Activity for Jay Cotton

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [f781a3]

    adding drive selection

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [7e7ef8]

    fix bad traces

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [ab3412]

    new notes

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #3

    got part of this working on sdir. scopy is TBD.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [acb345]

    fix kb interrupt code

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [c27cbe]

    add sub directory

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [63243b]


  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #4

    Really need a delete function.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton modified ticket #2

    Can't copy files to the SD card.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #2

    This is fixed now. The bug was a ternary conditional expression that did not compile correctly. I suspect the bug is fixed in the latest version of z88dk, but have not tested it yet.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [7abb74]

    fix copy to sd

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton modified ticket #1

    New board layout is now v2.1

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #1

    updates completed

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [13381c]

    fix to layout

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [105d43]

    oshpark updated

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [3d2e99]

    updates to sent to ohspark

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #3

    Need to support wildcard functions

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #2

    Can't copy files to the SD card.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #1

    New board layout is now v2.1

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [96afa4]

    Initial push

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #10

    Thanks for the catch. I'll have a go at it.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [36c639]

    initial code

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [a9a38e]

    initial code

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [2d1efc]

    bug fixes and updates

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [c5a0e7]

    added port nr

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [418d63]

    initial commit

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [38afcc]

    initial upload

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [9f1b42]

    initial commit

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [2874cc]

    fix Ago bug

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [3ce757]

    fix conditional parameter parseing

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #3

    a space after the keyword macro causes a crash.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [2efc72]

    Fix multi args for macro proto

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [7062f6]

    fixing and refactoring

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton modified ticket #9

    extra tabs in listing file.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [2d5fe1]

    fixes and mods

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [12c39c]

    fix indent bug

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #2

    Experiments with the HAZZAH shows much better performance, but still seeing the data loss problems.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #2

    nodemcu is poor choice for 8266

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #1

    Dropping characters.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #9

    I have a fix for this. but the gates are locked.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #9

    95 0140 C2 3D 01 jnz memset 96 0143 C9 ret 97 01 44 s171463 equ $ 98 0144 21 AC 04 lxi h,outfile 99 ;pzzp packfd "TEST.OUT" 100 01 47 pzzp equ $ 101 ; can't really see it with proportional spaceing ....

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #9

    extra tabs in listing file.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #2

    The feature will be an update to the code. ExpandText and Process0 needs to be updated.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #2

    macro can't handle multiple parameters on prototype.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #1

    Unexpected error

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [b76bb9]

    fixed memory corruption bugs

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [abcef4]


  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [7d76d6]

    add comment

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [adc904]

    add comments

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [bf6cf8]

    clean up unused vars.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [15df8d]

    working on some global bugs

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [08f88f]

    latest version

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [ddc506]

    working copy

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [1d0a84]

    add drawings

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [2b8f23]

    code drop

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [5327d9]

    added comments

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [d4bd82]

    initial commit

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #8

    Get your code and did a test. Yep. I think we are abusing the hex generator a bit. I modified your code to (what I think the correct text should be) ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;DISK BUFFER IN RAM RIGHT AFTER THE LOADER ;--------------------------------------------------------------- BUFFER: DW 00H ;FILLS THE EPROM OUT WITH 00'S org 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; AND FINALLY THE STACK, WHICH GROWS DOWNWARD ;---------------------------------------------------------------...

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #8

    I'll have a look at your .asm file, but look at this one. org 0fff0h db "This is a test of" end produces $ asm8080 eom.asm -l *** Warning 17 in "eom.asm" @2: address wrapped at maxval $ cat eom.hex :00000001FF If I shorten it by 1 byte, it seems to be happy. So, over flow it busting the code....

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on a wiki page

    A resent bug was logged that seems a bit dicey to me. The asm file has near the end. 396 FFFE BUFFER: DW 00H ;FILLS THE EPROM OUT WITH 00'S 0000 *** Warning 17 in "dbl.asm": address wrapped at maxval 397 0000 DS 84H 398 399 ;--------------------------------------------------------------- 400 ; AND FINALLY THE STACK, WHICH GROWS DOWNWARD 401 ;--------------------------------------------------------------- 402 0085 STSP: DS 08H ;SPACE FOR STACK 403 00 8D STACK: EQU $ 404 405 END This seems inocent...

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #8

    Do you have a test case for this? It looks like DBL.HEX from the side by side comparision. The newer (more broken) version of the assembler should have fixed this also. Can you retest.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #7

    Pushed a fix for this. What I did was break the code that prevents the wrap around. Did add a warning. Just in case you did not intent to wrap the address around. I my opinion the above is a bad fix. I may add a run time switch to allow users to decide they want broken behavior.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [ae9a6d]

    Fixes for pc address wrap around

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #6

    braceing like this ('I'+80h), gets around the problem.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #6

    The db '1'+80h looks like there is a missing call to eval. Will look at it more.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #6

    Did not see the hex file problem on altmon. But the hex dumper may have an overflow bug.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #6

    Thats a new bug. Can you file a ticket on it.... On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 3:02 PM, J.B. wrote: I fixed it by hardcoding STACK: EQU 008CH. However, I'm also seeing something weird with the hex file that is generated. The 256 bytes from the program are in there twice (once at the beginning and once at the end: :10FF00002113FF11002C0EEB7E1223130DC208FFEC :10FF1000C3002CF3AFD3222FD3233E2CD3223E0396 :10FF2000D310DBFFE6100F0FC610D31031792DAFC1 :10FF3000D308DB08E608C21C2C3E04D309C3382CC6...

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #6

    lxi h,cmdTbl+100h-2*'B' ;'B' indexes to start of cmdtbl The bug here is the assumption that 2 * 'B' get evaluated first befor cmdTbl+100h. The fix in the source is as stated cmdTbl+100h-(2*'B') I'll have to think on this for a while to find a solution that works with the delep parser and stack down eval. While looking at this bug I also see another one 'I'+80h is not working correctly.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #6

    So the basic issues with 'I' + 80h and 2 * 'B' is operator presidence. The parser is chewing through the input text left to right one item at a time.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton created ticket #1

    Bug in i/o code.

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [793dc9]

    updated readme

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [9a8b1c]

    start of user doc

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [e30e74]

    compiled editor

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [d00eb9]

    first code drop

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [93c64b]

    Initial commit

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #6

    I have confirmed your bug report. The hexLoad bug, is a source error. The label is called hexload (lower case L) I wonder how that gets through the assemblers... Things like 'I'+80h should work, so I'll have a go at those things first...

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton posted a comment on ticket #6

    Thanks for the report. I'll take a look at this, and get that source file to play with. There have been a few bugs fixed in this area, looks like I missed a few. jc On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 7:33 PM, J.B. wrote: [bugs:#6] Problems with altmon.asm* Status: open Group: v1.0 (example) Created: Sat Jan 13, 2018 03:33 AM UTC by J.B. Last Updated: Sat Jan 13, 2018 03:33 AM UTC Owner: nobody I wanted to report a source that won't assemble cleanly:...

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [abc86b]

    update project readme

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [b438f4]

    first code push

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [05ded0]

    initial commit

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [3003f0]


  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [c35a4e]


  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [7b6a76]

    new parts list

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [bc7c31]

    run the display

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [ebcb4b]

    final curcuit

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [2d0436]

    test init code

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [b31dc5]


  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [bbd99c]


  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [81c4b9]

    initial code drop

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [25265f]

    first version of lcd lib

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [61e1ce]

    initial schematic

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [17d3b9]

    parts list

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [fcdcff]

    Initial commit

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [a6cb01]

    Still working on labels

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [536f6b]

    fixing label bugs

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [476b28]

    fixing label bugs

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [dde0ed]

    promsplic is new progect

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [a71aef]

    The code

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [d5c2d4]

    Initial commit

  • Jay Cotton Jay Cotton committed [54c0b5]

    Aditional fixes to get correct output

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