Activity for Jackslade

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #156

    handle ; separated "Search path"s (like File Types already does)

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #156

    Search paths can be separated by a pipe character, or when holding the shift key and clicking the browse folder icon next to the field (will append the path to the existing one).

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #154

    Feature request: unselect/selext all exclusions

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #151

    File operation on file context and via edit menu

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #124

    Show file preview for multiple selected files instead of just one at a time.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #62

    [CRITICAL] Word search plugin - winword.exe instances hanging

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #62

    Closing, recommend using the new OpenXML word plugin that doesn't require launching the actual Word program to search.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #93

    Error searching some .doc files

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #93

    Closing, recommend using the new OpenXML word plugin that doesn't require launching the actual Word program to search.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #131

    Context lines are not shown

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #131

    Closing, believe it to be using a plugin and context lines aren't supported.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #99

    Possible bug: RegEx won't match

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #99

    Unable to reproduce with the specific version and future versions.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #124

    Show file preview for multiple selected files instead of just one at a time.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #151

    File operation on file context and via edit menu

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #154

    Feature request: unselect/selext all exclusions

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #12

    Grave character treated differently in whole word search

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #9

    Request: to find text in footnotes of Word documents

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #128

    Program always start on primary screen

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #153

    Use found files on 1st search as input of 2nd search

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #153

    Closing, as the search option -> Search in Results does this request.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #99

    Possible bug: RegEx won't match

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #99

    Can't seem to reproduce on the latest version (setting to pending unless I can find the cause).

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #131

    Context lines are not shown

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #131

    Based on the screen shot and thinking about this more, it seems like perhaps this file or files are being searched with the File Filters plugin enabled. If you get the latest version of the app, please click the Plugins link under the Search Options on the left hand side of the app. Then uncheck the File Filters plugin. This usually isn't desired as file filters can be applied to regular text files/types as well and they just don't have the full support of context lines/line numbers/etc. at this...

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #129

    Wrong German translation

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #132

    Problem with non-English letters in PDF files

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #130

    "Not responding " Error?

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #154

    Actually you should be able to click the Enabled column header to toggle all on/off.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, will perhaps take this and incorporate it into the main program distribution if you don't mind.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #153

    With the latest (I think 4.4.8 had it as well), if you perform a search, then check the search option 'Search in results', that will take the list of found files from the first search and search them only with the new search (so changing text, or whatever settings you change).

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified a comment on ticket #131

    Hmm, it also looks like you have line numbers turned on but nothing is displayed in the left hand margin. Perhaps this file has odd end line characters that for some reason isn't being detected? Are you able to share this file? Is this an update from a previous version or a clean install of 4.4.9? You could try to remove all AstroGrep settings by deleting the %appdata%\AstroGrep folder (hit Windows Key + R and put that into it). Note this will make you lose any settings/search history/etc. though....

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #131

    Hmm, it also looks like you have line numbers turned on but nothing is displayed in the left hand margin. Is this an update from a previous version or a clean install of 4.4.9? You could try to remove all AstroGrep settings by deleting the %appdata%\AstroGrep folder (hit Windows Key + R and put that into it). Note this will make you lose any settings/search history/etc. though. You can also make a backup of that folder first.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #130

    Any way you can share your log from around that time (Help -> Log File)? And/Or share a example file that was causing the long delay? Just wondering what is going on as the biggest change for 4.4.9 from 4.4.8 was just adding Dark Theme support. Thanks!

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll see if that can be improved.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The latest version 4.4.9 has support for a dark theme. Look in Tools -> Options. It defaults to the system theme when detected, but can manually force Light or Dark. It isn't 100% as some things are hard to theme, but it should help and is better than nothing :)

  • Jackslade Jackslade created ticket #152

    Long File Path Support

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #11

    The issue is sometimes the height of that section of the window can be past the actual height causing this issue. Future versions won't allow that. Just general issues or support questions can be under the Discussion area (Open Discussion) ->

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #11

    This ticket isn't the best place to track this, but I think the next version will address this issue that doesn't happen all the time. If you don't mind losing all settings, you can delete or rename the AstroGrep.general.config file and that should reset your window settings and hopefully bring back the view. Going to %appdata%\AstroGrep and deleting your AstroGrep.general.config file. You can also try to modify it directly, by editing the value for WindowFilePanelHeight , try setting it to -1 in...

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The latest version 4.4.9 has support for a dark theme. Look in Tools -> Options. It defaults to the system them when detected, but can manually force Light or Dark. It isn't 100% as some things are hard to them, but it should help and is better than nothing :)

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #11


  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #11

    This seems to be working if you put the Language folder under the following: - For normal installs : %appdata%\AstroGrep (folder would be Language and then your custom language.xml file) - For portable: Language file goes under the directory that the exe resides in

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #14

    Error HRESULT E_FAIL on any simple search

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #14

    Should be fixed in 4.4.9

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #127

    Result Text Display area can be hidden

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for this additional information. I created bug ticket #127 to track this:

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for this additional information. I'll created bug ticket #127 to track this:

  • Jackslade Jackslade created ticket #127

    Result Text Display area can be hidden

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The source code is up to date: I assume you are not getting any Exclusions (would show up in the bottom right status bar area).

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Interesting, just as a test a named a file with .T and .t for the file extension and using either *.t or *.T both yielded the same files returned. What version of windows are you using? Also, what locale/language is your machine set to? I'll have to dig into the Microsoft .Net documentation a little bit more and see if the call to retrieve the files for a directory could somehow return different files with cases different. Thanks again.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry about that. Will put it on my list of things to add/fix for the next version.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can you provide the AstroGrep log file during that time? Also if possible, a screen shot of the directory with the files to be searched/found. Also a screen shot of AstroGrep after a search. Just doing a quick test seems to return results locally, but that is never a good answer. Thanks.

  • Jackslade Jackslade committed [r76] on Code

    Changelog for AstroGrep v4.4.9

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #146

    Add Dark Theme

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #146

    Added in version 4.4.9

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #126

    Directory exclusions not being applied to sub directories

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #126

    Fixed in version 4.4.9

  • Jackslade Jackslade created a blog post

    Changelog for AstroGrep v4.4.9

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #15

    selection file by date

  • Jackslade Jackslade created ticket #126

    Directory exclusions not being applied to sub directories

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #125

    Cannot open file

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #125

    Closing as available option to quote file path can be used to correct issue.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #125

    Since you are using Notepad++, it actually can support line number and column as well if you want. Try using the command line of:-n%2 -c%3 %1 With the Use quotes around file.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #125

    Can you make sure you have the following option checked? 1. Tools -> Options 2. Text Editors tab. 3. Select the editor of choice for your file type(s) 4. Make sure to have "Use quotes around file" checked This will put quotes around the file name when passing it to the editor. If this is checked, can you send/attach a screen shot of your editor options. Thanks for using AstroGrep!

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #15

    For AstroGrep, these types of options are found under the Exclusions area (link) under the Search Options section. Exclusions are lists of options to exclude files/directories from being searched. They are split between files and directories. So you can create two exclusion items, based on file-> date created and file -> date modified, both excluding files before your specified date.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, found this issue before, should be fixed in the next release. Dev Note: has to do with getting the sample text for file encoding checks.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hmm, the mouse wheel should just scroll the results panel. However, when holding down the ctrl key and scrolling the wheel, it will then zoom in and out. Is it possible the ctrl key is being triggered for you in some scenario?

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    AstroGrep technically handles any file type. Whether it displays/searches it properly depends on a few things. For things like Microsoft products, AstroGrep has Plugins (located under the Search Options) that you can enable/disable/order to better parse those file types. Otherwise it tries any file to read it as text.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is currently a feature request by another user. I'll try and work on adding regex support to the current file types based on multiple user requests. Thanks for using AstroGrep!

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Well I'm pretty sure that I found the issue, just need to think of how to solve it without breaking something else :) FYI: AstroGrep has some logic in it around file filters due to how the underlying system uses them to retrieve files from a directory. This is causing exclusions for you since .htm and .html are the same except for the trailing l in html so AG is thinking when it finds a .html file but was filtering by .htm at the time, then that file is excluded. However, it does look like it still...

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you could, can you attach the following 1. Log File 2. Screen shot: Main application window with search criteria 3. Screen shot: Your list of exclusions (under the search options) 4. Screen shot: main application after a search 5. Screen shot: Your excluded items after a search (View -> Excluded Messages) Thanks. P.S. This discussion editor likes to make asterisks for italic so your file types was looking different :)

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I think you need to use *.* or *.htm,*.html for your search type (File Type). The underlying usage of the file filter usually needs a wildcard of either * for anything or ? for single anything. If that doesn't work, can you attach the log file (Help -> Log File) to this thread. Thanks for using AstroGrep!

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, will update the app with these changes.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #9

    application closes after the result found

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #9

    Closing, received no more information and unable to reproduce (or any other users reported same issue)

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #124

    Closing, as designed when option to show all results after search is checked.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #124

    after search has been completed - first result selection will be triggered

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #14

    Confirmed and reproduced, looking into issue and fix.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #14

    Error HRESULT E_FAIL on any simple search

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Did you happen to save that file before deleting it (and if so, can you post it here)? I will also try and reproduce the issue since it has something to do with that file. Thanks!

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you could, please post your log file (Help -> Log file) and also go to %appdata%\AstroGrep and post your AstroGrep.general.config file. After you post them here, and don't mind losing any settings, you can delete or rename the AstroGrep.general.config file and that should reset your window settings and hopefully bring back the view. Otherwise I need to look into your files and see a possible reason why that whole area is missing.

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The bug fix for searching the start path and also the new Not Contains option are now available in version 4.4.8.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #6

    RegEx Modifiers for Global Single Line

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #9

    Request: to find text in footnotes of Word documents

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #11


  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #12

    Grave character treated differently in whole word search

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #14

    Error HRESULT E_FAIL on any simple search

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #14

    Can you send me your log file during that time? Help -> Log File. I just installed AstroGrep from the installer and compared the files with the portable and they were the same. My installed version also allowed me to search as well. Interesting in the log as it might have more information of the error. Thanks!

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #146

    Add Dark Theme

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #149

    The context lines in version 4.4.8 are now separated to be before and after a found line (independent number of lines). Also, now the selection of either is automatically updated without doing another search (with a max of 25 on either side). Hopefully this addresses your request.

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #149

    Extent "Context lines" with "View lines" in order not to search again

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #55

    Create plugin for Microsoft Excel files

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #12

    Reducing GUI refreshing overhead

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #12

    Removed updating each file that is searching and put marque progress bar.

  • Jackslade Jackslade created a blog post

    Changelog for AstroGrep v4.4.8

  • Jackslade Jackslade committed [r75]

    Changelog for AstroGrep v4.4.8

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on ticket #124

    Hello, thanks for using AstroGrep. I'm having trouble reproducing this issue in version 4.4.7. Do you have the "Show all results after search" option selected? Other than that option, it doesn't seem like the steps described are programmed that way (nothing at the end of the search would change the selected file unless that option is selected, which then would show the all files/results, which appears with each file in bold then the file's results). I've tried to test this a few times now with long...

  • Jackslade Jackslade created ticket #123

    Exclusions apply to search path

  • Jackslade Jackslade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I was trying this out and think there is an issue that needs addressed and also a possible addition. My first thought was to create an exclusion for directory/name/Resume/not equals/ignore case so that any directory that doesn't equal Resume would not be searched. However this will not search anything in the starting path since the starting path folder doesn't equal Resume. I think it should at least search the starting path folders and then sub folders if specified. Also, it would also be nice to...

  • Jackslade Jackslade modified ticket #55

    Create plugin for Microsoft Excel files

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