User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1302 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    @Anders unfortunately that doesn't solve the workflow issue: my NSIS installers are created by cmake/cpack, so cpack would have to be thought about this plugin. I did find a rather gross workaround for github actions: you can overwrite the pre-installed NSIS. - name: Install NSIS 8192-character limit override shell: pwsh run: | $thirdpartydir="$((Get-Item ..\3rdparty).FullName)" $zipfile="$thirdpartydir\" (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile( "",$zipfile);...

  • Created ticket #1302 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    Should 8192 string limit build be the default nowadays?

  • Committed [r617]

    Described theory and construction

  • Committed [r616]

    Got started on description

  • Committed [r615]

    Removed temp files

  • Committed [r614]


  • Committed [r613]

    Added plugs, switch and power led

  • Committed [r612]

    Refined some part placements to cater for bigge...

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Personal Data

2000-06-27 20:06:59


This is a list of open source software projects that Jack Jansen is associated with:

  • AMIS   Last Updated:
  • GUSI   Last Updated:
  • Project Logo Python   Last Updated:
  • ReportLab   Last Updated:
  • ambulant   Last Updated:

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