Activity for Marco Amadei

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The boolean returned has a completely different meaning, it's true if it is a ResultSet, false if it isn't, see jdbc javadoc

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's likely a encrypted database, isn't it? If so, see how to use the jackcessOpener parameter on the ucanaccess web site. Il Mer 21 Set 2022, 22:22 amwfc ha scritto: We are kind of dead in the water, due to the above error. Any tips on resolving it? What does this error mean, and how can I fix it? Sent from because is subscribed to

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you Fred, I didn't treat PERIOD as keyword, next version will fix it for better compatibility.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you try to use the console.bat (in the distribution) to open the file what do you see? Could you send the console output? Il giorno lun 25 ott 2021 alle ore 13:56 Lon Parisi ha scritto: Hello, I have written to this forum before but have not been able to resolve the connection time being SO long. My MS Access database is currently about 54M. It takes well over 4 minutes to create a connection. There is a slow amount of growth to this database and the connection...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    It is not our game, but you should setAutocommit(false) at the start, and then commit just each 1000-2000 records... performance will improve dramatically... or much better, do it all directly with jackcess. Il Gio 23 Set 2021, 20:09 Steven Rubin ha scritto: I am trying to build a large table (105 columns and over a million rows). Using Access, I can use Import / External Data and then give it a big text file (tab separated). It takes barely any time at all. Now I want...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok. It will be fixed in the 6.0.0 Il Ven 10 Set 2021, 14:08 Sproketboy ha scritto: Hi I'm using 5.0.1 with hsqldb 2.5.1 Column name incorrect after create table. Sent from because is subscribed to To unsubscribe from further messages, a project admin can change settings at

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Which version are you using? Il Ven 10 Set 2021, 11:49 Sproketboy ha scritto: CREATE TABLE Customers ( [Customer ID] varchar(10) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, [Company Name] VARCHAR(30) NULL, [Contact Name] VARCHAR(30) NULL, [Contact Title] VARCHAR(10) NULL, [Address] VARCHAR(40) NULL, [City] VARCHAR(30) NULL, [Region] VARCHAR(10) NULL, [Postal Code] VARCHAR(10) NULL, [Country] VARCHAR(2) DEFAULT 'US', [Phone] VARCHAR(30) NULL, [Fax] VARCHAR(30) NULL, [Status] CHAR(1) NULL,...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei modified a comment on discussion Help

    No, they were unknown errors, but I'll verify the bugs ASAP and let you know here when the fixes will be released.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    No, they were unknown errors, but I'll verify the bugs and let you know here when the fixes will be released.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Try with the previous 4.x.x ucanaccess (downgrading the dependencies too), it may depend on the jdk version supported Il Mar 31 Ago 2021, 10:36 Shehar Yar Khan ha scritto: Hi there, I was trying to add ucanaccess to an android project (an empty project with no dependencies). For the purpose, I added the ucanaccess jar along with the dependency jars in the libs folder and added them in the dependecies section of app/build.gradle as: dependencies { implementation...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Will look into, have you already tried directly with jackcess? Il Gio 26 Ago 2021, 21:04 Jefferson Poe ha scritto: UCanAccess version: 5.0.0 JDK: 8 and 11 (tested on both) Steps to repro: 1. create a new table that has a "Currency" type column: CREATE TABLE mytable1(IDcounter PRIMARY KEY,currencycurrency) 2. read the schema of the table using ResultSetMetadata of the following statement: SELECT * FROMmytable1WHERE 1=0 3. inspect the precision and display width...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    A zero ceremony ORM for Java Nice statement ;-) Il Ven 23 Apr 2021, 21:44 marco amadei ha scritto: Ok, thanks. No issue. Il Ven 23 Apr 2021, 21:17 Sproketboy ha scritto: Hi Marco. My fault. I also use HSQLDB for my project ( - I just need to use the same version you do for my unit tests - then it worked fine. Attachment not found in import statement

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok, thanks. No issue. Il Ven 23 Apr 2021, 21:17 Sproketboy ha scritto: Hi Marco. My fault. I also use HSQLDB for my project ( - I just need to use the same version you do for my unit tests - then it worked fine. Attachment not found in import statement Sent from because is subscribed to

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Nothing changed on the Attachment class, I'll try soon but a compile time error should be due to something wrong in your environment set-up. Il Dom 18 Apr 2021, 12:48 Sproketboy ha scritto: No answer? No upgrade path to Java 16 yet? Attachment not found in import statement Sent from because is subscribed to

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    so, do you confirm? Does it work this way? Il Mar 23 Mar 2021, 22:33 Matthew ha scritto: Hopefully the following will be of use for future visitors, it turns out I was using the Number data type, sub-specifying the 'Long Integer' form for the field size (when defining a field in MS Access). Turns out the correct data type to use is 'Large Number' instead of Number. Access Long Number support?

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    No dear, access(jackcess) integer correspond to java long, access(jackess) int correspond to java short. It's misleading I know, but it's hsqldb (that throws the exception) over constrained not access.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Tom, The regex java library hangs but the regex expression is correct whereas concatenating the email body to a sql is an antipattern even for security reasons. You should use a PreparedStatement placeholder instead (? and PreparedStatement.setString()). Anyway a workaround will be developed for the 6.0.0. to improve general performance.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Tom, The regex java library hangs but the regex expression is correct whereas concatenating the email body to a sql is an antipattern even for security reason. You should use a PreparedStatement placeholder instead (? and PreparedStatement.setString()). Anyway a workaround will be developed for the 6.0.0. to improve general performance.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi tom, nice to hear from you. May you post along the query string? Il Ven 5 Mar 2021, 14:26 Tom ha scritto: Hello to all you hard workers on UCanAccess! The MIST project continues to gratefully utilize UCanAccess. MIST's job is to import emails into an Access database. However, some of my users have reported that MIST hangs in certain circumstances, notably while trying to import long emails generated via MailChimp. I've traced...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes but you have to configure jdk 10 in your eclipse project. Il Mer 17 Feb 2021, 16:36 Bob Glover ha scritto: Follow-up question: When I enter in the Windows cmd line "Java -version" I see 10.0.2 (see attachment). But Eclipse says it's running JRE 1.6. So I am confused. Can I use Ucanaccess or not? Thanks much! Attachments: JAVA VERSION IN CMD LINE.docx

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, JavaSE 1.6 means java 6. Il Mar 16 Feb 2021, 20:18 Bob Glover ha scritto: I am using Eclipse 8.0, it says JavaSE 1.6, JRE 1.1. Does this mean Java 6? Unsure if any of these means the version. The dreaded "Error in connection: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver" Sent from because you indicated interest in To...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Since 5.0.0 UCanAccess requires Java 8 or later to run

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, that's the commit. Thanks for reporting. Il Mer 10 Feb 2021, 14:33 WFR ha scritto: For anybody else stumbling on this: Issue has been resolved in Version 5.0.1, probably in commit Reduced INSERT performance in 5.0.0 Sent from because is subscribed to...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Nein dear, I needed something else: the form working. You said it works if you link it to an hsqldb so I needed an Odb that doesn't point to access but to an hsqldb and with the form working as expected.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    There are no calls with error on UCanAccess, all work fine there. Please send along another odb linked to HSQLDB and the form working as expected. The error seems to be outside our scope.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's totally wrong and could cause harm!

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Firstly your LO configuration is wrong : even if it won't solve your problem, please follow the suggestions in this article

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    ok, now I can take a look, I'll let you know my findings

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Try to give us something simple to reproduce the problem. If I have an instant I'll give a look into. Il Sab 9 Gen 2021, 20:51 Randy ha scritto: Really don't know how to do that and wouldn't know what I was looking for. But! what you are saying is, it should work. I'll keep working on it. Thanks for the quick answer and if I find the problem I'll make a donation to the cause. Form with Subform filter problem

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    You should download UCanAccess code and enable remote debuging from LO so that you could figure out what doesn't work.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #64

    Prepare for release 5.0.1

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #64

    Prepare for release 5.0.1

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [633f36]

    prepare for release

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [9d6f38]


  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [0e9814]


  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei updated merge request #63

    Prepare for release

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #63

    Prepare for release

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #62

    Prepare for release

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #62

    Prepare for release

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #61

    Blob bug in update

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #61

    Blob bug in update

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [51e383]

    deleted umproper log

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [f2f5a1]

    Blob update

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #60

    Blob bug in update

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #60

    Blob bug in update

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [55f6b0]

    updating blob

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #59

    Blob bug in update

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #59

    Blob bug in update

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [b44484]

    Blob bug in update

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, there are regressions. I'll fix them in the next weeks (during the holiday) Il giorno sab 12 dic 2020 alle ore 10:41 Adrian ha scritto: Nope, i was using the 5.0.0 version as a maven dependency, i'll send you the table unedited that i was trying to update. I speak Spanish and on the database everything will be in Spanish. Attachments: Test.accdb (3.4 MB;...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    You used a very old UCanAccess version, isn't it? If not, please help us by sending along a database with an unupdatable record. Il Ven 11 Dic 2020, 19:01 Adrian ha scritto: Ok, i'm going to answer myself, i discover why is not working, in my MS Access table, i have a image row (Ole object) where i have images (bitmap images), i deleted the bitmap images and now it works. Unable to make an update

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's unplanned because unsupported by jackcess, we can't alter the underlying metadata structure if jackcess doesn't allow us for this Il Mar 8 Dic 2020, 23:35 Jefferson Poe ha scritto: hello, from reading a couple threads around the "NOT NULL" constraint for UCanAccess, I come to the conclusion that there is a fundamental difference between HSQLDB and MS Access, in which HSQLDB forces users to deal with nulls before a NOT NULL constraint can be applied to a...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #58

    Performance in a very specific case

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #58

    Performance in a very specific case

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [d1bff6]

    performance in commit when new access file has been created using the

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, have a nice day ;-) Il Mar 25 Ago 2020, 22:37 andrew coulson ha scritto: Well, nevermind :-) By digging through code, I discovered that by adding ;showSchema=true to the end of the URL enable the API to return something. getCatalogs API Sent from because is subscribed to To unsubscribe...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Okay, yet it's a classloader issue. I would try another way. Remove all five jars from the classpath and replace them with the ucanload.jar file in the distribution. Notice that in this case the classloader will dynamically load the other jars so its position is very important and can't be moved from that in the distribution. Please let me know the result. Il Gio 6 Ago 2020, 19:32 Vaishali Saraswat ha scritto: I have loaded all the 5 jars as given in the logs: [2020-08-06...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok, what type of data the column was? Il Mar 23 Giu 2020, 13:36 Lon Parisi ha scritto: So I have figured out why this error is happening. Somehow, there was a -1#IND value in one of the columns of my MS Access table. Because of that, UCanAccess (or one of the other dependencies products) could not delete the data EVEN THOUGH the column used in the delete criteria did not have the -1#IND value. I removed/corrected that record and everything is now working fine. MS Access...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Ferdinando, that's odd, why should a create view take so much time? Thank you for reporting, I'll give a look into... Il giorno lun 18 mag 2020 alle ore 16:35 Fernando ha scritto: Hello! Again, dealing with a government database, it seems like they put in a very nefarious view into the database. It contains a SUM of every field possible, and for some reason, when the driver tries to execute that (presumably to get the metadata), it takes absolutely forever. My current...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    You wrote a wrong sql. Cheers Marco Il Dom 3 Mag 2020, 02:08 Afonso Rocha ha scritto: I'm having problem trying to view the tables that are in the Access database (mdb) on my computer in PhpStorm. It shows that that it is not supported but its connected and when i try to view a table this baloon pops up saying all theses types of errors. What should I do? Thank you [42581][-5581] UCAExc:::5.0.0-SNAPSHOT unexpected token: AcqVazNat java.lang.RuntimeException: org.hsqldb.HsqlException:...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei modified a comment on discussion Help

    When you say the "mean load time (first connection) is within the second" does this mean it should only take a second to connect? Because it surely is not doing that. It lliterally takes like 30 seconds and the DB is currently 34M. Even less for a 34M db. Unless in this db there are one or more external linked tables to other large db or something unexpected in the db structure. If not, there is some UCanAccess independent problem in your enviroment or database So is the data actually there is a...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei modified a comment on discussion Help

    When you say the "mean load time (first connection) is within the second" does this mean it should only take a second to connect? Because it surely is not doing that. It lliterally takes like 30 seconds and the DB is currently 34M. Much less (less than 0.1 s) for a 34M db. Unless in this db there are one or more external linked tables to other large db. If not, there is some UCanAccess independent problem in your enviroment or database So is the data actually there is a good state but MS Access just...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    When you say the "mean load time (first connection) is within the second" does this mean it should only take a second to connect? Because it surely is not doing that. It lliterally takes like 30 seconds and the DB is currently 34M. Much less (less than 0.1 s) for a 34M db. Unless in this db there are one or more external linked tables to other large db. If not, there is some UCanAccess independent problem in your enviroment or database So is the data actually there is a good state but MS Access just...

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei modified a comment on discussion Help

    Intial connection time is something like a dbms start-up time and it depends on the data size and other factors. Because an access db is thought as desktop db, the mean load time (first connection) is within the second. I can't imagine this is a normal connection time What's your rationale? You don't need to use Compact and Repair, you just need to close and reopen your access db Access application don't recognize changes in data, even if changed data are already persisted .

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei modified a comment on discussion Help

    Intial connection time is something like a dbms start-up time and it depends on the data size and other factors. Because an access db is thought as desktop db, the mean load time (first connection) is within the second. I can't imagine this is a normal connection time What's your rationale? You don't need to use Compact and Repair, you just need to close and reopen your access db Access application don't recognize changes in data, even if changed data are already persisted .

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Intial connection time is something like a dbms start-up time and it depends on the data size and other factors. Because an access db is thought as desktop db, the mean load time (first connection) is within the second. I can't imagine this is a normal connection time What's your rationale? You don't need to use Compact and Repair, you just need to close and reopen your access db Access application don't recognize changes in data, even if changed data are already persisted .

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #56

    Add batch mode

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Tickets are visibile to developers only. Nein.

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei updated merge request #57

    Bump development version

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on merge request #57

    wrong interpretation

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Anne, please post along in attachment the database (without data) so that I can reproduce the issue

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #55

    ticket #24

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [442b89]

    ticket #24

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #55

    ticket #24

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [1c7e7e]

    ticket #24

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [db1397]

    test ticket #24

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #54

    Version 5.0.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #54

    Version 5.0.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [1ad4d7]

    Version 5.0.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #53

    version 5.0.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #53

    version 5.0.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #52

    version 5.0.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #52

    version 5.0.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei committed [d7f1eb]

    Version 5.0.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #49

    updates for HSQLDB 2.5.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei updated merge request #49

    updates for HSQLDB 2.5.0

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei merged merge request #51

    First attempt to solve all tests problems

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #51

    First attempt to solve all tests problems

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei updated merge request #50

    First attempt to solve all tests problems

  • Marco Amadei Marco Amadei created merge request #50

    First attempt to solve all tests problems

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