes, with default font and window sizes. Nonetheless, I was surprised to see that I was not informed of the access error (other then the quick-to-disappear) progress dialog box.

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    I do not understand the response: merged on what situation? "Open"ing 2 separate files with the same database name? Does your note imply that the app keeps a copy of the database "inside" (cached somewhere), separate from the locally-named .kdbx file? My expectation is that: 1. a freshly-invoked app running instance is "empty", until 2. I cause it to contain active in-memory data by using the "File Open" dialog to identify a file (which is then opened to be read), and 3. Save, close or app exit causes...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    I do not understand the response: merged on what situation? "Open"ing 2 separate files with the same database name? Does your note imply that the app keeps a copy of the database "inside" (cached somewhere), separate from the locally-named .kdbx file? My expectation is that: 1. a freshly-invoked app running instance is "empty", until 2. I cause it to contain active in-memory data by using the "File Open" dialog to identify a file (which is then opened to be read). Am I missing something?

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    re: Dropbox trigger KB info Thanks, but I've already read the info at the link mentioned (Dropbox sync). Unless I'm missing something, the trigger/event/action sequence described talks ONLY about the sync action ONLY occurring upon a Save of the in-memory information - i.e. causing save-to-local-file to also trigger a save-out-to-dropbox. There is no mention of whole-file reconcile on Load of database (based on whole file date-time, not innards).

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    re: Dropbox trigger KB info Thanks, but I've already read the info at the link mentioned (Dropbox sync). Unless I'm missing something, the trigger/event/action sequence described talks ONLY about the sync action ONLY occurring upon a Save of the in-memory information - i.e. causing save-to-local-file to also trigger a save-out-to-dropbox. There is no mention of whole-file reconcile on Load of database (based on whole file date-time).

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    re: Dropbox trigger KB info Thanks, but I've already read the info at the link mentioned (Dropbox sync). Unless I'm missing something, the trigger/event/action sequence described talks ONLY about the sync action ONLY occurring upon a Save of the in-memory information - i.e. causing save-to-local-file to also trigger a save-out-to-dropbox. There is no mention of file reconcile on Load of database.

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    I do not understand the response: merged on what situation? "Open"ing 2 separate files with the same database name? Does your note imply that the app keeps a copy of the database "inside" (cached somewhere), separate from the locally-named .kdbx file? My expectation is that the app is "empty" until I use the "File Open" dialog to identify a file (which is then opened to be read). Am I missing something?

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    re: on-load file synchronization Yes, I realize that entry-by-entry synchronization would be a complex process (but possible, because you save timestamps on entries' fields; thanks for that!). However: that was not the intent of the question. The question was about whole-file up-to-dated-ness. If the local file has date/time X, and an identically-named Dropbox sync file has date/time Y, then upon "preparing to open .kdbx file", I'd like KeePass to be able to check whether file Y is more recent than...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    re: Dropbox trigger KB info Thanks, but I've already read the info at the link mentioned (Dropbox sync). Unless I'm missing something, the trigger/event/action sequence described talks ONLY about the sync action ONLY occurring upon a Save of the in-memory information - i.e. causing save-to-local-file to also trigger a save-out-to-dropbox. There is no mention of file reconcile on load of database.

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    I note that I can establish an event/trigger/action to occur when I Save/Close the app's use of a local .kdbx file (triggering a companion save to the Dropbox), but find no way to compare the local file's current-ness vs. the file saved in a DropBox repository. I expected to find an event akin to "Local Database about to be opened/loaded", match against a file name fragment, and trigger a "date modified" comparison between the local file and the Dropbox-saved one. If the dates are not (near?) equal,...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    DropBox is operating as expected on my Fedora Linux box, via a "sub-directory" ${HOME}/Dropbox: files copied there (or deeper sub-dirs) sync with DropBox servers and other connected computers. I've attempted to use the documented "Trigger Examples" "Synchronizing with Dropbox ..." instructions to save my .kdbx file upon a "Saved batabase file" Event. KeePass does write out the just revised .kdbx file to the local file system, but does not also write/update the cloud-stored file in the .../Dropbox/Apps/KeePass...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard modified a comment on discussion Help

    DropBox is operating as expected on my Fedora Linux box, via a "sub-directory" ${HOME}/Dropbox: files copied there (or deeper sub-dirs) sync with DropBox servers and other connected computers. I've attempted to use the documented "Trigger Examples" "Synchronizing with Dropbox ..." instructions to save my .kdbx file upon a "Saved batabase file" Event. KeePass does write out the just revised .kdbx file to the local file system, but does not also write/update the cloud-stored file in the .../Dropbox/Apps/KeePass...

  • James D. Howard James D. Howard posted a comment on discussion Help

    DropBox is operating as expected on my Fedora Linux box, via a "sub-directory" ${HOME}/Dropbox: files copied there (or deeper sub-dirs) sync with DropBox servers and other connected computers. I've attempted to use the documented "Trigger Examples" "Synchronizing with Dropbox ..." instructions to save my .kdbx file upon a "Saved batabase file" Event. KeePass does write out the just revised .kdbx file to the local file system, but does not also write/update the cloud-stored file in the .../Dropbox/Apps/KeePass...