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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on MeshLab

    MeshLab could help you with your project, but you'd have to install another program as well. You could start off your project by making the model in MeshLab, but then you'd need to save the project and use another program such as Slicer. I don't know too much about those kinds of programs, so I'd suggest researching the best free program for a beginner. Mister P on YouTube has thorough tutorials for MeshLab to help you get started. Hope this helps!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on MeshLab

    How would you create a complement of a model? For example, of a person's nose. I'm thinking I have to create a separate mesh, like a box, and cut out the nose from that box, but I'm not sure how, or if it's even possible. Any advice would be great, thanks!

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2017-06-16 15:13:44
Houston / United States / MDT


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