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  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Developers on Elk

    Thanks Kay for your prompt response.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Developers on Elk

    Hi elk developers. I have been facing issue while compiling the latest version 8.3.15 of elk code. The previous version installs without any problem and it is first time I have faced any error with elk installation. I am using gfortran and below is the error: tdu.o vmatmtftm.o fyukawa.o fyukawa0.o readdmatmt.o writetm.o writetm3.o gendmftm.o writeftm.o writetm3td.o genwkpr0.o tm3rtoz.o rdmft.o rdmwriteengy.o rdmminc.o rdmvaryc.o rdmdedc.o rdmengyxc.o rdmminn.o rdmvaryn.o rdmdkdc.o rdmenergy.o rdmwritededn.o...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Developers on Elk

    Hi Kay, Is it possible to fix temperature step size and temperature range to get data in file THERMO.OUT. It will be nice if we can introduce such block (if it is not available). Moreover, we can also compute total specific heat of a material which can include electronic contribution too. We just need electronic density of states at Fermi level (which elk already have), electron phonon coupling constant (in case effect of electron phonon coupling on Somerfeld constant Gamma is to be taken). Once...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Elk Developers on Elk

    Hi Kay, Thanks for considering this.. Hope next release will come soon. Regards Jagdish

  • Modified a comment on discussion Elk Developers on Elk

    Hi Kay, Thanks for noting this. I had also sent you a request in my earlier mail which was regarding providing elk code version in which we can have m resolved fat bands. This analysis helps in interpretation of our results. It will indeed be great if you introduce this as a general feature. Other codes like Wien2k/VASP do have this. I once again thank you for your response. Thanks and regards Jagdish

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Developers on Elk

    Hi Kay, Thanks for considering this.. Hope next release will come soon. Regards Jagdish On Thu, 12 Sep 2019, 16:57 John Kay Dewhurst, wrote: Hi Jagdish, I'll add m-resolved fat bands to the next release, probably as task=22. Regards, Kay. Specific heat from ELK Sent from because you indicated interest in To unsubscribe from...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Developers on Elk

    Hi Kay, Thanks for noting this. I had also sent you a request in my earlier mail which was regarding providing elk code version in which we can have m resolved fat bands. This analysis helps in interpretation of our results. It will indeed be great if you introduce this as a general feature. Other codes like Wien2k/VASP do have this. I once again thank you for your response. Thanks and regards Jagdish On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 3:32 PM John Kay Dewhurst wrote: Hi Jagdish,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Developers on Elk

    Dear Elk team, I have tried some calculations of heat capacity using elk. What I found is that the heat capacity comes fine for unit cells containing only one atom and approaches the Dulong-Petit limit (3R=25J/K-mol atom) at high temperature. For polyatomic case (for example Si having 2 atoms in unit cell) to obtain Dulon-Petit limit, we have to divide obtain value by 2 (as the specific heat is per atom). However, what I found is that we should divide twice to obtain specific heat arrproach Dulon-Petit...

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2011-02-04 12:01:57


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