Activity for Sander Bouwhuis

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I read the manual, and created a file called suppress-list.ini with some suppressions. But, when I call CppCheckGui.exe --suppress-list=suppress-list.ini, I get the error message 'No suitable files found to analyze!'. How can I set the suppressed list? (Why isn't this part of the settings anyway?!?!?!?)

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Development

    THE TOPIC SHOULD HAVE BEEN CALLED: "How does shadowFunction work for member functions?" I get this error: Id: shadowFunction CWE: 398 Shadow variable The error is at the line where I close the TCP port during clean up by calling the member function Tcp_MonitorPort(): // The destructor CWndHomeScreen::~CWndHomeScreen() { ENTER_FUNCTION_DEBUG_LOG_TO_MEM try { CHECK_MEM_LEAKS // Free the resources Tcp_MonitorPort(false, false); PostMessage_Show(m_tabInfo.hWndLauncher, WMU_FINGERPRINT_REMOVE_CLIENT,...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Development

    I get this error: Id: shadowFunction CWE: 398 Shadow variable The error is at the line where I close the TCP port during clean up by calling the member function Tcp_MonitorPort(): // The destructor CWndHomeScreen::~CWndHomeScreen() { ENTER_FUNCTION_DEBUG_LOG_TO_MEM try { CHECK_MEM_LEAKS // Free the resources Tcp_MonitorPort(false, false); PostMessage_Show(m_tabInfo.hWndLauncher, WMU_FINGERPRINT_REMOVE_CLIENT, NULL, LPARAM(m_hWnd)); WaitForSingleObject(m_hInitMembersThread, 5000); SAFE_CLOSE_HANDLE(m_hInitMembersThread);...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Development

    I get the following error for my code: Id: shadowVariable CWE: 398 Local variable 'm_u64TickCountStart' shadows outer variable m_u64TickCountStart is a member variable of my CLauncher class. This is my code: // This functions shows the dialog void CLauncher::ShowDialog(std::wstring *pWstrDebugLog, HINSTANCE hInst, bool bForceNewLicense, const CCmdLineParams &cmdLineParams) { // Set the debug log m_pWstrDebugLog = pWstrDebugLog; ENTER_FUNCTION_DEBUG_LOG_TO_MEM try { CHECK_MEM_LEAKS // Initialize the...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Development

    I get the following error for my code: Id: shadowVariable CWE: 398 Local variable 'm_u64TickCountStart' shadows outer variable m_u64TickCountStart is a member variable of my CLauncher class. This is my code: // This functions shows the dialog void CLauncher::ShowDialog(std::wstring *pWstrDebugLog, HINSTANCE hInst, bool bForceNewLicense, const CCmdLineParams &cmdLineParams) { // Set the debug log m_pWstrDebugLog = pWstrDebugLog; ENTER_FUNCTION_DEBUG_LOG_TO_MEM try { CHECK_MEM_LEAKS // Initialize the...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Development

    I get the following error for my code: Id: shadowVariable CWE: 398 Local variable 'm_u64TickCountStart' shadows outer variable m_u64TickCountStart is a member variable of my CLauncher class. This is my code: // This functions shows the dialog void CLauncher::ShowDialog(std::wstring *pWstrDebugLog, HINSTANCE hInst, bool bForceNewLicense, const CCmdLineParams &cmdLineParams) { // Set the debug log m_pWstrDebugLog = pWstrDebugLog; ENTER_FUNCTION_DEBUG_LOG_TO_MEM try { CHECK_MEM_LEAKS // Initialize the...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Development

    I have get the following error for my code: Id: shadowVariable CWE: 398 Local variable 'm_u64TickCountStart' shadows outer variable m_u64TickCountStart is a member variable of my CLauncher class. This is my code: // This functions shows the dialog void CLauncher::ShowDialog(std::wstring *pWstrDebugLog, HINSTANCE hInst, bool bForceNewLicense, const CCmdLineParams &cmdLineParams) { // Set the debug log m_pWstrDebugLog = pWstrDebugLog; ENTER_FUNCTION_DEBUG_LOG_TO_MEM try { CHECK_MEM_LEAKS // Initialize...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Oooooooh, thanks! Very strange. Your download page is significantly more useful than the one I normally see. I always get redirected to one of those awful SourceForge download pages.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    As stated, where can I download 7za.exe? I have a 7z version from 2023 (v23.01), but my 7za version is from 2019 (v19.00).

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The problem is, even though the paths are in the combo box, I can't select the text. After I selected something from the combo box, the text is also not selectable. Why was the GUI made worse after it worked so well for so long? @ipavlov Could you please change the flat path text into an edit box so that we at least can copy and edit the path?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I make heavy use of the possibility to edit the path when creating archives (based on previous archive sessions). But, after I updated to the latest version the path is now unselectable and uneditable text. The dropdown box still contains the full path, but the edit box ONLY contains the file name. This is disastrous for my workflow! Is there a setting so that I can restore the normal way it has worked for more than 10 years?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I make heavy use of the possibility to edit the path when creating archives (based on previous archive sessions). But, after I updated to the latest version the path is now unselectable and uneditable text. The dropdown box still contains the full path, but the edit box ONLY contains the file name. This is disastrous for my workflow! Is there a setting so that I can restore the normal way it has worked for more than 10 years?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Clearly you didn't read the OP's post. The OP is not oblivious to the fact he can refer to the somewaht complicated/confusing manual. This is what he (and I) would like: Set up the desired options in the GUI. Now, be able to somewhere see the EXACT command-line which would perform the EXACT same archiving. Copy the command-line to the clipboard. Profit I for one would REALLY like this feature.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Clearly you didn't read the OP's post. The OP is not oblivious to the fact he can refer to the somewaht complicated/confusing manual. This is what he (and I) would like: Set up the desired options in the GUI. Now, be able to somewhere see the EXACT command-line which would do the EXACT same archiving. Copy the command-line to the clipboard. Profit I for one would REALLY like this feature.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Clearly you didn't read the OP's post. Set up the desired options in the GUI. Now, be able to somewhere see the EXACT command-line which would do the EXACT same archiving. Copy the command-line to the clipboard. Profit I for one would REALLY like this feature.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is an AWESOMELY useful thing. I often struggle with scripts containing 7z.exe calls where I have to figure out all the command-line options.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That is very very bad! I would MUCH prefer an error message. Invisibly renaming files upon extraction could make for a silent backup-restore failure. Nowadays with ransomware we DON'T want a situation where restoring a backup could result in file renaming (and therefore applications no longer working). Please, please, pretty please with sugar on top ALWAYS give an error when that happens. Are there any other file names you silently rename?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Help

    I see the downloadable version is from 2016, while ,from the looks of it, there have been a bunch of changes since then in the source code. Why isn't there a newer download? Am I downloading from the wrong page?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I shifted some subtitles and integrated them into the episodes with MkvToolnix. Unfortunately, I had to redo all that work because there were extra unwanted lines added 'edited with Subtitle editor...'. Where is the setting to turn off this behaviour?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here is a shorter version which doesn't make any sense anymore, but still gives the same error: void CCrypto_Whirlpool::CppCheckFunc(const uint8 *pu8Data, int32 i32DataLen) { uint8 u8BufferRem = m_i32BufferBits & 7; while(i32DataLen > 8) { uint32 u32Byte = pu8Data[i32DataLen]; m_pu8Buffer[m_i32BufferPos++] |= uint8((u32Byte >> u8BufferRem) & 0xff); m_i32BufferBits += 8 - u8BufferRem; if(m_i32BufferBits == 512) i32DataLen -= 8; } }

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have the AddDataBlock function which is part of the implementation of the Whirlpool hash function. CppCheck claims the following I changed the line numbers to match this comment: Shifting 32-bit value by 520 bits is undefined behaviour. See condition at line 53. line 55 -> Assuming that condition 'm_i32BufferBits==512' is not redundant line 54 -> Assignment to 'm_i32BufferBits+=8-u8BufferRem' line 53 -> Shift Because u8BufferRem is an unsigned int of 8-bits and line 30 makes sure it can only have...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, that worked. Thanks a bunch! My solution has 15 projects, but only 1 is checked. Why aren't all the projects checked? Only the project named 'Classes' is checked. Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 # Visual Studio Version 16 VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.29306.81 MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Launcher", "Launcher\Launcher.vcxproj", "{7AFCF7E3-705B-4AE4-A104-F1AC6228E0C2}" ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies)...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, that worked. Thanks a bunch! My solution has 15 projects, but only 1 is checked. Why aren't all the projects checked? Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 # Visual Studio Version 16 VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.29306.81 MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Launcher", "Launcher\Launcher.vcxproj", "{7AFCF7E3-705B-4AE4-A104-F1AC6228E0C2}" ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject {2E7F3E1D-ED77-472D-8868-C52BC857D669}...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, that worked. Thanks a bunch!

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Daniel, it definitely gets farther now. But, it still checks files I've explicitely asked NOT to check. Screenshot :

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I don't see where I can set any defines. I checked 'File/Edit project file' and then the Analysis tab, but I don't see where I can add SSE2 as a define. Also, I checked the 'Paths and Defines' tab, but when I select my .sln file the other controls become read-only.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I don't see where I can set any defines. I checked 'File/Edit project file' and then the Analysis tab, but I don't see where I can add SSE2 as a define.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When you parse the .vcxproj files you have to look for this setting (SSE2 example): <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'"> <ClCompile> <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>StreamingSIMDExtensions2</EnableEnhancedInstructionSet> </ClCompile> </ItemDefinitionGroup> The values are one of the following: SSE : StreamingSIMDExtensions SSE2 : StreamingSIMDExtensions2 AVX : AdvancedVectorExtensions AVX2 : AdvancedVectorExtensions2 AVX512 : AdvancedVectorExtensions512 When...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When you parse the .vcxproj files you have to look for this setting (SSE2 example): <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'"> <ClCompile> <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>StreamingSIMDExtensions2</EnableEnhancedInstructionSet> </ClCompile> </ItemDefinitionGroup> The values are one of the following: SSE : StreamingSIMDExtensions SSE2 : StreamingSIMDExtensions2 AVX : AdvancedVectorExtensions AVX2 : AdvancedVectorExtensions2 AVX512 : AdvancedVectorExtensions512 When...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When you parse the .vcxproj files you have to look for this setting (SSE2 example): <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'"> <ClCompile> <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>StreamingSIMDExtensions2</EnableEnhancedInstructionSet> </ClCompile> </ItemDefinitionGroup> The values are one of the following: SSE : StreamingSIMDExtensions SSE2 : StreamingSIMDExtensions2 AVX : AdvancedVectorExtensions AVX2 : AdvancedVectorExtensions2 AVX512 : AdvancedVectorExtensions512 When...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When you parse the .vcxproj files you have to look for this setting: <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'"> <ClCompile> <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>StreamingSIMDExtensions</EnableEnhancedInstructionSet> </ClCompile> </ItemDefinitionGroup> The values are one of the following: SSE : StreamingSIMDExtensions SSE2 : StreamingSIMDExtensions 2 AVX : Advanced Vector Extensions AVX2 : Advanced Vector Extensions 2 AVX512 : Advanced Vector Extensions 512 When there is...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When you parse the .vcxproj files you have to look for this setting: <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'"> <ClCompile> <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>StreamingSIMDExtensions</EnableEnhancedInstructionSet> The values are one of the following: SSE : StreamingSIMDExtensions SSE2 : StreamingSIMDExtensions 2 AVX : Advanced Vector Extensions AVX2 : Advanced Vector Extensions 2 AVX512 : Advanced Vector Extensions 512 When there is no setting in the vcxproj file, it...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That may indeed circumvent the problem. Can you tell me where to set that in the GUI?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The same result. I even selected the following libraries in hopes the VCL library would be recognized: microsoft_sal vcl windows But, alas (see screenshot): Should I remove the VCL library directory from the files to check? Edit: I tried removing the VCL library from being checked with the 'Warning options/Exclude source files/Exclude folder' option, but it STILL checks the VCL directory and still fails. I include the VCL header as one of the first includes in my top level...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The same result. I even selected the following libraries in hopes the VCL library would be recognized: microsoft_sal vcl windows But, alas (see screenshot): Should I remove the VCL library directory from the files to check? Edit: I tried removing the VCL library from being checked with the 'Warning options/Exclude source files/Exclude folder' option, but it STILL checks the VCL directory and still fails. I include the VCL header include as one of the first includes in...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The same result. I even selected the following libraries in hopes the VCL library would be recognized: microsoft_sal vcl windows But, alas (see screenshot): Should I remove the VCL library directory from the files to check? Edit: I tried removing the VCL library from being checked with the 'Warning options/Exclude source files/Exclude folder', but it STILL checks the VCL directory and still fails. I include the VCL header include as one of the first includes in my top...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The same result. I even selected the following libraries in hopes the VCL library would be recognized: microsoft_sal vcl windows But, alas (see screenshot): Should I remove the VCL library directory from the files to check?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm trying to use CppCheck on a Visual Studio solution. But, when I use the 'Analyze/Files...' menu option and select the .sln file, it checks only 1 included directory and none of the files in the projects and also none of the other projects in the solution. Edit: I use VCL ( but CppCheck fails immediately and then doesn't check anything anymore. It comes with this error message: Severity : error Line : 40 Id : preprocessorErrorDirective Summary : #error Please...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm trying to use CppCheck on a Visual Studio solution. But, when I use the 'Analyze/Files...' menu option and select the .sln file, it checks only 1 included directory and none of the files in the projects and also none of the other projects in the solution. How do I let CppCheck check my solution?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks man. It's really appreciated! PS Every time there is some strange __MACOSX directory in the release. Is that some temporary file from an Apple pc?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks man. It's really appreciated!

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Great things happen every day! Thanks for this.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks! BTW, your link on the main page doesn't work: gives me a 404 error

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Feature requests

    Think about it. If someone wanted to decrypt your files, they certainly wouldn't want to use VeraCrypt itself. They would simply write their own program that works with the container.hc file itself. Preferably using many parallel graphics cards and/or CPUs. TLDR: changing Veracrypt provides no added security.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I just now used this application to move subtitles backwards 2 seconds for a movie, and it worked perfectly. Thank you for the application!

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Really?!? I thought they came from you! Hmmm... in that case I will not risk external codecs from unknown sources. Thank you for your info and a HUGE thanks for 7z!

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That is strange! Why aren't there codecs for the x64 version? Are they all built-in? I mean, who still uses 32-bit stuff?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That is strange! Why aren't there codecs for the x64 version? Are they all built-in? I mean, how still uses 32-bit stuff?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So, we cannot use any codecs in the x64 version? Some of the codecs even have '64' in their names!

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So, we cannot use any codecs in the x64 version? Some of the codecs even have x64 in their names!

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is a bug in this new version. Now, when I choose 'Add to archive...' in Explorer I get an error message: --------------------------- 7-Zip --------------------------- Codec Load Error: C:\Utilities\7-Zip\Codecs\brotli-arm.dll : %1 is not a valid Win32 application. Codec Load Error: C:\Utilities\7-Zip\Codecs\brotli-arm64.dll : %1 is not a valid Win32 application. Codec Load Error: C:\Utilities\7-Zip\Codecs\brotli-x32.dll : %1 is not a valid Win32 application. Codec Load Error: C:\Utilities\7-Zip\Codecs\flzma2-arm.dll...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is a bug in this new version. Now, when I choose 'Add to archive...' in Explorer I get an error message: --------------------------- 7-Zip --------------------------- Codec Load Error: C:\Utilities\7-Zip\Codecs\brotli-arm.dll : %1 is not a valid Win32 application. Codec Load Error: C:\Utilities\7-Zip\Codecs\brotli-arm64.dll : %1 is not a valid Win32 application. Codec Load Error: C:\Utilities\7-Zip\Codecs\brotli-x32.dll : %1 is not a valid Win32 application. Codec Load Error: C:\Utilities\7-Zip\Codecs\flzma2-arm.dll...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It doesn't work. In the GUI I cannot choose any of the new compression methods. I think we'll have to wait until Zstd releases a v20.02 version.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Do I just download the Codecs.7z file and copy the contents in the <7z_install_dir\Codecs> directory? It says '19.00' on the Zstd website. Will this work with 7z 20.02? Does it only work from the command-line, or also from the GUI? It says that you have to 'specifically disable bcj2'. If I don't, will the archives be corrupt? I don't always know whether there is some .exe or .dll somewhere in sub-directories that I want to pack, so that would be awfully inconvenient.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Do I just download the Codecs.7z file and copy the contents in the <7z_install_dir\Codecs> directory? It says '19.00' on the Zstd website. Will this work with 7z 20.02? Does it only work from the command-line, or also from the GUI?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Do I just download the Codecs.7z file and copy the contents in the <7z_install_dir\Codecs> directory? It says '19.00' on the Zstd website. Will this work with 7z 20.02? Does it only work from the command-line, or also from the GUI?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If I'm correct, then I just download the Codecs.7z file and copy the contents in the <7z_install_dir\Codecs> directory? 1. It says '19.00' on the Zstd website. Will this work with 7z 20.02? 2. Does it only work from the command-line, or also from the GUI?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does Zstd give much better (de-)compression size and/or speeds? The problem is that as long as it is not in the default version, nobody can decompress archives made with Zstd. Which basically makes it useless for anything other than internal use. Assuming the codecs are indeed good (especially stable!), I would also like to have them in the default 7z installer.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm missing 7za.exe. Is the 7z2002-x64.exe incomplete?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Profiles would be 100% awesome. I regularly have to switch settings and sometimes I forget a setting and have to do a redo.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Aha, ok! Thanks for clarifying.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't have a 'unrar.dll' file in my 7z 20.00 alpha directory. Is unrar now built-in?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok, that is very strange. I normally just do "File/Open Project File..." and select a *.sln file. CppCheck should really ask whether to change settings. I expected the settings I set in the preferences to hold.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Help

    Mostly C++ source code, but also a bunch of ISO/IEEE/hardware/whitepaper PDFs and a bunch of compiled executables and DLLs. So, a mixed bag.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, it indeed also contains the compiled DLLs and EXEs. I was shocked by the difference the dictionary size makes! It's going from 650MB to 925MB!

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Help

    Since a couple of versions 7z always hangs at 99%. It's really annoying! The settings I use in the GUI are ultra LZMA2 solid wordsize=273 threads=4 Here are some test results for a large project with my source code. Dict at 99% at 100% Result in bytes 96 4:14 4:51 926,860,991 128 4:43 5:26 926,694,121 192 4:25 5:11 822,516,426 256 4:24 5:23 783,999,440 384 5:37 6:02 665,001,573 512 3:36 5:49 647,773,544 As you can see, especially for the 512 MB dictionary a LOOOOOOOONG time is spend at 99%. In this...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Help

    Since a couple of versions 7z always hangs at 99%. It's really annoying! The settings I use in the GUI are ultra LZMA2 solid wordsize=273 threads=4 Here are some test results for a large project with my source code. Dict at 99% at 100% Result in bytes 96 4:14 4:51 926,860,991 128 4:43 5:26 926,694,121 192 4:25 5:11 822,516,426 256 4:24 5:23 783,999,440 384 5:37 6:02 665,001,573 512 3:36 5:49 647,773,544 As you can see, especially for the 512 MB dictionary a LOOOOOOOONG time is spend at 99%.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Test results for Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz (506E3):

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I installed LLVM v10.0 in "C:\Program Files\LLVM". I have Clang-tidy in "C:\Program Files\LLVM\Bin". I have set the path "C:\Program Files\LLVM\Bin" in the preferences in the Clang tab. When I analyze a Visual Studio 2019 *.sln file, CppCheck correctly finds all the projects and the files. But, there are 0 Clang results. I know I'm good, but I also know I'm not THAT good ;) What am I doing wrong?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Developers

    I disabled OpenExr by commenting out the line s_plugins->AddNode(InitEXR); in the Plugin.cpp file. But, the static library is still equally large. Is there a way to completely remove some of the plugins?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This is always how I do it. It's basically, tot_bytes = tot_items * item_size I use the same thing for all the places I have to supply a buffer in bytes instead of objects. How else would you do it? Is there another way it's done in Linux for instance?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This is always how I do it. It's basically, tot_bytes = tot_items * item_size I use the same thing for all the places I have to supply a buffer in bytes instead of objects like memmove, fread, fwrite, etc. How else would you do it? Is there another way it's done in Linux for instance?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have this: int32 i32NewLen; wchar_t pwcText[256]; // ... memmove(pwcText, &pwcText[i32NewLen], (_countof(pwcText) - i32NewLen) * sizeof(*pwcText)); I get this warning: [E:/Development/Dms v5.0.1/Classes/Miscellaneous.cpp:86] (warning) Division by result of sizeof(). memmove() expects a size in bytes, did you intend to multiply instead? [sizeofDivisionMemfunc] By multiplying the amount of characters (countof(pwcText) - i32NewLen) with the size of a single character sizeof(pwcText) I get a byte count....

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have this: int32 i32NewLen; wchar_t pwcText[256]; // ... memmove(pwcText, &pwcText[i32NewLen], (_countof(pwcText) - i32NewLen) * sizeof(*pwcText)); I get this warning: [E:/Development/Dms v5.0.1/Classes/Miscellaneous.cpp:86] (warning) Division by result of sizeof(). memmove() expects a size in bytes, did you intend to multiply instead? [sizeofDivisionMemfunc] By multiplying the amount of characters (countof(pwcText) - i32NewLen) with the size of a single character sizeof(pwcText) I get a byte count....

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This problem has come back again in v1.90. I have a base class with a virtual function. I have a derived class with that same function, but marked as 'override'. I get this warning : [E:/Development/Dms v5.0.1/AccessControl/CSodaMachine.h:363] (warning) Virtual function 'SetControlPositions' is called from constructor 'CSodaMachine(voidhWndParent,CTabInfopTabInfo)' at line 166. Dynamic binding is not used. [virtualCallInConstructor]

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This problem has come back again in v1.90. I have a base class with a virtual function. I have a derived class with that same function, but marked as 'override'. I get this warning : [E:/Development/Dms v5.0.1/AccessControl/CSodaMachine.h:363] (warning) Virtual function 'SetControlPositions' is called from constructor 'CSodaMachine(void*hWndParent,CTabInfo*pTabInfo)' at line 166. Dynamic binding is not used. [virtualCallInConstructor]

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This problem has come back again in v1.90. I have a base class with a virtual function. I have a derived class with that same function, but marked as 'override'. I get this warning : [E:/Development/Dms v5.0.1/AccessControl/CSodaMachine.h:363] (warning) Virtual function 'SetControlPositions' is called from constructor 'CSodaMachine(voidhWndParent,CTabInfopTabInfo)' at line 166. Dynamic binding is not used. [virtualCallInConstructor]

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the info, but I prefer not to depend on undocumented / unstable features. For now, I'll keep using the 7za external. That also makes sure I have no risk with the license.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    <deleted, replied="" wrong="" thread="" in=""></deleted,>

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is there an API documentation page? I couldn't find it in the help file. Also, I use this in a commercial close source application, so I can't use GPL stuff, only BSD and MIT licenses and such.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is there an API documentation page? I couldn't find it in the help file. Also, I use this in a commercial close source application, so I can't use GPL stuff, only BSD and MIT licenses and such.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Help

    Unfortunately, that won't work because I call 7za from another application. I solved it myself though with this call: Safe_wcsnprintf(pwcCommand, _countof(pwcCommand), L"7za.exe a -mx5 \"%s.7z\" \"%s\"", pwc7zFilename, pwcLogFilename); if(CreateProcess(nullptr, pwcCommand, nullptr, nullptr, false, CREATE_NO_WINDOW | IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, nullptr, nullptr, &startupInfo, &processInfo)) { // Wait for the compression to finish WaitForSingleObject(processInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); }

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Help

    Unfortunately, that won't work because I call 7za from another application. I solved it myself though with this call: ` Safe_wcsnprintf(pwcCommand, _countof(pwcCommand), L"7za.exe a -mx5 \"%s.7z\" \"%s\"", pwc7zFilename, pwcLogFilename); if(CreateProcess(nullptr, pwcCommand, nullptr, nullptr, false, CREATE_NO_WINDOW | IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, nullptr, nullptr, &startupInfo, &processInfo)) { // Wait for the compression to finish WaitForSingleObject(processInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); }`

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm trying to use 7za in the background so I want it to start with idle priority. How do I activate this in 7za? I mean this (Windows win32 API) : SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS);

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the reply, and HUGE thanks for the best archiver available! Where can I find 7za.exe v1902? It's not in the archive of the first comment of this forum thread.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the reply, and HUGE thanks for the best archiver available!

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is this version now safe for daily use? Or are there errors/problems?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is this version now safe to use? Or are there errors/problems?

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Development

    So, basically another open source application took some of your code? Isn't that the whole idea behind open source? (apart from leaving out the copyright comments) I would actually be surprised if a lot of open source would NOT find its way into closed source software as well. I now see it's Tencent. That is a Chinese company. Obviously they steal pretty much everything. They don't care about copyrights and patents and such in China.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Development

    So, basically another open source application took some of your code? Isn't that the whole idea behind open source? (apart from leaving out the copyright comments) I would actually be surprised if a lot of open source would NOT find its way into closed source software as well. I now see it's Tencent. That is a Chinese company. Obviously they steal pretty much everything. They don't care about copyrights and patents and such In China.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion Development

    So, basically another open source application took some of your code? Isn't that the whole idea behind open source? (apart from leaving out the copyright comments) I would actually be surprised if a lot of open source would NOT find its way into closed source software as well.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Development

    So, basically another open source application took some of your code? Isn't that the whole idea behind open source? (apart from leaving out the copyright comments) I would actually be surprised if a lot of open source would NOT find its way into closed source software aswell.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion Development

    Aren't there an MIT license and a FreeBSD license that are more permissive? Then no one has to worry about legal non-sense.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    So it has to do with the difference between a cast and a constructor? cast : (HWND)lParam constructor : HWND(lParam) I always use the second notation, because almost all classes have a bunch of constructors, but not many classes have explicit cast functions.

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have many constructions like this in my code: 1 case WM_COMMAND: // 0x111 2 // What command message was sent? 3 switch(HIWORD(wParam)) 4 { 5 case CBN_SELENDOK: // 0x09 6 // The user changed the selection of a combo box 7 if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboDsn) 8 OnSelectDsn(); 9 else if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboSite) 10 OnSelectSite(); 11 else if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboMember) 12 OnSelectMember(); 13 else 14 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, u32Msg, wParam, lParam); 15 break; 16 17 default: 18 return DefWindowProc(hWnd,...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have many constructions like this in my code: 1 case WM_COMMAND: // 0x111 2 // What command message was sent? 3 switch(HIWORD(wParam)) 4 { 5 case CBN_SELENDOK: // 0x09 6 // The user changed the selection of a combo box 7 if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboDsn) 8 OnSelectDsn(); 9 else if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboSite) 10 OnSelectSite(); 11 else if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboMember) 12 OnSelectMember(); 13 else 14 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, u32Msg, wParam, lParam); 15 break; 16 17 default: 18 return DefWindowProc(hWnd,...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have many constructions like this in my code: 1 case WM_COMMAND: // 0x111 2 // What command message was sent? 3 switch(HIWORD(wParam)) 4 { 5 case CBN_SELENDOK: // 0x09 6 // The user changed the selection of a combo box 7 if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboDsn) 8 OnSelectDsn(); 9 else if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboSite) 10 OnSelectSite(); 11 else if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboMember) 12 OnSelectMember(); 13 else 14 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, u32Msg, wParam, lParam); 15 break; 16 17 default: 18 return DefWindowProc(hWnd,...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have many constructions like this in my code: 1 case WM_COMMAND: // 0x111 2 // What command message was sent? 3 switch(HIWORD(wParam)) 4 { 5 case CBN_SELENDOK: // 0x09 6 // The user changed the selection of a combo box 7 if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboDsn) 8 OnSelectDsn(); 9 else if(HWND(lParam) == m_hComboSite) 10 OnSelectSite(); 11 else 12 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, u32Msg, wParam, lParam); 13 break; 14 15 default: 16 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, u32Msg, wParam, lParam); 17 } 18 break; Everytime I...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have the following function: 1 // This function finds the positions of the nibbles in the checksum table 2 void CDataCodec::FindPosInChecksumTable(uint8 u8Data, int32 *pi32Low, int32 *pi32High) const 3 { 4 try 5 { 6 CHECK_MEM_LEAKS 7 8 uint8 u8Nibble; 9 10 // Set the low nibble 11 u8Nibble = uint8(u8Data & 0xf0); 12 13 // Find the low nibble in the checksum look-up table 14 for(*pi32Low=0;*pi32Low<16;(*pi32Low)++) 15 { 16 // Do we have the correct low nibble value? 17 if(u8Nibble == uint8(g_u8ChecksumTable[*pi32Low]...

  • Sander Bouwhuis Sander Bouwhuis modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have the following function: 1 // This function finds the positions of the nibbles in the checksum table 2 void CDataCodec::FindPosInChecksumTable(uint8 u8Data, int32 *pi32Low, int32 *pi32High) const 3 { 4 try 5 { 6 CHECK_MEM_LEAKS 7 8 uint8 u8Nibble; 9 10 // Set the low nibble 11 u8Nibble = uint8(u8Data & 0xf0); 12 13 // Find the low nibble in the checksum look-up table 14 for(*pi32Low=0;*pi32Low<16;(*pi32Low)++) 15 { 16 // Do we have the correct low nibble value? 17 if(u8Nibble == uint8(g_u8ChecksumTable[*pi32Low]...

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